Correction: Democrats-Black Voters story

In a story April 20 about black voters, The Associated Press reported erroneously that White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders noted that black unemployment had reached a record high under President Donald Trump's leadership. Sanders said that black employment, not unemployment, had reached a record high.

Civil rights groups turn to locals to ramp up pressure on Congress to undo citizenship question

Civil rights groups are turning to churches and community groups to pressure Congress to undo a decision to add a question about citizenship to the Census. Civil rights groups turn to locals to ramp up pressure on Congress to undo citizenship question Civil rights groups are turning to churches and community groups to pressure Congress to undo a decision to add a question about citizenship to the Census.

Bernie Sanders in the Deep South

"Sanders explained that he believes his agenda, which includes Medicare for All and free public education, will have an especially "profound and positive" effect on communities of color." Last week, I joined Bernie Sanders in Memphis, Tennessee, and Jackson, Mississippi, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.

White state House candidate: I’m a member of African-American community

A white state House candidate in North Carolina is taking some heat after saying he was already a "member of the African-American community" when asked how he would promote diversity as a lawmaker. Gary Shipman, an attorney, told a crowd in Wilmington on Sunday that he's long been a part of both gay and black communities due to his nearly four decades of legal experience and work within the Democratic Party, the News & Observer reports .

America’s first black billionaire: Trump economy has been good for African-Americans

BET founder Robert L. Johnson, America's first black billionaire, said during a CNBC appearance Friday that black Americans should be encouraged by the growing economy under President Donald Trump. He cited the December jobs report showing that unemployment among black workers was at its lowest since the Labor Department began tracking the data in 1972.

Sanders strives to widen appeal to black voters

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba listens as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., answers a question during a town hall meeting Wednesday in the Mississippi state capital. Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba listens as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., answers a question during a town hall meeting Wednesday in the Mississippi state capital.

Capturing the Flag: The New Documentary Calling on Activists to Defend Democracy

Capturing the Flag chronicles the stories of three voter protection workers-Laverne Berry, Steven Miller and Claire Wright-and the hundreds of voters they fought for in North Carolina before the 2016 election. Its premiere at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival on April 8 comes only months before another pivotal election season-and will hopefully spark an important national dialogue about forming a more universal, and equal, application of voting rights across the country.

Intentionally, And Irritatingly, Like A Martyr

Ezra has a really good piece about people who act as if making claims about the genetic inferiority of African-Americans makes them heroes whose speech is being suppressed rather than elites repeating the same self-justifying myths white elites have been repeating for time out of mind: What bothered me most about Harris's conversation with Murray was the framing. There is nothing more seductive than "forbidden knowledge."

Juan Williams Plays ‘But Trump!’ Three Times in Excusing…

On the Friday overnight edition of Fox News @Night , Juan Williams disingenuously made three attempts to create a false equivalence between Congressional Black Caucus leaders' political and physical embraces of National of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Donald Trump's non-existent relationship with the KKK. Host Shannon Bream and the Daily Caller's Vince Coglianese weren't having any of it, but Williams wouldn't let go.

Tim Scott Tells ‘Communities Of Color’ To Celebrate Trump Tax…

Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina believes minorities and African-Americans should be celebrating President Donald Trump's tax cuts and pointed to black unemployment hitting historic lows under the president's leadership. "I think this is an exciting piece of legislation that every single American from coast to coast should be celebrating, especially in communities of color," Scott said Monday on "Fox & Friends."

For Ellison, 4 Pinocchios downa

On Friday Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler took a look Minnesota Fifth District/DNC Vice Chairman Rep. Keith Ellison's statements about his relationship hate cult leader Louis Farrakhan. Ellison's relationship with Farrakhan goes way back, but it turns out that Farrakhan has several fans in the Democrats' Congressional Black Caucus as well.

CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan CNN has refused to inform its audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democratic politicians and activists to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite. At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan , who routinely calls Jews "satanic" and has said that white people "deserve to die."

RNC: Keith Ellisona s Association with Louis Farrakhan a a Stain on Democratic Partya

The Republican National Committee is demanding that Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez address DNC deputy chairman Keith Ellison's decades-long association with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. "Keith Ellison's long pattern of lies about his ongoing relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who the Anti-Defamation League calls 'America's leading anti-Semite,' has put a stain on the Democrat Party," RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel said in a statement .

Republican Jewish Coalition demands resignation of Democratic leaders with ties to Farrakhan

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has answered those who denounced as anti-Semitic his recent "Jews are my enemy" quote with another broadside, this time tweeting a video clip where he says "The Jews have control over those areas of government" - in referring to the FBI.