Manchin, Capito approve of Trump pulling US out of Paris accord

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. - U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., reiterated their support of President Donald Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris climate agreement during separate appearances Friday on MetroNews "Talkline."

Divide Among GOP In Congress Isn’t Going Anywhere

A rift between conservative and moderate Republicans in Congress is emerging, stalling nearly every legislative push of President Donald Trump's administration. At first glance, it would appear Republicans find themselves in a unique position to drive their agenda.

Republicans: No outside investigation into Russian meddling needed

Key Republicans Wednesday emphatically resisted growing calls for an outside, independent investigator or a special panel in the wake of President Donald Trump's abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey. Republicans control the Senate with 52 of its 100 seats.

White House: Republicans to be rewarded for health care vote

" The Republican Party will be rewarded for doing "what's right" by voting to overhaul a "failing and collapsing" health care system, a top aide to President Donald Trump asserted as Democrats and at least one outside group began laying the groundwork to challenge the GOP for control of the House in the 2018 midterm election. The health advocacy group Save My Care on Monday announced the launch of a six-figure TV and digital advertising campaign beginning this week, targeting 24 Republican House members who voted last week to repeal the health care law enacted under President Barack Obama.

.com | Trump pushes Senate Republicans to act on health care bill

President Donald Trump urged Senate Republicans on Sunday to "not let the American people down", as the contentious debate over overhauling the US health care systems shifts to Congress' upper chamber, where a vote is potentially weeks, if not months, away. Some senators have already voiced displeasure with the health care bill that cleared the House last week, with Republicans providing all the "yes" votes in the 217-213 count.

GOP crafting new health care plan for retired unionized miners

Coal companies say a new Republican plan to extend retiree health benefits is fair, but unionized miners worry it will siphon federal resources they believe should be used for their pensions . The measure, which hasn't yet been introduced, shifts the cost of retiree health insurance from coal companies to the federal government.

Chorus of Conservatives Slam the Republican a Obamacarea Repeal

A growing list of conservative groups and lawmakers balked on Tuesday at House Republicans' plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, condemning the replacement health care bill "Obamacare 2.0." , a Republican health care bill that maintains some of the most popular provisions of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and was revealed on Monday. . "The overwhelming response from our activists is, 'This is not what we meant or expected when we voted for Congress to repeal Obamacare.

Senate Votes to Reverse Obama-Era Coal Rule, Sends to Trump 22 minutes ago

Republicans in Washington took their biggest step yet to reverse Barack Obama's regulatory legacy, dusting off a little-used congressional tool and voting to kill a rule aimed at protecting streams from the effects of coal mining. With the Senate following the House in voting for the measure, President Donald Trump is now poised to be the first president in 16 years to sign a regulatory repeal resolution. It will be only the second rule overturned by the Congressional Review Act -- and for Republicans it's just a start.

Photo provided by Peabody Energy

Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell on Tuesday introduced legislation to maintain health benefits for retired union coal miners whose companies have declared bankruptcy in recent years. McConnell was among those who successfully worked last year to provide a four-month extension of health benefits that protected 16,000 miners whose benefits would otherwise have been cut off on Jan. 1. Democrats made a major push as well, as the government neared a shutdown last December.

Capito calls on Trump to join fight for miners’ benefits

Senator Shelley Moore Capito is calling on President-Elect Donald Trump to make the Miners Protection Act a priority in his first days in office. Capito voted in the majority in favor of the continuing resolution on Friday night to fund the government.

Governor Tomblin Urges Passage of Federal Miners Protection Act –

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin recently issued a statement urging congressional passage of the Miners Protection Act, legislation supported by U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito that would protect health care benefits for retired coal miners and their families: "For decades, West Virginia's coal miners have given tirelessly of themselves to power our nation, lift up our economy and support their families.

Mountwood Park officials give tour of facilities

Park officials hosted a tour Wednesday for representatives of Addiction Recovery Care of Louisa, Ky, The tour also was attended by state delegates and senators, a representative from the West Virginia Attorney General, a representative of U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito and others. Pressley Ridge recently announced it will cease operations at the White Oak facility by the end of January.

Waverly woman to take part in Washington D.C. cancer summit

A Waverly woman will be sharing her story and the story of other cancer patients and survivors during the annual American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Leadership Summit and Lobby Day with federal officials on Sept. 13 in Washington, D.C. Lesa Hunter, of Waverly, will be among more than 700 cancer patients, survivors, volunteers and staff from across the country working on advocacy efforts to ask Congress to take specific steps to make cancer a national priority and help end a disease that still kills 1,600 people a day in the U.S. Hunter volunteers as the ASC CAN lead advocate for the Wood County area, often working through the ACS Cancer Resource Center at Camden Clark Medical Center in Parkersburg.

Correction: Congress-EpiPens-Manchin story

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin remained mum Wednesday as a pharmaceutical company run by his daughter faced mounting criticism for hiking prices on life-saving allergy injection pens. The Democratic West Virginia senator's daughter, Heather Bresch , is CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens.

The GOP Convention, Night Two – Three big hits and a bad miss

Night Two of the GOP convention featured strong speeches throughout much of the evening, but ended off-key. Two of the best speeches came in the 9:00 hour, before the three major networks were covering the event, but while, I assume, many viewers were tuned in on cable channels.