White House indicates Trump would sign new sanctions bill

In this July 13, 2017 photo, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y. pauses during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Congressional Democrats announced Saturday that a bipartisan group of House and Senate negotiators have reached an agreement on a sweeping Russia sanctions package to punish Moscow for meddling in the presidential election and its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria.

Corker: Russia sanctions fight devolves into ‘total silliness’

The House and Senate are still at odds over a Russia sanctions bill that passed in the Senate last week, in a dispute that Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker described Wednesday as "total silliness." The two chambers are quarreling over technical changes that the House Republicans say need to be made in the bill, which passed the Senate 98-2.

Democratic Lawmakers Press Flynn on Middle East Trips

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn speaks during the daily news briefing at the White House, in Washington, Feb. 1, 2017. Democratic lawmakers investigating fired national security adviser Michael Flynn's security clearance said Monday they could not find the hotel Flynn said he stayed at during a 2015 trip to Saudi Arabia or any record of a conference he reported attending.

House Dems question Flynn disclosures of Middle East travel

Two top House Democrats are questioning whether former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn failed to report a 2015 trip to the Middle East to security clearance investigators. Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings and New York and Rep. Eliot Engel say in a letter Monday that they believe Flynn may have violated federal law by failing to disclose the trip, which they believe involved a proposal to develop nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia.

House backs new North Korea sanctions

Determined to exert greater economic pressure on North Korea, the Republican-led House on Thursday overwhelmingly voted to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang targeting its shipping industry and use of slave labor. Lawmakers approved the measure on a 419-1 vote as tensions continued to mount over North Korea's advancing nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Dems press Trump to restore family planning funding

Scores of House Democrats are pressing the Trump administration to reinstate funding for an international program dedicated to family planning and women's reproductive health. The State Department earlier this month announced it would pull all U.S. funding for the United Nations Population Fund , citing concerns that the money would subsidize coercive abortion services overseas, particularly in China.

US a prepared to do morea in Syria if chemical weapons used again

After launching air strikes against a Syrian air base on Thursday, the U.S. indicated that while it had no plans for any further escalation against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, it could not be totally ruled out either. "We are prepared to do more, but we hope that will not be necessary," Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said during an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting on Friday.

Congressman: “United States can and must do more to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its actions”

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Congressman Ed Royce addressed the Armenian Assembly of America's on March 4 at Gala "Celebrating the Future" night. Last Congress, Congressman Royce spearheaded a letter with Ranking Member Eliot Engel urging then-U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, James Warlick, to "publicly condemn specific acts of aggression along the line of contact."

Congressman won’t shake hands with Trump before speech

Ohio-based Lukjan Metal Products has selected Sidney... -- Two Houston police officers were injured in a shooting Tuesday afternoon, according to the Houston Police Department.Cameras flying overhead showed the officers b... -- Duchess Kate on Tuesday met with sick children and their families at a London children's hospital, continuing her growing charitable work.Kate, 35, dressed in a bl... The National Pork Producers Council applauds an executive order issued today by President Trump that begins the process of rescinding or rewriting a controversial Clean... The Western Nebraska Community College women's basketball team will host Gillette College in the regular season finale on Tuesday at 6 p.m. The Cougars, who have won thei... -- Tim Tebow said the start of his spring training debut at the New York Mets training facility in Port St. Lucie, Florida, "feels great."

Democrats call for more inquiries after national security adviser Michael Flynna s resignation

Democratic lawmakers reacted quickly after White House national security adviser Michael Flynn announced his resignation late Monday, calling for more inquiries into Flynn's dealings with Russia. Flynn stepped down just days after he apologized to Vice President Mike Pence for misleading him about his conversations with Russia's U.S. ambassador.

US House passes motion repudiating UN resolution on Israel

The US House of Representatives passed a scathing rebuke Thursday night to a United Nations Security Council resolution the Obama administration allowed through last month that condemned Israeli settlements as illegal. House Resolution 11 declared the UN motion a "one-sided" effort that is an obstacle to peace, placing disproportionate blame on Israel for the continuation of the conflict and encouraging Palestinians from engaging in direct, bilateral negotiations.

Lack of American Leadership,’ – Unconscionable’: At Least 15 Senate…

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power addresses the U.N. Security Council on December 23, 2016 after the U.S. abstention allowed passage of a resolution condemning Israel for settlement activity in disputed territory. Republican lawmakers unsurprisingly slammed a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel and the Obama administration's decision to allow it to pass, but almost one-third of the Democratic caucus in the U.S. Senate 15 of the 46 senators have also come out publicly since Friday against the move.

Clyburn retains power among Democrats a ” despite whispers, without challenge

There was a moment this week when what appeared to be a challenge to the leadership standing of South Carolina's Rep. Jim Clyburn could have turned nasty. It didn't because, according to Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, Clyburn is "ridiculously loyal."

US lawmakers express concern over foreign conflicts of Trump

Citing his meeting with Indian businessmen, Democratic lawmakers have expressed concerns over "conflict of interest" of Donald Trump, with one Senator planning to introduce a resolution asking the President-elect to ensure that his dealings do not violate the Constitution. Senator Ben Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and a senior Member of Senate Finance Committee, has said he will introduce a resolution next week stating the sense of Congress that President-elect Trump should convert his assets to simple, conflict-free holdings, adopt blind trusts, or take other equivalent measures, in order to ensure consistency with the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution.

Leaders Show Support For New York Families Living With Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness was marked in New York State in June following the state Senate's recent passing of a special resolution. "This is a victory for the 390,000 people with Alzheimer's disease in New York and their 1.1 million caregivers," said Jennifer Scheuermann, interim executive director of the Alzheimer's Association Hudson Valley Chapter.

Dems demand gun votes, loudly, in 2-minute House session

" House Democrats continued their disruptive demands for votes on gun control Tuesday, though this time the commotion lasted less than two minutes. Less than a week after staging a near 26-hour sit-in on the House floor that garnered widespread attention, a half-dozen Democrats stood in the nearly empty chamber and loudly demanded recognition during a session held strictly for procedural business.