Today in American Ethnic Cleansing

Weeks of confusion and inconsistencies from immigration officials ended on Monday after authorities deported a Palestinian man who had been living in the U.S. for nearly 40 years. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had kept Amer Othman Adi, 57, in detention for two weeks, ignoring a House Judiciary Committee request that the Department of Homeland Security review his case, which would have allowed him to temporarily remain in the U.S. "In a highly irregular rebuke of Congressional authority by ICE, Amer Othman was ripped from his four daughters, his wife, and the country that he has called home for over thirty years," Rep. Tim Ryan , who had been fighting his deportation, said in a statement.

Kasich appoints Youngstown judge to replace O’Neill

Republicans again will occupy all seven seats on the Ohio Supreme Court with Gov. John Kasich's appointment of a justice to fill the unexpired term of the departing William M. O'Neill. Kasich, a second-term Republican, announced Thursday that Mary DeGenaro, a judge on the Youngstown-based Seventh District Court of Appeals, will fill O'Neill's unexpired term through Jan. 1. The choice of DeGenaro was politically predictable since she has been endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party and her appointment will allow her to run as a seated justice.

Correction: Future of Work-Running the Robots-ABRIDGED story

In a story Aug. 15 about automation in manufacturing, The Associated Press erroneously attributed a report that forecast 2 million new American manufacturing jobs in the next decade. It should have cited The Manufacturing Institute, not the American Manufacturing Institute.

High-tech U.S. plants offer jobs even as the laid-off struggle

NORWOOD, Ohio - Herbie Mays is 3M proud, and it shows - in the 3M shirt he wears; in the 3M ring he earned after three decades at the company's plant in suburban Cincinnati; in the way he shows off a card from a 3M supervisor, praising Mays as "a GREAT employee." Mays' last day at 3M was in March.

Clinton blasts Russia, Trump softens immigration stance

Setting the stage on Labor Day for a critical month in their testy presidential campaign, Donald Trump softened his stance on immigration while Hillary Clinton blasted Russia for its suspected tampering in the U.S. electoral process. In a rare news conference aboard her new campaign plane, Clinton said she is concerned about "credible reports about Russian government interference in our elections."

Clinton says ‘conspiracy theories’ about her health not a concern

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, on Monday said that she was not distracted by rumors of ill health and that attacks on the Clinton Foundation were not rooted in fact. WASHINGTON Phyllis Schlafly, who became a "founding mother" of the modern U.S. conservative movement by battling feminists in the 1970s and working tirelessly to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment, died on Monday at the age of 92, her Eagle Forum group said.

The Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump blames media for falling poll numbers

Beset by sagging poll numbers, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is stepping up his attacks on news organizations, suggesting that biased coverage is turning the election against him. In speeches, tweets and TV appearances, Trump and his backers in recent days suggested he would be ahead in the polls if the media didn't favor his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Youngstown convenience store operator loses federal appeal

George Rafidi, 62, is serving a 94 month sentence for assault on a federal officer and possessing a firearm following a confrontation with law enforcement officials who wanted to search his Lordstown home as part of a food stamp fraud investigation. Investigators say that when Rafidi answered the door of his Pleasant Valley Drive home in October 2014, he made threatening remarks and was carrying a gun.