Court rules man treated for mental illness can have a gun

A Michigan man who can't buy a gun because he was briefly treated for mental health problems in the 1980s has won a key decision from a federal appeals court, which says the burden is on the government to justify a lifetime ban against him. The Second Amendment case was significant enough for 16 judges on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to participate.

Trump suggests Clinton’s Secret Service agents disarm

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump raised the threat of violence against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton again on Friday, suggesting her Secret Service guards voluntarily disarm and "see what happens to her." Members of Clinton's government-appointed guard detail should abandon their weapons because she wants to "destroy your Second Amendment," Trump said, referring to the US Constitution's clause that enshrines the rights of Americans to bear arms.

Donald Trump on unarmed Hillary Clinton guards: ‘Let’s see what happens’

Donald Trump was making his usual sarcastic call for Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents to be stripped of their firearms when he added an aside to his rally remarks: "Let's see what happens to her." Trump has long incorrectly suggested his Democratic opponent wants to overturn the Second Amendment and take away Americans' right to own guns.

Trump on unarmed Clinton guards: ‘Let’s see what happens’

Donald Trump was making his usual sarcastic call for Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents to be stripped of their firearms when he added an aside to his rally remarks: "Let's see what happens to her." Soon after, Clinton's campaign said such a reference to violence was out of bounds.

Veto Override Makes Missouri Newest a Stand Your Grounda State

On September 14 Missouri's Republican lawmakers overrode Governor Jay Nixon's veto of SB 656 and made Missouri the newest "Stand Your Ground" state. Breitbart News previously reported that the veto override also abolished permitting requirements for law-abiding citizens who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights by carrying handguns on their persons for self-defense.

Ruling loosens ban on owning guns after minor convictions

A federal appeals court has ruled that some people convicted of comparatively minor state crimes should get a chance to legally own guns, issuing a divided decision that reshapes longstanding rules. The narrowly divided 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday sided with two Pennsylvania residents, deeming their crimes as minor even though they could have produced jail time of more than two years.

Hillary Wants To Shut Down Non-Compliant Gun Dealers

In response to a questionnaire given to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Hillary Clinton referenced a Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco and Firearm statistic that says many gun dealers do not follow federal gun laws but few have their licenses revoked. "New York has no control over another state's gun laws, so it has to depend on the federal government to enforce federal firearms laws against irresponsible gun dealers across the country.

Psychiatrists Reminded To Refrain From Armchair Analysis Of Public Figures

On the organization's website APA president Maria A. Oquendo wrote : "The unique atmosphere of this year's election cycle may lead some to want to psychoanalyze the candidates, but to do so would not only be unethical, it would be irresponsible." Dr. Oquendo was referring to the "Goldwater Rule," a guideline adopted by the APA after a 1964 survey of psychiatrists found that nearly half of those polled felt that GOP presidential candidate Barry Goldwater was psychologically unfit to be president.

Reagan’s daughter blasts Trump: My father was shot by someone…

Ronald Reagan's daughter, Patti Davis, was among the many Americans outraged by Donald Trump's threat that gun owners should do something to stop his opponent from nominating liberal judges. Davis, an author and anti-nuclear weapons activist, reminded the Republican presidential nominee that her father had been shot and wounded shortly after his inauguration by a would-be assassin who was inspired by an unwitting celebrity.

Trump says Second Amendment comment refers to ‘political power’

Hours after setting off fresh controversy during a speech in Wilmington, N.C., Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump insisted that he had not intended to encourage violence against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton with his allusion to "Second Amendment people" who could stop the Democratic candidate from stacking the Supreme Court with antigun justices. " This is a political movement ," Mr. Trump said in an interview with FOX News afterward.

Donald Trump blames media for 2nd Amendment flap

On the defensive once again, Donald Trump is blaming faulty interpretations and media bias for an uproar over his comments about the Second Amendment. He's insisting he never advocated violence against Hillary Clinton, even as undeterred Democrats pile on.

Trump savaged over ‘gun backers might stop Clinton’ comment

Democrats have attacked US presidential nominee Donald Trump after he ignited a fresh political firestorm by declaring gun rights supporters might still find a way to stop Hillary Clinton, even if she should defeat him and then name anti-gun Supreme Court justices. Democrats have attacked US presidential nominee Donald Trump after he ignited a fresh political firestorm by declaring gun rights supporters might still find a way to stop Hillary Clinton, even if she should defeat him and then name anti-gun Supreme Court justices.