Maduro seeks probe of opposition over Trump’s military talk

President Nicolas Maduro asked the pro-government constitutional assembly Monday to investigate the opposition for allegedly supporting Donald Trump's remarks on using military action to resolve Venezuela's political crisis. Addressing a rally of government supporters, Maduro said Trump's comments were prompted by the failure of the opposition's campaign to oust him after months of destabilizing protests.

Latin America rejects Trump’s military threat against Venezuela

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro gestures as he speaks during a session of the National Constituent Assembly at Palacio Federal Legislativo in Caracas, Venezuela August 10, 2017. Photo: Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino After months of attacking Venezuela's unpopular President Nicolas Maduro, Latin America came out strongly against US threats of military action against the crisis-hit nation.

Venezuela Slams `Madness’ as Trump Suggests Military Action

Venezuela will defend itself from the "madness" of Donald Trump, its defense minister said, a day after the U.S. president said he's considering a military option in response to the escalating political and economic crisis in the oil-producing nation. "It is an act of madness, it is a supreme act of extremism," Vladimir Padrino said Saturday in statements to Venezuela's state broadcaster VTV.

Trump Warns of Potential U.S. ‘Military Option’ in Venezuela

President Donald Trump said he's considering a military option in response to the political and economic crisis in Venezuela, raising the specter of a U.S. intervention in Latin America that could spread turmoil in the region. Trump's statement suggested the U.S. may get more deeply involved in Venezuela, which has been subject to increasing sanctions since President Nicolas Maduro convened a national assembly designed to rewrite the country's constitution and consolidate his power.

Trump Warns of Potential `Military Option’ by U.S. in Venezuela

President Donald Trump said he's considering a military option in response to the political and economic crisis in Venezuela, raising the specter of an U.S. intervention in Latin America that could spread turmoil in the region. Trump's statement suggested the U.S. may get more deeply involved in Venezuela, which has been subject to increasing sanctions since President Nicolas Maduro convened a national assembly designed to rewrite the country's constitution and consolidate his power.

US oil industry pushes back on sanctions against Venezuela

The Trump administration's decision on Wednesday to slap sanctions on eight members of Venezuela's all-powerful constitutional assembly brings to 30 the number of government loyalists targeted for human rights abuses and violations of democratic norms since anti-government protests began in April. But even as the list of targeted individuals grows longer, promised economic sanctions have yet to materialize amid an outcry by the U.S. oil industry that a potential ban on petroleum imports from Venezuela - the third-largest supplier to the U.S. - would hurt U.S. jobs and drive up gas costs.

Treasury Department levies sanctions on eight people involved in Venezuelaa s a Constituent Assemblya

The U.S. Treasury Department announced a new series of sanctions against several members of Venezuela's Constituent Assembly on Wednesday, including the brother of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The Treasury Department designated seven current or former officials of the Venezuelan government and one person who "participated in actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Venezuela."

Reports from Cuba: If Venezuela goes to hell, will things look bad for Cuba?

Soot covers the unpainted facades of buildings on Tenth of October Boulevard. Old American cars from the 1950s, rebuilt with modern diesel engines and now privately operated as taxis, transit across asphalt, leaving behind a trail of black smoke and the unpleasant odor of gasoline.

Clashes in Venezuela as Maduro starts constitutional rewrite

Thousands of protesters were met with plumes of tear gas in Venezuela's capital Wednesday, just a short distance from where President Nicolas Maduro delivered a decree kicking off a process to rewrite the polarized nation's constitution. Surrounded by top-ranking socialist officials, a riled-up Maduro told supporters dressed in red outside the National Electoral Council that the constitutional assembly was needed to instill peace against a violent opposition.

US businesses getting hammered by Venezuela crisis

The political and economic crisis in Venezuela is costing US companies dearly, as General Motors can attest following the unexpected nationalisation of its plant there. The big auto-maker shut down its operations in Venezuela and laid off its 2,700 workers after the Government last Wednesday seized the plant, which had been idle because of the chaotic market environment.

They Took The Guns Away? Isn’t That Supposed To Be Impossible?

The socialist leader of Venezuela announced in a speech to regime loyalists his plan to arm hundreds of thousands of supporters after a years-long campaign to confiscate civilian-owned guns. "A gun for every militiaman!" Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said to uniformed militia members outside the presidential palace, Fox News reported on Tuesday .

Trump Assembles a War Cabinet to Meet Foreign Threats

Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, has been known for his criticism of President Obama for failing to identify radical Islamists as the enemy. But his book expands the list of enemies to Russia, which seems like a strange pick since Flynn had appeared at the Russia Today propaganda channel's 10th anniversary celebration in Moscow, sitting next to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump responds to Fidel Castro’s death

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Fidel Castro as the "symbol of an era," the Kremlin said in a statement Saturday. Former London mayor Ken Livingstone said Mr Castro was an "absolute giant of the 20th century", and blamed the US for the restrictions on civil liberties under his leadership.

In Florida, a shifting Cuban vote could be the difference

Francis Suarez comes from a long line of civic and political leaders who have formed the Republican bedrock in south Florida's Cuban community for a half-century. Yet the 38-year-old Miami city commissioner hasn't decided whether he will vote for his party's presidential nominee.

Venezuela: Clinton emails reveal direct US sabotage

As US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton led a team committed to delegitimising the politics of the late socialist president Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution, secret emails published by WikiLeaks reveal. Clinton publicly welcomed improved relations with Venezuela as Secretary of State, but she privately ridiculed the country and continued to support destabilisation efforts, leaked emails show.