Readers’ appetite for Trump White House exposes tested

Satirists and comedians are not the only benefactors of the scandal-ridden Trump White House - publishers, too, have ridden a wave of interest around a presidency that defies ordinary description. Be they cash-ins or penetrating portraits, Australian readers have been keen to know more about the businessman-turned-politician, but the appetite for Trump exposes is to be tested with a slew of new titles due on bookshop shelves in the lead up to Christmas.

McCain, in new memoir, chides Trump for undermining U.S. values

U.S. Senator John McCain rebukes President Donald Trump in a new memoir, accusing his fellow Republican of failing to uphold U.S. values by showering praise on international "tyrants," discrediting the media, ignoring human rights and demeaning refugees. "Flattery secures his friendship, criticism his enmity," wrote McCain in "The Restless Wave," which he co-authored with longtime aide Mark Salter.

Historian David McCullough’s perspective on Donald Trump

The renowned historian's latest book, "The American Spirit," a collection of speeches he has delivered over the past three decades, begins with his 1989 address to a joint session of Congress and ends with 2016 remarks in the Capitol's Statuary Hall, both of which included calls for lawmakers to live up to the history of the building. This week, his publisher, Simon & Schuster, is delivering the book to every member of the House and Senate with an inscription letting them know they "can enact change and help close the gap to common ground."

Clinton book has sold more than 300,000 copies new

Clinton's book about her stunning loss in 2016 to Donald Trump sold more than 300,000 copies in the combined formats of hardcover, e-book and audio, Simon & Schuster told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The book's hardcover sales of 168,000 was the highest opening for any nonfiction release in five years, according to NPD BookScan, which tracks around 85 percent of retail print sales.

AP NewsBreak: Clinton will reflect on 2016 race in new book

In this Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Broward College in Coconut Creek, Fla. Clinton has a lot of plans for 2017, including some reflections on her stunning loss to Donald Trump.

Louisiana congressman sues over prostitution allegations

U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana filed a defamation lawsuit Monday against the author and publisher of a book that alleges the Republican congressman was involved with prostitutes who were later killed. The lawsuit claims author Ethan Brown and Simon & Schuster , which published Brown 's book "Murder in the Bayou," have made statements that "were known to be false when made or were made with malicious intent and reckless disregard for the truth."

Hillary Clintona s new book underscores Democratic Partya s leftward shift since 1992

Twenty-four years after Bill Clinton published "Putting People First," Hillary Clinton is about to produce her own policy tome: "Stronger Together: A Blueprint for America's Future." The 249-page book, which was co-written with her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, is set to be published on Sept.