Ask the State Dept: If My Family Is Rather Tan, Will They Be Mistaken For the Brown Criminal Infestaton Your President Fears, and Can They Choose the Size of Their Cage?

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ICE chief won’t say if family separation policy is humane

Thomas Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement , appeared on CNN Tuesday evening to defend the Trump administration's policy of separating families at the southern border. According to a recent Department of Homeland Security report , 2,000 migrant children were separated from their parents between April 19 and May 31. "From your perspective, and you have a distinguished career in law enforcement and we're grateful for the important work you did, but is this new zero-tolerance policy that the president has supported that the attorney general announced, is it humane?" Blitzer asked.

A Healthy Political Movement

The armed man who for more than an hour blocked a highway near the Hoover Dam with an armored truck and held a sign that said "Release the OIG report" is in an Arizona jail accused of several felonies, police said Saturday. Matthew Phillip Wright, 30, of Henderson, Nevada, is accused of terrorist acts, unlawful flight from law enforcement, carrying a weapon in the commission of a felony and misconduct involving weapons.

Believe Them

Modern conservatives (including elected Republicans) aren't very shy about advertising their racism and cruelty. It isn't hidden. You don't have to call a fire engine siren a "dog whistle." They don't bother with the dog whistles anymore.

Patriotic Millionaire on SCOTUS Gerrymandering Decisions:…

"It is ridiculous that the court entrusted with protecting our constitutional rights finds procedural semantics more important than a glaring perversion of our democracy." WASHINGTON - This morning, following the Supreme Court's decision to punt on the two partisan gerrymandering cases it was considering in Wisconsin and Maryland, the Chair of the Patriotic Millionaires Morris Pearl, former managing director at BlackRock, Inc., released the following statement: "The Supreme Court decided today to sidestep justice and punt on ensuring all Americans have equal political representation.

Susan Collins Can’t Pick A Side On The ‘Tearing Children From Their Parents’ Trump Policy

Senator Susan Collins refuses to pick a side on the Trump/Miller "tearing kids away from their asylum-seeking parents and placing them in concentration like detention centers" debate. In this clip, she is pseudo-defending the Trump policy...while also kind of not.

Trump: Madman, threat, terrorist, traitor

Peevish little spoiled brat Donald Trump is complaining that he's not getting enough credit for his stage, reality-show styled summit that wasn't with North Korean Kim Jong Un. Even his Republican lockstep followers offer - at best - lukewarm thoughts while Democrats, America's shrinking number of allies around the world and the media at large call it vague and lacking of details and clear objectives.

Fox News Priest Slams Jeff Sessions For Separating Families: ‘This Cannot Be Justified’ By The Bible

A Fox News religious panel clashed on Sunday over a Trump administration policy that separates immigrant children from their parents. During a panel discussion with four religious leaders, Fox News host Pete Hegseth noted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had used the Bible to defend Trump's immigration policy.

Giuliani Melts Down Defending Trump Lies: ‘Lying Breaks One Of The Commandments — I Think’

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani dismissed President Donald Trump's misstatements and untruths on Sunday, but he admitted that lying breaks one of the Bible's Ten Commandments. During an interview on CNN, host Jake Tapper noted that Trump had lied about his role in crafting a statement to deny that his son met with a Russian lawyer to get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.

Where Are The Girls Being Detained By The Trump Administration?

It took the publicity brought by Sen. Jeff Merkley, among others, to finally make Americans aware of the horrendous policy of housing children ripped away from their parents who have come through border points to seek asylum. ICE made detention centers available for the media to tour to show that the children are not being housed in cages, have beds to sleep on and activities to do.

Blues Brothers’ Matt ‘Guitar’ Murphy Dies

Matt "Guitar" Murphy, guitarist for the Blues Brothers and noted sideman for blues legends like Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters and Memphis Slim, died Friday at the age of 88. A veteran of the legendary Chicago blues scene of the Forties and Fifties, Murphy worked alongside artists ranging from Ike Turner and Etta James to blues musicians like James Cotton, Willie Dixon and Sonny Boy Williamson.