Trump Tweets That Dr. Blasey Ford Must Be Lying, And Other News

At rally, President Trump stands by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual assault allegation: "Brett Kavanaugh is one of the finest human beings you will ever have the privilege of knowing or meeting...this is a high quality person." I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents.

‘Green News Report’ – September 20, 2018

Hurricane Florence floodwaters pose toxic public health threat; NC begins long road of recovery; PLUS : Trump Interior Dept. formally rolls back still more methane regulations... Also: Toxic disaster begins after Florence; AL SoS sued for Twitter blocking ; Bad news for 'dark money', good news for voters... Guest: Salon's Heather Digby Parton; Also: Florence fallout made worst by Trump tariffs; Judge allows use of GA's 100% unverifiable touchscreen voting systems in November... Florence wreaks havoc, death in 4 states; Strongest storm of year slams Philippines, Hong Kong; PLUS : Aftermath of Boston-area natural gas pipeline explosions... Guest host Angie Coiro with special guest Chris Hedges on his new book.

Experts Say Trump’s Hostility To The WTO Could Cripple It

The World Trade Organization is rarely in the headlines - but the Trump administration's hostility and the issues connected with Brexit and the U.S.-China trade dispute has pushed the WTO to the fore. President Trump has attacked organizations such as NATO and the European Union for what he sees as taking advantage of America.

How to Grow More Food While Slowing Down Climate Change

Two new studies have confirmed that farmers can win both ways, achieving a boost in harvests and helping to slow climate change. One says that they can successfully farm with techniques that can help slow global warming and add to the store of carbon sequestered in the soils around the globe.

Further Evidence That the Tax Cuts Have Not Led to Widespread Bonuses, Wage or Compensation Growth

Following the bill's passage, a number of corporations made conveniently-timed announcements that their workers would be getting raises or bonuses. One of the leading arguments for the GOP's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has been that it will raise the wages of rank-and-file workers, with congressional Republicans and members of the Trump administration promising raises of many thousands of dollars within ten years.

The Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Are Not Simply a ‘He Said, She Said’ Situation

Prosecutors look for corroborating evidence - and there are strong indications already that Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth about her attack Allegations of sexual assault are deserving of a full and fair investigation, particularly when a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court is at stake. We now have the specifics of an alleged attack Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor, says occurred in the 1980s when she and Judge Brett Kavanaugh were in high school in Maryland.

A Full Investigation Is Needed Into the Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh

The Senate cannot move forward with this lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land without considering the results of a fair, non-partisan, and complete process. Over the weekend, details of serious charges of sexual assault alleged to have been committed by Judge Brett Kavanaugh became public, as did the name of the woman raising these allegations.

Ford is Courageous. Kavanaugh Must Go

Christine Blasey Ford courageously came forward about being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh so she could tell the truth about a traumatic event. Although she should never have had to take this step, her bravery is leading the way for other women to hold Kavanaugh accountable and defend our democracy and the safety of women.

Common Cause Calls for Delay of Kavanaugh SCOTUS Vote

Today, Common Cause called on the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay its scheduled vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court in light of new allegations of sexual assault by the nominee. In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Common Cause urged the committee to require Kavanaugh to testify under oath about the accusations.