Canadian Users of Legalized Marijuana Could Face Lifetime Bans From…

While nearly all border states have some form of legalized marijuana use, it remains illegal under U.S. federal law and will classify those who work in the marijuana industry as drug traffickers. As Canada prepares to legalize marijuana nationwide beginning October 17th, a high-level official in the Trump administration says the United States will now start implementing possible lifetime bans on Canadian citizens who are cannabis users, industry workers, or investors.

‘Bigger, Stronger, and More Dangerous’ Than Florence, Super Typhoon Mangkhut Strikes the Philippines

Amid ongoing media coverage about the dangers of Hurricane Florence-which has already killed multiple people in North Carolina-and warnings from extreme weather experts that such storms are made worse by human-caused climate crisis, the " bigger, stronger, and more dangerous " Super Typhoon Mangkhut made landfall early Saturday in the northern Philippines with sustained winds of 165 mph and gusts up to 200 mph.

After Decades as Progressive Champion, Willie Nelson Somehow Angers…

Country musician and longtime progressive activist Willie Nelson has announced plans to perform at a rally for Rep. Beto O'Rourke , who is running to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz . Country music icon Willie Nelson's decades of progressive political activism appeared to have gone unnoticed by many of his right-wing fans, with outrage erupting this week over the musician's plans to perform at a rally for Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Beto O'Rourke.

Tangled in the Garden of Good and Evil

Un village franA ais, a French tv series, focuses on a fictional rural community that endures a tightening vise of German control for more than four years. The most widely acclaimed TV series ever about the Nazi occupation of France is a relentless epic with little use for the familiar images of craven collaborators and selfless resisters.

Why John Bolton Should Be Tried at International Criminal Court

National Security Adviser John Bolton appears to be spiraling down into the same miasma of madness that possesses other members of the Trump administration - perhaps caused by a microbe carried in Trump's sniffle. This week he threatened justices of the International Criminal Court in the Hague with physical abduction were they to dare indict an American for war crimes committed in Afghanistan.

Prisoners Fighting Fires Are Being Denied Justice

Evidence of global climate disruption blankets the Earth, pummeling communities with the full arsenal of nature's fury, from hurricanes, tornadoes, relentless rainstorms and thousand-year floods, to historic droughts and searing heat waves. In California, wildfires have raged in record numbers and intensity, pushing the state's firefighting crews to the limit and busting the state's firefighting budget.

Where is the Democrats’ Contract with America 2018?

So when the words "Democratic Party" are spoken, millions of voters would know what it stands for so they can hold candidates specifically accountable should there be any post-election betrayals. What does the Democratic Party stand for? The big question persists! Typical of the Democrats, they delegated this question to political consultants who came up with the vapid slogan, "A Better Deal."

Trump vents as ‘Fear’ dominates White House focus

President Donald Trump vented over White House leaks Monday as a new tell-all book commands attention, an anonymous writer detailing "resistance" in the administration remains at large and a former staffer reveals more private recordings of the commander in chief. But while Trump continues to insist privately that he wants leakers punished - in particular, the author of an unsigned New York Times opinion piece - it remained unclear if his administration would mete out any discipline.

Trump shuts down Palestinian diplomatic office in Washington

The Trump administration ordered the closure of the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Washington on Monday and threatened sanctions against the International Criminal Court if it pursues investigations against the U.S., Israel, or other allies. The moves are likely to harden Palestinian resistance to the U.S. role as a peace broker.

Trump not even close on latest economic claims

President Donald Trump pitched a wildly off-base claim about economic growth Monday as the White House used selective statistics to build a case that the economy is doing much better than when Barack Obama was in office. The attention on Obama comes as the ex-president steps back into the political arena on behalf of Democrats in the November elections.