Revealed: The Secret KGB Manual for Recruiting Spies

Prince Harry interviews Barack Obama - 2017 began with Barack Obama leaving the White House and handing over the baton of the presidency to Donald Trump. - Our guest editor today, Prince Harry, met President Obama, in Toronto in September during the Invictus Games to talk about his memories Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles - WASHINGTON, D.C. - Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years.

Roy Moore: Maybe America’s the focus of evil in the modern world

This clip is four months old but it's making the rounds now because CNN played it during an interview with Moore spokesman Janet Porter a few nights ago and the rest of the media has suddenly picked it up . A fun story about Porter, by the way, from author Nancy French, who remembers running into her at the Values Voter Summit in 2008 when French and her husband David were backing Mitt Romney instead of Mike Huckabee.

Gay man to run against Kentucky clerk who denied him marriage license

A gay man who was denied a marriage license in Kentucky two years ago by a county clerk who refused to issue licenses for same-sex marriages will run to unseat her next year, he said on Wednesday. David Ermold, of Morehead, Kentucky, announced his candidacy as a Democrat against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who drew worldwide attention when she refused to grant the licenses to same-sex couples, citing Apostolic Christian beliefs.

Mike Huckabee: ‘Easier to find Bigfoot and Amelia Earhart’ than it is …

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee claimed Sunday it would be nearly impossible to prove collusion between President Trump's associates and Russia. "I think that it's easier to find Bigfoot and Amelia Earhart than it is to find collusion between the Russians and Donald Trump," Huckabee told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning.

News and Fake News What to Believe?

Every day we are inundated with information - perhaps even too much information - but what can we believe? What is real news or fake news? Fact or fiction? Truths, half-truths or lies? Or even so-called alternative facts? With the proliferation of television news channels and social media on the Internet we live in an information overload society with a world of conflicting information. Because of the competitive rush to be the first with breaking news, all too often the first information about a crisis has been wrong and corrected hours or days later.

Rand Paul Endorses Roy Moore in Alabama Senate Race, Annoys Libertarians

If ever there were a would-be colleague who someone of even slight libertarian tendencies should be leery of, it is Roy Moore. Sen. Rand Paul , who among other labels he's used for himself includes "constitutional conservative ," today officially endorsed Republican Alabama Senate candidate, and former state Supreme Court judge, Roy Moore, who likes to describe himself that way as well.

Trump: I Was Tossing ‘Beautiful, Soft Towels’

President Donald Trump appeared on Mike Huckabee's new weekend program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network Saturday, where he derided critics who found his behavior insensitive during a recent visit to Puerto Rico. Trump visited the island Tuesday to tour the federal disaster response to this year's deadly hurricane season.

Trump says will not move US embassy to Jerusalem for now

US President Donald Trump has said he will not go ahead with his controversial pledge to move the American embassy to Jerusalem until after pushing for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. "I wanna give that a shot before I even think about moving the embassy to Jerusalem," Trump said on former governor Mike Huckabee's TV show yesterday, referring to efforts to forge a peace between the two sides that has eluded career diplomats for decades.

Roy Moore’s Victory Should Be A Wake-Up Call To Every Republican In Washington

The conservative grassroots won a massive victory yesterday in Alabama when Judge Roy Moore crushed the candidate of the establishment, Luther Strange, in the GOP runoff election for US Senate. Moore was endorsed by many grassroots conservative leaders and groups, including my own - the National Organization for Marriage - and was opposed by the entirety of the Republican establishment, led by Senator Mitch McConnell, who amassed tens of millions for appointed incumbent Luther Strange.

Prominent US religious conservatives defend Trump after Charlottesville

Two prominent religious conservatives defended U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday after he was widely criticized for blaming both white nationalists and counter-protesters for last weekend's violence at a Virginia rally organised by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump responds to a reporter's question after signing a memorandum at the White House in Washington, U.S. on August 14, 2017.

Prominent U.S. religious conservatives defend Trump after Charlottesville

Two prominent religious conservatives defended U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday after he was widely criticized for blaming both white nationalists and counter-protesters for last weekend's violence at a Virginia rally organized by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Evangelical Christian Jerry Falwell Jr said Trump could be more polished and politically correct but is not racist.

Critics slam Trump’s tepid condemnation of violence on – many sides’

President Donald Trump is rarely reluctant to express his opinion, but he is often seized by caution when addressing the violence and vitriol of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and alt-right activists, some of whom are his supporters. After days of genially bombastic interactions with the news media on North Korea and the shortcomings of congressional Republicans, Trump on Saturday condemned the bloody protests in Charlottesville, Va., in what critics in both parties saw as muted, equivocal terms.

Navy SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden Slams Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Praising VA

The heroic Navy SEAL who shot dead Osama Bin Laden has come out swinging at Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her praise of the Veteran's Administration, which he slammed as a "damn insult to vets!" Robert O'Neill launched an angry tirade against the deputy White House press secretary on Twitter Wednesday, claiming the VA is so bad he pays for his own private health insurance and once had his wallet swiped at a VA facility. I just heard @SarahHuckabee talk about "successes" at the VA.

Stephen Colbert and ‘Stephen Colbert’ bid farewell to Bill O’Reilly

The removal of conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly from his top-rated Fox News show over allegations of sexual harassment "is an important next step to clean up Fox News and make it a respectful and professional work environment", says the attorney representing Gretchen Carlson in her harassment case against Roger Ailes-the network's founding President who left the company a year ago in a scenario that mirrors O'Reilly's departure. Fox News Channel announced Wednesday O'Reilly has immediately departed the network.