The government is seriously investigating UFOs, New York Times finds

Science fiction fans won't see their suspicions of extraterrestrial life confirmed; but the U.S. is looking into it That's the takeaway from two investigations, published in the New York Times and Politico , which found that the Pentagon was, for a few years, doing research into UFO sightings. The program was pushed by former Nevada Sen. Harry Reid.

Pentagon study of UFOs revealed

Beyond preparing for the next field of battle, or advancing a massive arsenal that includes nuclear weapons, the Pentagon has also researched the possible existence of UFOs. The New York Times reported Saturday on the once completely classified project that began because of the intense interest in the subject by former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.

Amid sexual harassment claims, Rep. Kihuen says he won’t seek re-election in 2018

Rep.-elect Ruben Kihuen, right, speaks with reporters as Sen. Harry Reid, left, listens on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Nov. 14, 2016. The first-term congressman announced Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017, that he won't seek re-election but said he'll serve out his current term as he continued to deny allegations of sexual harassment.

Nevada Rep. Ruben Kihuen won’t seek re-election amid sexual harassment allegations

In this Nov. 14, 2016 file photo, Rep.-elect Ruben Kihuen, D-Nev., right, speaks with reporters as Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., left, listens on Capitol Hill in Washington. The first-term congressman announced Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017, that he won't seek re-election as he continued to deny allegations of sexual harassment.

Second accuser prompts call for Nevada congressman to go

This Nov. 14, 2016 file photo Rep.-elect Ruben Kihuen, D-Nev.,right, speaks with reporters as Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., left, listens on Capitol Hill in Washington. The chairman of the House Democrats' campaign committee called on Kihuen to step down after a report Friday, Dec. 1, 2017, that he allegedly sexually harassed his campaign's finance director.

Completion of solar electric-generation array near Las Vegas marked

Solar arrays line the desert floor of the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone as part of the 179 megawatt Switch Station 1 and Switch Station 2 Solar Projects north of Las Vegas that were commissioned on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal @Vegass88s Solar arrays line the desert floor of the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone as part of the 179 megawatt Switch Station 1 and Switch Station 2 Solar Projects north of Las Vegas that were commissioned on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017.

Officials dedicate 2 large solar electric generating plants

Two large solar-powered generating plants built near Las Vegas to power the operations of commercial data company Switch in northern and southern Nevada were dedicated Monday by elected, company and business officials. The industrial-sized power plants at an industrial park in North Las Vegas are designed to generate the equivalent amount of electricity to meet the needs of 46,000 Nevada homes, according to a company statement.

Committee Turf Battle Marks Latest Chapter of Yucca Mountain Fight

A turf battle is being waged between House Republican policy makers and their purse-controlling colleagues over a perennial topic of fierce debate-storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Rep. John Shimkus, a high-ranking Energy and Commerce Committee member, is aiming for a vote within weeks on his legislation to force federal action on Yucca, the remote site identified in law as the country's permanent repository but never used in part because of steadfast opposition from most Nevada politicians.

Children fleeing violence have protectors in Las Vegas

Michael Kagan as a UNLV Professor of Law and Immigration Clinic Director shows off a handprint of a person helped by immigration lawyers as UNLV formally launches the Edward M. Bernstein and Associates Children's Rights Program on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017. "I would like to encourage everybody who wants to be a part of something important and change somebody's life to be part of it," Claudia Noriega-Bernstein said.

EDITORIAL: The American Bar Association is unqualified to fairly evaluate judicial nominees

Sen. Harry Reid's legacy as a Democratic majority leader is that he eliminated the Senate tradition of requiring two-thirds of the senators to confirm judicial appointees, making it easier for President Obama to pack the courts with liberal activist judges. This so-called nuclear option blew up in the faces of the Democrats last year with the election of a Republican president.

Moore’s Senate race brings back memories of late GOP fumbles

Tentative as it may be, Alabama Democrats' chances of ending their 26-year exile in the Senate took a step forward this week. Allegations of sexual misconduct against Republican candidate Roy Moore lift - though hardly guarantee - Democrat Doug Jones' hopes of winning the state's special election on Dec. 12. The sexually charged nature of the allegations, resounding condemnation by national Republicans and defiance by Moore and his supporters gave a once good bet for Republicans an eerie resemblance to recent races the party has blown in other GOP-heavy states.

Key figure in Utah political scandal appeals conviction

This Feb. 17, 2017 file photo shows Jeremy Johnson arrives for court during the trial for former Utah Attorney General John Swallow at the Matheson Courthouse, in Salt Lake City. Johnson a onetime helicopter-flying millionaire businessman who played a key role in touching off a high-profile pay-to-pay scandal in Utah is asking a federal appeals court to reverse his conviction for lying to banks to keep his online business afloat.

Liberal Groups Push Democrats To Slow Down Judge Confirmation Process

A coalition of major progressive organizations has launched a campaign aimed at pressuring members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to slow down the confirmation process for federal judges, thereby limiting how many President Donald Trump can seat. " Tell the Senate Judiciary Committee : No lifetime judicial appointments for a white supremacist in chief with no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law," Credo, one of the groups leading the charge, told activists.

Is Steve Bannon Toast? #FireBannon Trends As Pressure On Trump Grows

A weekend of violence in Charlottesville , Virginia caused by white nationalists is leading to pressure on President Donald Trump to fire the man in his White House who is most closely linked to the movement . " Mr. Bannon is adored by white supremacists, white nationalists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis, and the KKK .

Harry Reid’s Legacy: The Senate must end the tyranny of the…

Mr. Trump is extremely astute to recognize the 'senseless 60,' Senate rule to be the primary culprit responsible for turning the U.S. Senate into the fundamentally dysfunctional institution it has become. Perhaps the president was paying attention in the last election cycle when then Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said would become majority leader): "The country can't be run this way, where nothing gets done."

Will a Jewish Nevada woman win a seat in the Senate?

The Nevada Independent reported Thursday that Rosen, a software developer whose only elective experience prior to her successful congressional run last year was as president of Ner Tamid, a Reform synagogue in suburban Las Vegas, was talked into running by former Sen. Harry Reid, who believes she is the likeliest challenger to unseat Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev. "He told me to think about it and that's what I did when I came home to talk to my husband," Rosen, 59, said, describing the conversation she had with Reid in May. She cast her decision in terms of "tikkun olam," a Talmudic principle meaning "repair the world" which has become commonplace among American Jewish liberals.

Rep. Jacky Rosen To Challenge GOP Sen. Dean Heller In Nevada

The state needs "a senator they can trust to be an independent voice standing up to President Trump, not his enabler," she says. Democratic Rep. Jacky Rosen, a former software programmer and synagogue president, announced on Thursday that she will seek the Senate seat now held by Dean Heller, who political analysts rate as the chamber's most vulnerable Republican in the 2018 campaign.

Rep. Jacky Rosen to challenge Sen. Dean Heller in Nevada

Democratic Rep. Jacky Rosen is expected to run for Senate in Nevada, challenging incumbent Republican Sen. Dean Heller, according to sources. Rosen's announcement Monday sets up a compelling race in the Battle Born State, since Nevada's Senate seat is one that Democrats hope to pick up in the midterms.

Political vitriol sparks call for moderation in Nevada

Small business owner Ron Nelsen, center, is told to leave after interrupting U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., during a luncheon to discuss infrastructure projects at the Suncoast casino-hotel on Friday, May 12, 2017 in Las Vegas. @Erik_Verduzco They disrupt his speeches and town halls screaming grievances.