Fresno prof who called Barbara Bush ‘amazing racist’ keeps job

Randa Jarrar attends the 2017 Vulture Festival Los Angeles "Feminist AF" at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017, in Los Angeles. Randa Jarrar attends the 2017 Vulture Festival Los Angeles "Feminist AF" at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017, in Los Angeles.

Jeremy Corbyn is addressing the party’s Welsh conference in Llandudno

Jeremy Corbyn is accusing Theresa May of being personally responsible for the Windrush generation controversy by setting a deliberately unreachable bar with her "hostile environment" immigration policies. Mr Corbyn is set to tell the Llandudno gathering on Sunday: "This week, something rotten at the heart of Government has come to the surface.

Spanish Mayor Offers to Help Gibraltar Insurers Get Round Brexit

A small town mayor from southern Spain is offering Gibraltar-based insurers a way to retain access to the European Union single market after Britain leaves the bloc next year. Juan Franco of La Linea on the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula is inviting insurers based across the border in the British enclave to set up units in his municipality of about 63,000 people so they can continue to service EU clients.

UK, US warn Russia over global cyber attacks

London , April 17 : The National Cyber Security Centre of the United Kingdom along with the Forensic Bureau of Investigation and the United State Department of Homeland Security has issued a formal warning regarding the global cyber attacks by the Russian government. The UK and the US issued a joint alert accusing Moscow of mounting a 'malicious' internet offensive that appeared to be aimed at espionage, stealing intellectual property and laying the foundation for an attack on infrastructure, as reported by the Guardian.

Cynthia Nixon gets big endorsement as NY Democrats face rupture

The New York Working Families Party, an influential coalition of labor unions and progressive activist groups, voted on Saturday to endorse actress and liberal activist Cynthia Nixon in her primary challenge to Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo. After hours of discussion, and in defiance of pleas from state committee members pushing to delay the decision, the party formally broke its uneasy alliance with Cuomo, the two-term governor leading Nixon in one early poll by a 3-to-1 margin.

Trump orders strikes on Syrian chemical weapons facilities

Explosions lit up the skies with anti-aircraft fire, over Damascus, the Syrian capital, as the U.S. launches an attack on Syria targeting different parts of the Syrian capital Damascus, Syria, early Saturday, April 14, 2018. Syria's capital has been rocked by loud explosions that lit up the sky with heavy smoke as U.S. President Donald Trump announced airstrikes in retaliation for the country's alleged use of chemical weapons.

Women in the World Summit 2018: All you need to know

The 2018 Women in the World Summit will welcome the likes of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton , Oscar Award -winning actress Viola Davis and Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi to the event which will be set against the backdrop of #MeToo, antigun violence activism and the equal pay debate. Donald Trump 's campaign trail 'grab them by the p****' comment to Billy Bush, the White House endorsement of Roy Moore for senator of Alabama and praise of former aide and alleged wife beater Rob Porter were all catalysts in the organisation of the summit for founder Tina Brown CBE.

The Skripal Poisonings and the Ongoing Vilification of Putin

Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned by a nerve agent on March 4 on a park bench in Salisbury, England. Skripal had been a Russian double agent, a spy who turned over 300 names of Russian spies to British intelligence from 1995 to 2004.

Building More Housing Does Not Necessarily Lead to Cheaper Housing Without Government Regulation

I have long railed against simplistic ideas that the solution for housing costs in cities is to simply build more housing. First, the so-called "law of supply and demand" is more of a simplistic ideological construction of capitalism than a reality, yet it's power in our society blinds people to the many factors that go into to determining economic markets.

Unable to survive, Nicanor Oschisor took his own life

Isaiah 's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS " The Reality Show " went up Sunday. Here's C.I.'s " Iraq snapshot :" Replying to @ NashvilleResist @ annkillion and You get what it says, right? Only American lives matter.

Cambridge Analytica used foreign workers on US campaigns

A former employee of the data firm Cambridge Analytica tells CNN the company might have violated US election laws by using non-US citizens to work on American campaigns during the 2014 midterm election cycle. Company whistleblower Christopher Wylie says the data firm, which was hired by Donald Trump's presidential campaign during the 2016 election, was even warned about the practice by the company's US-based law firm two years prior.

Cynthia Nixon blasts Cuomo as ‘bully,’ ‘wannabe Republican’

Actress Cynthia Nixon blasted Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a bully and a "wannabe Republican" Monday during her first visit to Albany since announcing her bid for New York governor. The "Sex and the City" star and public education advocate criticized the two-term governor for not doing enough to ensure equal opportunities for poor and minority students.

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: Firm sent foreigners to advise US campaigns

Cambridge Analytica assigned dozens of non-U.S. citizens to provide campaign strategy and messaging advice to Republican candidates in 2014, according to three former workers for the data firm, even as an attorney warned executives to abide by U.S. laws limiting foreign involvement in elections. The effort was designed to present the newly created company, whose parent, SCL Group, was based in London, as "an American brand" that would appeal to U.S. political clients, according to former Cambridge Analytica research director Christopher Wylie.

What Is ‘Hate Speech’?

Throughout the trial, prosecutor Simon Taylor told grim details of how "every single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselves". Mr Taylor added that the girl was pushed onto a mattress whilst men physically restrained her and stood by the door "so she knew there was no escape".

Happy St Patrick’s Day – here are 10 great things the Irish have done for us

It's that time of year again when we celebrate all things Irish but there is a lot more to Irish achievement than shamrocks, Guinness and Jedward. Ireland has been making a positive impact around the globe for centuries and there's no better time to celebrate some of those real Irish accomplishments than just ahead of St Patrick's Day.