Cuomo’s Puerto Rico audition

Count Gov. Cuomo among the Democratic leaders who are responding to the truculent mood sweeping the party's base by serving up tough, pointed critiques of the Republican leadership in Congress and the White House. "In my opinion, the federal government should be ashamed of itself," Cuomo thundered from a podium at Kennedy Airport, condemning the Trump administration's response to the devastation in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria.

Scary, judgmental old men

U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, center, waits to speak at a news conference in Birmingham, Ala., last week. Even in a political season of routine marvels, few developments are more spectacularly incongruous than this: The United States has seen a swift, dramatic shift in attitudes toward sexual harassment with Donald Trump as president.

Today In History, Nov. 22: “Dallas”

In 1980, an estimated 83 million TV viewers tuned in to the CBS prime-time soap opera "Dallas" to find out "who shot J.R." In 1922, Rebecca L. Felton, a Georgia Democrat, was sworn in as the first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate; her term, the result of an interim appointment, ended the following day as Walter F. George, the winner of a special ... (more)

The Top 10 Non-Fiction Books of 2017

Political news dominated not only headlines in 2017, but the biggest, splashiest book titles of the year as well, from Ta-Nehisi Coates reflecting on the Obama-Trump continuum to Hillary Clinton answering for herself the cries of "What happened?" These books covered the rise of evangelicalism to the future of humankind amid war and climate disaster. Even histories like David Grann's account of the Osage people or Tina Brown's memoirs of making it in a man's world carry a cultural relevance today.

De Blasio, Schumer lead Dems in rally against GOP tax overhaul

Mayor de Blasio denounced the congressional tax plan as a theft from the middle class to benefit the wealthy. He is seen at a City Hall rally on Sunday.

Insurance loss from disasters cuts profits at Buffett’s firm

A military judge has found that Bowe Bergdahl should serve no prison time for endangering his comrades by walking off his Afghanistan post. A military judge has found that Bowe Bergdahl should serve no prison time for endangering his comrades by walking off his Afghanistan post.

After Maria: Boston uses schools as one-stop shop to assist Puerto Rican families

Boston's approach is one model for how big cities can accommodate families after disasters, with centralized support via welcome centers that offer everything from registering for school to filing paperwork with FEMA. After arriving from Puerto Rico in late October, Alicia Santiago and Lexian Cordava and Paulette Alvarez sign up for housing and school enrollment at Sociedad Latina on November 2, 2017 in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts.

Russia hackers had targets worldwide, beyond U.S. election – Thu, 02 Nov 2017 PST

This combination of photos shows, top row from left, Hillary Clinton, the logo of the defense contractor Lockheed Martin, and former Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky; middle row from left, tanks at a military parade in Kiev, Ukraine, former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington; bottom row from left, former Secretary of State John Kerry, former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark and Maria Alekhina of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot. These people and organizations were among the thousands targeted by the hacking group Fancy Bear, which disrupted the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Russian hacking stretched far beyond US elections, digital hit list reveals

The hackers who upended the U.S. presidential election had ambitions well beyond Hillary Clinton's campaign, targeting the emails of Ukrainian officers, Russian opposition figures, U.S. defense contractors and thousands of others of interest to the Kremlin, according to a previously unpublished digital hit list obtained by The Associated Press. The list provides the most detailed forensic evidence yet of the close alignment between the hackers and the Russian government, exposing an operation that stretched back years and tried to break into the inboxes of 4,700 Gmail users across the globe -- from the pope's representative in Kiev to the punk band Pussy Riot in Moscow.

Sanders Continues Rage Against Rich, Backs NYC ‘Millionaire Tax’…

Yesterday afternoon, Senator Bernie Sanders provided yet another example of his political myopia . Appearing at a Manhattan subway station, he endorsed New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio-who is currently running for reelection-specifically praising the incumbent mayor's newly-proposed, statewide 'millionaires' tax.'

Truck attack suspect is charged with terrorism offenses

Federal prosecutors brought terrorism charges Wednesday against the Uzbek immigrant accused in the truck rampage that left eight people dead, saying he carried out the attack in response to the Islamic State group's online calls to action. Authorities said the driver of the rented Home Depot truck, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov, watched ISIS videos on his cellphone and picked Halloween for the attack on a bike lane in lower Manhattan because he knew more people would be out on the streets.

The Latest: Trump slams visa lottery after NYC attack

President Donald Trump is urging swift repeal of an immigration program that brought the New York truck attack suspect to America. Trump insists Congress must end the visa lottery program under which Uzbek immigrant Sayfullo Saipov entered the country, and he has ordered still tighter scrutiny of immigrants already subject to what he calls "extreme vetting."

GOP now the White Nationalist Party, not changing anytime soon

"At several events at this year's New Yorker Festival, a sense of wooziness predominated among audience members, who appeared to be grasping for a wisp of hope that the nightmare known as President Trump would soon be over. Alas, experts who graced the stages at three separate events had a common message: Expect Trump to serve out his first term, and perhaps even his second.

Joan Ethel Norvill Harper

Joan Ethel Norvill Harper was born on Oct. 30, 1935, in Liverpool, England, where she lived until shortly after she married. As a student, she earned an academic scholarship to attend the Belvedere School for Girls in Liverpool from which she graduated with High Honors.

Brad Whitehead of Manchester, England fires a full-automatic

Sunday's mass shooting is unlikely to slow down business at gun ranges that offer tourists the chance to fire fully-automatic firearms. Tourists in Las Vegas like renting and firing machine guns Sunday's mass shooting is unlikely to slow down business at gun ranges that offer tourists the chance to fire fully-automatic firearms.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Rise From Hapless Loser to Potential Leader

It is always satisfying to prove your doubters wrong and, in the case of Jeremy Corbyn , the left-wing leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, there were an awful lot of them. Written off as a hapless loser 12 months ago at his last party conference, Mr. Corbyn can expect a triumphant reception at this year's event , which was to begin on Sunday.

Canada won’t buy Boeing aircraft until company drops trade complaint against Bombardier: Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Boeing can forget about selling fighter jets to Canada as long as its trade complaint is ongoing against Quebec aerospace firm Bombardier. Trudeau's comments Monday, the toughest yet in the ongoing battle between Boeing and the Canadian government over the complaint against Bombardier, appear to jeopardize not only Boeing's current proposal to sell interim fighter jets to Canada but its hope to sell Canada additional aircraft in the future to replace the CF-18 fleet on a permanent basis.