High court nominee to face daylong questioning in Senate

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch faces hours of questioning from senators as frustrated Democrats are determined to press him on everything from abortion and guns to his independence from President Donald Trump. Republicans are unanimously supporting Gorsuch , and certain to give him what cover they can as he appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee for Day 2 of his confirmation hearings on Tuesday.

Live Coverage: Doj nominee on the hot seat over Russia

With Attorney General Jeff Sessions 's decision Thursday to recuse himself from any investigations into Russia's connections to Donald Trump 's presidential campaign, focus is turning to the Department of Justice's secondary leaders. Deputy Attorney General nominee Rod Rosenstein and Aassociate attorney general nominee Rachel Brand will face the national spotlight Tuesday during their confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

‘Don’t repeal Obamacare, improve it’: Republicans face wrath…

Republicans members of Congress, away from Washington for the Presidents Day week, are getting an earful as constituents have come out in force to voice displeasure for some of the party's policy positions, particularly the plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa held an event on Tuesday in which constituents voiced concerns about losing coverage if the law better known as Obamacare is repealed.

Senate will consider blocking rule on guns and mentally ill

The Republican-led Senate is moving to block an Obama-era regulation that would prevent an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm. The Obama administration had sought to strengthen the federal background check system with a rule requiring the Social Security Administration to send in the names of beneficiaries with mental impairments who also need a third-party to manage their benefits.

Melania Trump says popular White House tours will resume in March

Melania Trump says popular White House tours will resume in March She's not living there yet, but Americans can soon resume poking around the People's House. Check out this story on ruidosonews.com: http://usat.ly/2lgzcxQ First lady Melania Trump said Tuesday the always-popular free public tours of the White House will resume in three weeks, on March 7. The tours had been suspended during the transition to the Trump administration, but the suspension has lasted longer than usual.

Senators Test Limits on Donald Trump at Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing

Senators used the first day of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions' hearings to test the boundaries of Donald Trump's executive power and highlight areas where Sessions would need to limit him as Attorney General. While several questions at looked back at Sessions' civil rights record, the backdrop to questions about Sessions' future relationship with Trump was set early Tuesday, when Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley asked Sessions whether he would be comfortable saying "no" to the President-elect, given their close relationship on the campaign.

Sessions: I Will Be Able to Say No to Trump

Sen. Chuck Grassley told Sen. Jeff Sessions that the attorney general of the United States is not the president's "wingman" or lawyer, but has an independent obligation to the Constitution as the nation's chief law enforcement officer. "Will you be able to stand up and say no to the president of the United States if, in your judgement, the law and your duty demands it?" Grassley asked Trump's nominee for attorney general at the confirmation hearing on Tuesday.

Democrats push to have Congressional Black Caucus members testify at Sessions hearings

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has pressed Chairman Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, to include Rep. John Lewis and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus in the confirmation hearings for Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to be attorney general. Grassley has agreed-in a separate but equal kind of way .

Iowa, Nebraska senators re-introduce immigration hold bill

Senators from Nebraska and Iowa have re-introduced a bill requiring immigration officials to hold in custody anyone who has entered the country illegally and charged with a crime resulting in injury or death of another person. Sens. Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Deb Fisher and Ben Sasse of Nebraska introduced Sarah's Law in June but it failed to advance.

Nation 29 mins ago 5:36 a.m.NAACP president, members arrested protesting Jeff Sessions’ Attorneya

NAACP president Cornell William Brooks was arrested Tuesday night after staging a sit-in protest at the Mobile, Alabama, office of Republican senator Jeff Sessions, who is Donald Trump's Attorney General nominee. Alabama NAACP president Bernard Simelton and other NAACP members were also arrested.

Grassley Sworn in to New U.S. Senate Term

Committee chairman Senator Chuck Grassley arrives for a hearing with Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Sarah Saldana before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill December 2, 2015 in Washington, DC. AFP PHOTO/BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP / BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI Grassley anticipates one of his first orders of business will be the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama as the new Attorney General.

Grassley questions oversight of foreigners who get US flight training

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is demanding information about the Obama administration's oversight of foreign nationals who receive flight training in the United States. In a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, Grassley, R-Iowa, said an Oct. 11 airplane crash in East Hartford, Conn., has raised his suspicions about flight school training of the pilot, Feras M. Freitekh, a Jordanian national living in the United States.

Judicial Crisis Network Launches Ad Campaign Praising Sen. Chuck Grassley

The conservative Judicial Crisis Network is launching $175,000 in ads praising Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, for his role in blocking President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. According to Politico , the network's ads are encouraging Grassley toward the impending confirmation of a high court nominee submitted by President-elect Donald Trump.

Grassley demands Justice Department investigation of Justice Department, and Clinton blockade begins

Since Chuck Grassley isn't going to use his Judiciary Committee for anything like Supreme Court hearings, he's going to use it to kickstart the investigations into Hillary Clinton and whether President Obama's administration had anything to do with the not-scandal of Clinton's emails. No, really.

Iowa political leaders react to Donald Trump’s lewd remarks

On the eve of the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Republican candidate is yet again under fire, this time for lewd and vulgar comments he made toward women during a 2005 conversation. "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women," Trump said in a 2005 videotape released Friday by The Washington Post.