Trump Administration Wants to Investigate Universities for Affirmative Action

The Justice Department 's civil rights division is poised to examine and potentially litigate race-based affirmative action admissions policies at U.S. colleges and universities, the Details of the Trump administration's directive are scarce, but the Times reported that the department's political appointees could lead the project. The Trump administration has made no public statement on the report.

Source: ICE is targeting ‘sanctuary cities’ with raids

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been targeting so-called "sanctuary cities" with increased enforcement operations in an effort to pressure those jurisdictions to cooperate with federal immigration agents, a senior US immigration official with direct knowledge of ongoing ICE actions told CNN. A sanctuary city is a broad term applied to states, cities and/or counties that have policies in place designed to limit cooperation or involvement in the enforcement of federal immigration operations.

Texas counties see price tags on both sides of “sanctuary” debate

More than a year before Texas Gov. Greg Abbott punished Travis County - yanking away $1.5 million in state grants - for scaling back cooperation with federal immigration officials, he fired a warning shot toward Dallas County. His October 2015 letter came after Valdez - in comments she later said were misconstrued - said she would more closely scrutinize requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hold non-citizens in county jails after they were otherwise processed.

Central Texas rancher challenges some habitat protections

Walk quickly by and you might miss the coffin-sized fissure on John Yearwood's sprawling Williamson County ranch, now ground zero in the newest effort to gut the Endangered Species Act. The Austin American-Statesman reports the small limestone cave is home, maybe, to a seldom-seen, spider-like creature with a scary-movie name: the Bone Cave harvestman.

Six Things Banned For Christmas In America In 2016

Christmas is a time for love, a time for hope and, of course, a time for government officials to ban a slew of things related to Christmas because someone, somewhere might be offended. Here are six things bureaucrats banned - or tried to ban - this Christmas season, in the year of our Lord 2016.