White House adviser asked FBI to dispute Russia reports

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked a top FBI official to dispute media reports that President Donald Trump's campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election, a White House official said late Thursday. The official said Priebus' request came after the FBI told the White House it believed a New York Times report last week describing those contacts was not accurate.

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked FBI to dispute Russia reports

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked a top FBI official to dispute media reports that President Donald Trump 's campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election, a White House official said late Thursday. The official said Priebus' request came after the FBI told the White House it believed a New York Times report last week describing those contacts was not accurate.

Democrats call for more inquiries after national security adviser Michael Flynna s resignation

Democratic lawmakers reacted quickly after White House national security adviser Michael Flynn announced his resignation late Monday, calling for more inquiries into Flynn's dealings with Russia. Flynn stepped down just days after he apologized to Vice President Mike Pence for misleading him about his conversations with Russia's U.S. ambassador.

The Latest: John Conyers ‘very worried’ about missing son

Longtime U.S. Rep. John Conyers says his family has notified the FBI and is "very worried" about the disappearance of his 21-year-old son in Texas. The Detroit Democrat told The Detroit News on Thursday that his son, Carl Conyers, is "a very stable young guy" and that it's not like him to disappear.

FBI: Clinton email review done, no charges warranted

From the moment they secured a warrant, dozens of FBI agents worked night and day to analyze a trove of messages that they thought might help advance their probe of Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server, according to a U.S. official. The pressure was intense.

The price of offending an Obama crony

Offending one of Barack Obama 's campaign contributors can be as career-threatening as thumbing a nose at the president himself. Maria Pallante , the U.S. Register of Copyrights, an important but little-known office under the Library of Congress, had the temerity to write to the Securities and Exchange Commission to say that in her expert opinion, Google 's habit of playing fast and loose with the nation's copyright laws is both bad policy and against the law.

IRS Chief Tells House Panel He Does Not Deserve Impeachment

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen expressed regret to Congress on Wednesday for his agency's past mistreatment of tea party groups, but said he has cooperated with congressional investigators and does not deserve to be impeached. The IRS chief made the remarks at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on a drive by hard-line conservatives to oust Koskinen.

Democrats call for probe of Trump check to Florida AG

House Democrats are calling for a federal criminal investigation into an improper $25,000 donation Donald Trump's charity made to a political group supporting Florida 's attorney general after her office said it was weighing legal action against Trump University . The Associated Press first reported in June that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi personally solicited the money during a 2013 phone call that came after her office received complaints from former students claiming they were scammed by Trump's namesake get-rich-quick real estate seminars.

House GOP gives election-year airing to IRS gripes

Republicans gave an election-year airing to their complaints about IRS chief John Koskinen Tuesday, telling a GOP-run House committee that he should be impeached for lying to lawmakers and destroying evidence. "Mr. Koskinen was sent to the IRS to clean it up but it's gotten worse," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told the House Judiciary Committee, pressing a long-shot effort he's led since last year to remove the agency's commissioner.