Trump to Boy Scouts: ‘We could use some more loyalty’

President Donald Trump turned a Boy Scouts event into a campaign-style rally Monday, starting off his remarks by saying he'd put aside the "fake news" and other issues in Washington while addressing the Boy Scouts of America 2017 National Scout Jamboree. "I said, who the hell wants to speak about politics when I'm in front of the Boy Scouts?" Trump said.

Here’s everything we know about Trump’s 26-year-old executive assistant

Madeleine Westerhout became a familiar face in late 2016, when she was frequently photographed guiding then president-elect Donald Trump's guests - such as Rick Perry, Mitch McConnell, and Goldman Sach's Gary Cohn - through the lobby of Trump Tower. While some media outlets dubbed her the " elevator girl ," Westerhout was quickly establishing her role within the Trump transition team.

U.S. wind industry tacks as Trump shifts the political climate

Three days after Energy Secretary Rick Perry directed his staff to find ways to give a boost to coal and nuclear power, the rival wind industry kicked its lobbying response into action. The American Wind Energy Association would tap allies in Congress willing to weigh in with Perry and buy advertisements on "news channels closely followed by the Trump administration," according to a memo its leader sent to board members.

Trump to push U.S. oil, gas exports

President Donald Trump will promote surging U.S. exports of oil and natural gas during a week of events to highlight the country's growing energy dominance. Trump also plans to emphasize that after decades of relying on foreign energy supplies, the U.S. is on the brink of becoming a net exporter of oil, gas, coal and other energy resources.

A&M research caught in funding squeeze gets the go-ahead at Rick Perry’s Energy Department

Cutting-edge research in Texas and other parts of the U.S. is finally getting the go-ahead from the U.S. Energy Department after being locked in limbo for months. Dallas Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson announced late Wednesday that the agency run by former Texas Gov. Rick Perry had decided to release all remaining Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy funds that had been frozen despite being awarded as part of last year's budget.

Tunnel containing nuclear waste collapses in Washington

Federal officials said there was no sign that any radioactive material had leaked after crews discovered that a 20-foot section of a 100-foot long tunnel - containing rail cars filled with nuclear waste - had caved in . Henderson said all non-essential employees north of the site's Wye Barricade and outside the 200 East Area were asked to stay home Wednesday.

Court again finds intentional voter discrimination in Texas

A Republican-drawn map setting the boundaries of Texas' statehouse districts violates the U.S. Constitution by intentionally discriminating against minority voters, a federal court found Thursday - the third such ruling against the state's voting laws in roughly a month. The latest ruling means Texas' strict voter ID law, congressional maps and state legislative maps - all of which were enacted in 2011 - have recently been found in violation of the federal Voting Rights Act.

Fed up: 9 ultranationalist Trump supporters who are rapidly losing patience with his presidency

To understand just how fractious and ungainly the Trump coalition truly is, look no further than his administration. You'll find establishment Republicans , former Tea Party insurgents , Wall Street players and, for the time being, clash-of-civilization ethno-nationalists , not a few of whom seem to be working at cross purposes.

What to watch: Texas isn’t alone in rainy day fund fight

The rainy day fund contains $10-plus billion at a time when slumping oil prices have left the state facing a potential $6 billion shortfall just to maintain current spending levels in the 2018-2019 budget the Legislature is now devising. Democrats and Republicans in the House want to spend some of that to forego widespread cuts.

Editorial: It’s time for a vote on Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is right to sue the federal government - and his old friend, new Energy Secretary Rick Perry - over the Energy Department's handling of the Yucca Mountain project. If we're serious about climate change and carbon emissions, then we're going to have to get serious about nuclear power .

March 2, 2017 – Senate confirms Perry to head Energy Department The…

The Senate voted March 2 to confirm former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, President Trump's nominee for secretary of energy. The vote was 62-37, with Perry winning support from every Republican member of the Senate who voted, as well as from 10 Democrats and one Independent.

The Latest: Perry nomination for Energy heads to full Senate

The next Trump administration Cabinet nominee up for a vote in the Senate is c... Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry cleared a Senate hurdle in his bid to become Energy secretary in the Trump administration. At his confirmation hearing, Perry vowed to be an advocate for an agency he once pledged to eliminate and promised to rely on federal scientists, including those who work on climate change.

The ‘Great Conservative Sorting’ has begun

Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything . President Trump talks with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus during a swearing in ceremony for senior staff at the White House in Washington on Jan. 22, 2017.

Trump expects ‘big results’ from his choice to lead USDA

Even as he maintains ties to oil and gas producers, a Perry-led Energy Department is likely to support renewable energy and the tax incentives that encourage its growth, experts said. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he regrets his famous statement about abolishing the Department of Energy and said it does not reflect his current thinking The White House left Obama's schedule mostly empty for his last day, while saying he'd use the time to pack up the home he and his family have lived in for most of a decade.