California Democrats appear poised to avoid getting locked out of key House races

Nikko Johnson reviews the California primary election guide at San Francisco City Hall Tuesday, June 5, 2018. The 40-year-old nurse was waiting for her mother to arrive at the polling station so they could vote together.

Democrats hope California races will propel House takeover

Democratic hopes to retake control of the House will rise or fall in California, where the party is pursuing a string of Republican-held seats in Tuesday's primary election. Democrats need to gain 23 districts nationally to take the gavel in the House, and a key part of that strategy is expanding their 39-14 advantage in the home state of Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi .

Vulnerable House Republicans Look at DACA to Boost Election Prospects

Vulnerable House Republicans have an incentive to buck their party's own leadership by backing protections for "Dreamers" and forcing a vote on immigration reform, The Hill reported Sunday. This is because many of the Republicans in tight races for the upcoming congressional elections are in districts where moderate GOP voters and independents can determine the outcome, and these voters support securing protections for Dreamers, immigrants who were brought to America illegally as children.

Discharge Petition Signatures Held Back Amid Immigration Negotiation Progress

Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif., says that negotiations between GOP leaders and conservatives on immigration issues are headed in a positive direction. Rep. Jeff Denham said Wednesday he plans to hold back the final signatures needed to activate a discharge petition that would force a vote on four immigration measures affecting so-called "Dreamers" - saying that negotiations between GOP leaders and conservatives are headed in a positive direction.

Immigration a fraught issue for GOP as midterms approach

Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, smiles before the vote on the House farm bill which failed to pass, at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, May 18, 2018. The Freedom Caucus opposed the measure, seeking leverage to obtain a vote on a hard-line immigration plan.

Immigration policy continues to evade Republican’s attempt at unity …

GOP leaders thought they had found a way to make the party's warring conservative and moderate wings happy on an issue that has bedeviled them for years Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, smiles before the vote on the House farm bill which failed to pass, at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, May 18, 2018. The Freedom Caucus opposed the measure, seeking leverage to obtain a vote on a hard-line immigration plan.

John Katko among 20 GOP rebels trying to force House immigration vote

U.S. Rep. John Katko has joined a group of 20 Republican moderates openly rebelling against party leaders by trying to force a vote on a series of immigration bills. Katko, R-Camillus, signed a petition that could force an open-ended debate and votes on four bills aimed at preserving an Obama-era program that allowed young, undocumented immigrants to remain in the country without fear of deportation.

Trump draws rebuke for ‘animal’ remark at immigration talk 3 hours ago

While railing against California for its so-called sanctuary immigration policies, President Donald Trump referred to some people who cross the border illegally as "animals" - drawing a sharp rebuke from Democratic leaders for the harsh rhetoric. "We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in -- and we're stopping a lot of them," Trump said during the immigration round table after a sheriff commented about gangs.

‘Legislative act of cruelty’ used as method to get farm bill…

The conservative House Freedom Caucus is pushing hard for an immigration bill despised by many advocates for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals participants - an effort that has a chance of getting a House vote as soon as next week. If that vote occurs, it would make it far more difficult for DACA backers to get votes on legislation they've been seeking.

Some House Republicans are moving to force a vote on DACA. SoCal Republicans should join them.

Protestors make their way to to Rep. Steve Knight's office in Santa Clarita, CA., as Part of National Week of Action in Response to Congress' Failure to Protect Dreamers and All Immigrants on Tuesday, March 6, 2018. A group of Republicans in the House of Representatives are seeking to force a vote on a legislative fix for DACA.

GOP immigration moderates seek to force House votes on issue

Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif., calls on a reporter during a news conference with House Republicans who are collecting signatures on a petition to force House votes on immigration legislation, Wednesday, May 9, 2018, on Capitol Hill in Washington.

GOP rebels launch petition to force vote in House on ‘Dreamers’

Five House Republicans launched an official petition drive Wednesday to hold a vote on legalizing illegal immigrant "Dreamers," in a move designed to force GOP leaders' hand. The Republicans are using what's known on Capitol Hill as a discharge petition, which is a way for lawmakers to force bills to the floor over the objections of the majority party's leaders, who traditionally control the floor schedule.

Meet the feds coming after Californiaa s bullet train

In this Feb. 26, 2016, file photo, the supports for a 1,600-foot-viaduct to carry high-speed rail trains across the Fresno River stand under construction near Madera, Calif. It can't be good news for high-speed rail in California that the U.S. government has initiated an audit of the state's over-budget, behind-schedule bullet train project.

Teamsters Warn FAA Amendment Could Overturn State, Local Trucking Laws

The Teamsters are sounding an alarm about a proposed change to the FAA Authorization Act that would halt the ability of states and localities to set any workplace rules for truck drivers in their jurisdictions. The amendment, offered by Rep. Jeff Denham , could be considered when the FAA bill heads to the House floor later this week.

Congress doesn’t want you to eat your dog or cat

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill advanced a proposal to outlaw dog and cat consumption last week - but not because Americans are eating their pets. If passed, the ban would send a clear signal that the United States condemns the dog and cat meat trades in East Asia, said Sara Amundson, executive director of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, which lobbied for the measure.

Calif. Republican and allies want renewed immigration fight Source: AP

A quiz: If a bipartisan majority of House members wants votes on a subject that gets sky-high public support, why do they seem likely to fail? And why are they pushing it regardless? Here's some help: It's the politically loaded issue of helping "Dreamer" immigrants. And it's an election year.

At least 240 House lawmakers want a vote on immigration. California…

Rep. Jeff Denham , flanked by Rep. Pete Aguilar and Rep. Will Hurd speak about DACA legislation Rep. Jeff Denham says at least 240 of the 430 current House members have signed onto his resolution to hold votes on four immigration bills, and he hopes House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and President Trump are paying attention to the show of support. But, the Republican from Turlock and his allies said Wednesday that they are not yet willing to commit to forcing Ryan's hand through a little-used procedural move called a discharge petition; they acknowledged there's no guarantee that all of 47 Republicans and 193 Democrats House co-signers will back them up if they try to force the issue.

Pro-Trump donors helping out vulnerable House Republicans a ” in anti-Trump districts

Donors with ties to President Donald Trump are contributing to the campaigns of vulnerable California House Republicans running in districts where Trump is not considered popular. Reps.