GOP super PAC showering millions on endangered California…

Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock , beneficiary of a GOP-oriented super PAC's commitment to spend millions of ad dollars in the 2018 election. Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock , beneficiary of a GOP-oriented super PAC's commitment to spend millions of ad dollars in the 2018 election.

Urban, rural interests collide, confounding Californiaa s most vulnerable Republicans

The farm bill House lawmakers will consider Wednesday forces vulnerable Republicans in contested House races in largely rural districts to make a difficult, perhaps politically lethal choice between the two constituencies. Reps.

House subcommittee to hold hearing on PTC implementation

The committee will hear from several groups and organizations including Amtrak, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Federal Railroad Administration, private rail operators, public transit officials and labor. 'PTC implementation is crucial to the safety of rail transportation for passengers, motorists and pedestrians alike.

Activists pushing Congress to act on DACA

From phone banks to rallies, immigration activists this week are intensifying demands that Congress pass Dream Act legislation before the end of the year in order to protect the country's 800,000 DACA recipients from deportation. Thousands of immigrants and advocates rallied at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday calling on GOP lawmakers to pass bipartisan legislation that would provide protections for DACA recipients or “Dreamers” after President Donald Trump ended the program in September.

Pelosi, Schumer lay out demands in White House talks

US President Donald Trump, alongside Vice President Mike Pence , meets with Congressional leadership including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell , Republican of Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer , Democrat of New York, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan , Republican of Wisconsin, and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi , Democrat of California, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis , in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC, December 7, 2017.

Three California Republicans vote against House tax plan

WASHINGTON >> Three California Republican members of Congress broke ranks on Thursday to vote against the Republican tax reform bill that passed the House of Representatives. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Costa Mesa, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, and Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Elk Grove, all voted against the bill, which passed 227-205.

The Latest: Trump decision on immigrant kids coming Tuesday

Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock, right, speaks in support of allowing residency for some of the young people who immigrated illegally to the United States with their parents in Modesto, Calif., on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017. At left is Tomas Evangelista, who crossed the border from Mexico as a child and qualified under an Obama-era executive order that Denham would like to extend through an act of Congress.

Democrats’ road to a House majority runs through 7 California seats

For Democrats hoping to turn President Donald Trump's unpopularity into an opportunity to take control of the House next year, this Orange County community is ground zero. Their target here -- Rep. Ed Royce -- is like several other established Republican incumbents in California who progressives hope can be toppled in a wave of anti-Trump backlash.

As Senate delays health care vote, fight heats up in California GOP districts

Rep. Jeff Denham, center, faces constituents angry about his vote to repeal Obamacare during a town meeting held in Riverbank, Calif., on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. On the surface, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's decision this week to delay a vote on the Senate's health care bill might seem frustrating to the House Republicans who backed a measure to rip up Obamacare.

California politicians react to baseball practice shooting

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, two Capitol police officers and at least one other person were shot Wednesday morning when a gunman opened fire on a GOP baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia. President Donald Trump spoke several hours after the shooting, saying that the shooter, identified as James T. Hodgkinson, of Illinois, has died after being shot by law enforcement during a gun battle at the baseball field.

How incompetent is Paul Ryan? The House might have to revote on Zombie Trumpcare

Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that... What does this make it? Zombie Trumpcare 4.0? But who's counting? The Congressional Budget Office, that's who! And it turns out that because House Speaker Paul Ryan pushed the bill through the House without a CBO score, it hasn't yet been sent to the Senate because there could be problems with it on that side. Which means, the House might have to vote on it again.

GOP Says It’s Getting Close On Health Care, But The Votes Still Aren’t There

The White House and congressional GOP leaders swear they're closer to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act , but a vote on the Republican health care plan may be further off than President Donald Trump hopes or thinks, as support among the rank-and-file is squishy and opposition among moderates doesn't look any less fierce than days before. on the health care bill, but that may just be another false start.

Republican ads bullying other Republicans to support non-existent healthcare plan go bilingual

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... Send a letter to U.S. Senators: Block Jeff Sessions' appointment as Attorney General. **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK.

As Trump falters, more Republicans say they’ll block Clinton

A new fundraising email from House Speaker Paul Ryan's political operation, over former Speaker Newt Gingrich's signature, seeks money for Republican congressional candidates by calling the appeal "our very last chance to stop Pelosi and Hillary." Indiana Republican Trey Hollingsworth says in one TV ad that he's running for Congress to stop three Democrats - opponent Shelli Yoder, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - from imposing "higher taxes and government-run health care."