$30,000 rumor? Tabloid paid for, spiked, salacious Trump tip

As it did with the ex-Playmate, the Enquirer signed the ex-doorman to a contract that effectively prevented him from going public with a juicy tale that might hurt Trump's campaign for president. The payout to the former Playmate, Karen McDougal, stayed a secret until The Wall Street Journal published a story about it days before Election Day.

Man convicted in deaths tied to ‘Real Housewives’ guest star

Emails released to The Associated Press show then-Indiana Gov. Mike Pence faced widespread backlash from conservatives after agreeing to change a "religious freedom" law critics decried as anti-gay. Emails released to The Associated Press show then-Indiana Gov. Mike Pence faced widespread backlash from conservatives after agreeing to change a "religious freedom" law critics decried as anti-gay.

Legal shake-up in Trump team may suggest shift in strategy

President Donald Trump's lead lawyer in the special counsel's Russia investigation resigned Thursday, shaking up the legal team just as Trump intensifies attacks on an inquiry he calls nothing more than a witch hunt. The departure of attorney John Dowd removes the primary negotiator and legal strategist who had been moulding Trump's defence.

Trump picks camera-proven Kudlow as top economic aide

President Donald Trump has chosen Larry Kudlow to be his top economic aide, elevating the influence of a long-time fixture on the CNBC business news network who previously served in the Reagan administration and has emerged as a leading evangelist for tax cuts and a smaller government.

Bag – may have hit fuel switch before New York City helicopter crash’

A pilot who survived a New York City helicopter crash that killed five passengers told authorities he believed a passenger's bag might have hit an emergency fuel shutoff switch in the moments before the chopper went down, it has been reported. A federal official who was briefed on the investigation spoke to The Associated Press on Monday.

Legal experts say White House has expanded use of executive privilege without actually invoking it

President Trump with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, left, and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at a Republican retreat on Feb. 1. President Trump with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, left, and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at a Republican retreat on Feb. 1. When President Trump 's former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski , appeared in January before the House Intelligence Committee investigating Russian political interference, he refused to answer questions about his conversations with Trump after he was fired by the future president in June 2016. The Republicans running the panel responded not with a subpoena, which Congress can use to compel testimony.

Where Is the Major Media’s Reporting on Hillary’s…

Friday evening, Hillary Clinton wrapped up a bizarre video in which she said that her message was "directed to the activist b*tches supporting b*tches." A universal establishment media firestorm erupted over what President Trump allegedly said in a closed-door meeting earlier this month.

Russian hackers targeted more than 200 journalists globally

Russian television anchor Pavel Lobkov was in the studio getting ready for his show when jarring news flashed across his phone: Some of his most intimate messages had just been published to the web. Days earlier, the veteran journalist had come out live on air as HIV-positive, a taboo-breaking revelation that drew responses from hundreds of Russians fighting their own lonely struggles with the virus.

White House aims to shift public opinion to favor merit-based immigration

The White House is embarking on a major campaign to turn public opinion against the nation's largely family-based immigration system ahead of an all-out push next year to move toward a more merit-based structure. The administration was laying the groundwork for such a drive even before an Islamic State-inspired extremist who was born in Bangladesh tried to blow himself up in Midtown Manhattan on Monday.

Sessions: terror attacks show immigration a security issue

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in a conference and official press release that he would recuse himself from any probe into Russian interference in the U.S. election. DAVID McFADDEN Associated Press BALTIMORE - A botched suicide mission on the New York City subway system showed in the "starkest terms" that the failures of the U.S. immigration system are a national security issue, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday during a stop in Baltimore with the new Homeland Security chief.

Dems say Trumpa s tweets about Gillibrand sexist, crude

By NANCY BENAC and JONATHAN LEMIRE, Associated Press WASHINGTON - Plowing into the sexual harassment debate in a big way, President Donald Trump laced into Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Tuesday, tweeting that the New York Democrat would come to his office to get them.

More pressure on Conyers to resign after new accusations

A former staffer to John Conyers says the Michigan congressman made unwanted sexual advances that included partially undressing in front of her in a hotel room and inappropriate touching, prompting more calls for the longest-serving member of the House to resign. Deanna Maher, 77, who ran a Michigan office for Conyers from 1997 to 2005, told The Associated Press Tuesday that the first incident occurred in 1997 during a three-day Congressional Black Caucus event in Washington, which she said she "felt honored" to attend.

Hope Hicks is about to be thrust in Robert Mueller’s Russia probe

The special counsel's lawyers plan by the end of this month to sit down with White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, to find out what she might know about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. "It never happened," Hicks told the Associated Press on Nov. 10, 2016, days after the election.

Moscow meeting in June 2017 under scrutiny in Trump probe

Earlier this year, a Russian-American lobbyist and another businessman discussed over coffee in Moscow an extraordinary meeting they had attended 12 months earlier: a gathering at Trump Tower with President Donald Trump's son, his son-in-law and his then-campaign chairman. The Moscow meeting in June, which has not been previously disclosed, is now under scrutiny by investigators who want to know why the two men met in the first place and whether there was some effort to get their stories straight about the Trump Tower meeting just weeks before it would become public, The Associated Press has learned.

Ivanka Trump says child tax credit a not a pet projecta

The presidential daughter and adviser, in a "full-blown sprint" as she sells the Republican tax overhaul plan and juggles other initiatives, has had it with all that talk about her "pet project" to increase the child tax credit . "I get a little bit frustrated when people call it a pet project," Trump told The Associated Press as she spent a day shuttling between events in multiple states.