Trump administration should label Muslim Brotherhood ‘terrorist organization’

Trump himself was often critical of President Obama's outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has proposed a bill to call for declaring the Brotherhood a terror organization. In the past, it has been accused of supporting terrorist groups around the world, and several countries, including Muslim nations, have banned them.

Ted Cruz reportedly says nuclear option is on table in Supreme Court pick

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said in an interview Tuesday that "all procedural options are on the table" when it comes to confirming a strong conservative to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court. President Trump nominated federal Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court on Tuesday, choosing a jurist widely seen by conservatives as a fitting successor to the late Scalia - and touching off what is sure to be a fierce confirmation battle with Senate Democrats already vowing resistance.

Mike Lee, critical of a Muslim ban, wants more info on Trump’s refugee executive order

The Salt Lake Tribune) Utah Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah addresses his supporters at the American Preparatory campus in Draper, Saturday, March 19, 2016. Republican presidential candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Carly Fiorina and Glenn Beck were also in attendance.

Colorado GOP chairman Steve House won’t seek second term after tumultuous tenure

Steve House speaks to the crowd during a campaign stop at the Jefferson County GOP Headquarters on July 9, 2016. Steve House announced Monday that he would not seek another term as the chairman of the Colorado Republican Party - nor make a bid for governor in 2018.

Senate Republicans livid over Obama commuting Chelsea Manning sentence

Senate Republicans offered a sharp rebuke of President Obama 's decision to commute the remainder of Chelsea Manning's sentence, which comes only three days before he is set to leave office. While speaking to reporters at the Capitol soon after the news emerged, Senate Republicans condemned the decision, which came seven years after Manning was convicted and earned a 35-year sentence for leaking sensitive information about American military activities to WikiLeaks.

Lila Wranglers warm up for Inauguration Day by performing for Ted Cruz

But the boot-wearers weren't a group of slick-talking lobbyists meeting with a congressman or a cadre of local politicians making a bold fashion statement. They were a gaggle of nearly 50 kids waiting to jump and swing for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Unreachable elected officials, school choice, bumblebees, Obamacare, Rep. Ted Poe

Since the election, I have been trying to contact my Texas senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, to voice my position as being opposed to repealing the Affordable Care Act, opposed to defunding Planned Parenthood, opposed to confirming Jeff Sessions as attorney general, opposed to confirming Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and to demand that the president-elect rid himself of all business conflicts of interest, and to support an independent counsel for investigation of Russian interference in this election to help the Republican candidate. My senators will not answer their phones or respond to letters or email.

On sensitive U.S. stopover, Taiwan leader connects to Twitter

Jan 14 Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, carving a careful diplomatic path on her stopovers in the United States, visited the headquarters of micro-messaging service Twitter Inc and opened her official account on Saturday. A source with knowledge of the president's travel through San Francisco told Reuters she met with the "head of Twitter" but declined to confirm if that person was CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey.

Two Mother Lode Republicans to attend D.C. ceremonies

Tuolumne County Republicans will host a free event Friday night at the Sonora Opera Hall for people 21 and over to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, and at least two are scheduled to be in Washington, D.C., that day to witness the dawn of a new era in American politics. Becky Wilkins, of Sonora, and County Supervisor Evan Royce, who represents District 3, are planning to fly to the nation's capitol this week after snagging tickets to Friday's inauguration ceremony through Mother Lode U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock's office.

Report: Texas congressman compares Mexican singers’ influence to Russian hackers

Texas Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Midland, apparently believes the influence of Mexican singers on the 2016 presidential campaign was similar to that of alleged interference by Russian hackers. Texas Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Midland, apparently believes the influence of Mexican singers on the 2016 presidential campaign was similar to that of alleged interference by Russian hackers.

Graham apologizes for calling for Cruz’s murder

Lindsey Graham Graham apologizes for calling for Cruz's murder Senate takes first step toward repealing ObamaCare GOP senators drop push to delay ObamaCare repeal MORE Ted Cruz Graham apologizes for calling for Cruz's murder GOP lawmaker says CNN reporter should be fired Live coverage: Tillerson's hearing for State MORE Thursday for joking that it was possible to get away with murdering the Texas senator if it happened in the Senate. Graham's remarks represent a truce of sorts between the two senators, who repeatedly feuded during their 2016 presidential runs, in part over what's seen as Cruz's persistent failure to win the respect of other senators.

Cory Booker seizes big moment with historic move against another senator

Sen. Cory Booker will make history Wednesday when he becomes the first sitting senator to testify against another sitting senator for a Cabinet post as he fights Jeff Sessions' nomination to become President-elect Donald Trump's attorney general. The decision has thrust Booker, a New Jersey Democrat and fixture on lists of potential 2020 presidential candidates, into the limelight.

China slams Tsai meeting with US Senator Ted Cruz

China said Monday it "firmly opposed" a meeting between Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen and Senator Ted Cruz, as a state-run newspaper warned of "revenge" against President-elect Donald Trump should he abandon the One China policy. Tsai met Cruz in Houston over the weekend, the Republican from Texas said in a statement, with the two discussing arms sales, diplomatic exchanges and economic relations.

China slams US over meeting between Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen and US Senator Ted Cruz

China said Monday it "firmly opposed" a meeting between Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen and Senator Ted Cruz, as a state-run newspaper warned of "revenge" against President-elect Donald Trump should he abandon the One China policy. Tsai met Cruz in Houston over the weekend, the Republican from Texas said in a statement, with the two discussing arms sales, diplomatic exchanges and economic relations.

Golden Globes 2017: Pharrell Williams unimpressed after Jenna Bush Hager interview blunder

Manhattan couple hasn't paid rent on their $4,754-per-month apartment in almost SEVEN years citing little-known 'Loft law' Wild weather rocks the U.S: Three dead as South and Northeast begin clean up from brutal winter storm while landslide fears spread across the West Coast as record-breaking rainfall begins Luggage hell for passengers caught up in Ft Lauderdale shooting: Airport staff desperately try to reunite 25,000 abandoned bags with 12,000 travelers stranded by the rampage Mother and boyfriend charged after her 14-year-old adopted daughter was raped, slaughtered and chopped up in 'sick rape-murder fantasy they plotted for more than a year' Don't get any ideas, Vladimir! Massive stockpile of U.S. tanks and military equipment arrives in Germany as part of mission to 'deter Russian aggression' Cops investigating the 'horror show' death of seven-month-old boy after mother took his ... (more)

Ted Cruz, Texas governor meet with Taiwan president

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Greg Abbott say they met with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen while she was passing through Houston on her way to Central America. The Republican senator said in a news release that during Sunday's meeting, they discussed how they might improve bilateral relations Abbott says in a separate statement that they discussed energy, trade relations and commercial ties between Taiwan and Texas.