Republicans havena t won statewide in Virginia since 2009. Tuesdaya s Senate primary shows why

Republicans haven't won a statewide race in Virginia since 2009, and GOP leaders have all but written off their chances of changing that trend in this year's Senate race. The best-known candidate, Corey Stewart, built his brand on defending Confederate icons.

Immigration fight, tension on tariffs await Congress’ return

This was supposed to be the quiet time on Capitol Hill, but Congress returns to work Monday facing a showdown in the House over immigration while Senate Republicans are trying to stop an all-out trade war after President Donald Trump's decision to impose import tariffs on close U.S. allies. Tensions are running particularly high as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is threatening to cancel the traditional August recess as he fights Democratic opposition to GOP priorities in a show of busy-work before the midterm election.

Congress faces immigration showdown, tension on tariffs

This was supposed to be the quiet time on Capitol Hill, but Congress returns to work Monday facing a showdown in the House over immigration while Senate Republicans are trying to stop an all-out trade war after President Donald Trump's decision to impose import tariffs on close U.S. allies. Tensions are running particularly high as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is threatening to cancel the traditional August recess as he fights Democratic opposition to GOP priorities in a show of busy-work before the midterm election.

Trump revises Comey firing, Giuliani blasts ‘lynching mob’

President Donald Trump declared Thursday that he didn't fire FBI Director James Comey over the Russia investigation, despite previously citing that as the reason. His lawyer, meanwhile, blasted federal investigators as "a lynching mob" the Trump team will "knock the heck out of" in the end.

Financial turmoil engulfs Italy amid political uncertainty

Farmers on the Hawaiian island o... Farmers say Hawaii should brace for a shortage of its traditional crop taro after record-breaking rains flooded their fields on the island of Kauai last month. Farmers say Hawaii should brace for a shortage of its traditional crop taro after record-breaking rains flooded their fields on the island of Kauai last month.

Leader of failed MH370 wreckage hunt hopes to search again

He retu... Nearly two years after a trip to meet the woman he loved turned into an imprisonment in a Venezuelan jail, an exhausted but grateful Utah man arrived home with his wife Monday. Nearly two years after a trip to meet the woman he loved turned into an imprisonment in a Venezuelan jail, an exhausted but grateful Utah man arrived home with his wife Monday.

American freed from Venezuelan jail returns home to Utah

Seam... A teacher who was shot while tackling and disarming a student at an Indiana school said Monday that his swift decisions "were the only acceptable actions" to save his seventh-grade classroom. . This May 29, 2016 photo provided by Christian Kahahawai shows Lyndsey Haraguchi-Nakayama planting huli, or taro seedlings at her farm in Hanalei, Kauai island, Hawaii.

The Latest: Utah man freed from Venezuelan jail returns home

In this image provided by the Holt family, Joshua Holt, his wife Thamara and her daughter Marian Leal, board a plane at the airport in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, May 26, 2018. Jailed in Venezuela on weapons charges nearly two years ago, Holt was released Saturday after a U.S. senator pressed for his freedom in a surprise meeting with President Nicolas Maduro.

President Trump welcomes Josh Holt, American held in Venezuela, back to the US

President Donald Trump welcomed Josh Holt, an American who had been held as a prisoner in Venezuela since the summer of 2016, back to the US on Saturday night. "You've gone through a lot, more than most people could endure," the President said to Holt as the two were seated side-by-side in the Oval Office.

Romney faces clearer path to GOP Senate nomination despite…

Mitt Romney seemed to be on a smooth path to Utah's U.S. Senate seat, with the backing of President Donald Trump, the blessing of retiring Sen. Orrin Hatch, R, and a popularity unique to the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Delegates at the GOP's state convention denied Romney their nomination as Mike Kennedy, a three-term state representative who entered the race just weeks earlier, edged out the establishment favorite with 50.88 percent of the vote to 49.12 percent.

John Huber, tapped to probe FBI, a special counsel in every way but name

Attorney General Jeff Sessions may have declined calls to appoint a second special counsel to probe the FBI's behavior during the 2016 campaign, but the man he has picked to lead an internal Justice Department review is a special counsel in every way but name. John W. Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, can convene a grand jury, issue subpoenas, collect evidence and order witnesses to testify - all the usual powers a federal prosecutor has - as he delves into whether the FBI abused its powers when it sought permission then carried out wiretapping of a Trump campaign figure, or whether it trod too lightly in pursuing questions about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Congress should do its job and end U.S. support for the Saudi war in Yemen

Over the past week, Republican leaders and officials from the Pentagon and State Department have worked hard to scuttle an effort by Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, to force a vote on American support for the Saudi war in Yemen. Since 2015, the Saudis have committed a litany of atrocities in Yemen with American military support and American weapons.The Saudis have bombed hospitals and funerals, and blocked food and medicine to a country ravaged by food shortages and a cholera outbreak.

Congress must take back its authority on trade

President Trump's threats of a trade war, and his recent signing of tariffs on steel and aluminum, can and should be constrained by Congress reasserting its constitutional authority over trade policy. Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution grants Congress the authority to regulate trade with foreign nations.

White House aide denies abuse allegations but resigns

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with White House Secretary Rob Porter and Sen. Mike Lee as they return to the White House December 4, 2017 in Washington, DC. U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with White House Secretary Rob Porter and Sen. Mike Lee as they return to the White House December 4, 2017 in Washington, DC.