Man escapes paying $114,000 in driving fines in Victoria

Furious Trump blasts the 'egregious overreach' of San Francisco judge who blocked his sanctuary city crackdown and says officials who shield illegal immigrants cause the DEATHS of Americans 'It was just a freak accident': Relative of grandfather killed when Bachelor contestant Chris Soules hit his tractor DEFENDS the reality star - even after he 'fled the scene and was arrested with open alcohol containers in his car' Sponsor of Ann Coulter's Berkeley speech PULLS OUT of the event amid fears of violence from 'leftist thugs' and mass protests Navy destroyer has close encounter with an Iran 'attack' boat in the Persian Gulf: US warship is forced to take evasive action after it was 'provoked' by the Revolutionary Guard's vessel Fox News employees file class action lawsuit alleging a 'Plantation-style management' where minorities are taunted with racial stereotypes and even forced to take ... (more)

Will Islam Inherit the Earth?By Brandon Withrow

Fueling the hysteria on the part of politicians like Steve King and Geert Wilders, a blockbuster new report details how a lack of Christian fecundity may leave the earth to others. Controversial right-wing Congressman Steve King made headlines in March when he tweeted his support for anti-Muslin Dutch politician Geert Wilders saying , "Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny.

US Rep. Steve King toasts Border Patrol over deportation

In this Jan. 23, 2014, file photo, Republican U.S. Rep. Steve King of Iowa speaks in Des Moines. King tweeted a toast to the U.S. Border Patrol on April 18, 2017, following the deportation of a man whose attorneys say is the first known person who qualifies for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to be removed from the country by President Donald Trump.

Rep. Steve King celebrates DREAMer’s deportation

Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an inveterate advocate of immigration reform and border security, noted the deportation of an illegal alien, Juan Manuel Montes, a so-called "DREAMer" who entered the United States more than a decade ago as a child. In a Twitter post, King added a photograph of a mug of beer to the words, "Border patrol, this one's for you."

Steve King: Putin allows freedom of dissent because he hasn’t…

Rep. Steve King defended President Donald Trump's recent praise of Vladimir Putin, noting that the Russian president had not killed a famous dissident, Garry Kasparov, who fled to New York City. During an interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, Trump dismissed the murder of journalists in Russia, arguing that the United States was not "so innocent" either.

Republicans Can’t Just Pretend Obamacare Never Happened

If you confine yourself to the Congressional Record, you would assume that Republicans methodically followed their game plan to dismantle Obamacare in the first week of the new session. The Senate passed the first phase of their repeal bill under a process called reconciliation, a budget procedure that requires only a simple majority in the Senate, without opportunity for filibuster.

Trump insists – Mexico will pay us back’ for cost of his border wall

Congressional Republicans are already exploring ways to begin funding a barrier on the US southern border, starting as soon as April US president-elect Donald Trump on Friday tweeted that Mexico will reimburse American taxpayers for a new border wall and that US money spent will be for the "sake of speed". Trump said in a tweet early on Friday: "The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall , will be paid back by Mexico later!" During his campaign, Trump repeatedly told voters if elected he would build a wall along the US southern border and make Mexico pay for it.

Republican Electors Are Being Called Upon To Vote Their Conscience, Not For Trump

Since the election, there has been much talk about the idea of "faithless electors;" that is, those in the electoral college who defy the pledge to vote for Trump and instead vote for another Republican. They call themselves "Hamilton Electors."

House conservatives serve notice to Ryan _ and Clinton

Since returning from their summer recess, House conservatives have wasted no time showing just how tough they can make life for Speaker Paul Ryan - and for Democrat Hillary Clinton, if she becomes president. Conservatives look determined to force a vote in the coming days to impeach the head of the IRS despite deep misgivings among other Republicans about such a pre-election move.

House conservatives serve notice to Ryan a ” and Clinton

House conservatives have wasted no time since returning from their summer recess showing just how tough they can make life for Speaker Paul Ryan - and for Democrat Hillary Clinton if she becomes president. Conservatives look determined to force a vote in coming days to impeach the head of the IRS despite deep misgivings among other Republicans about such a pre-election move.

House conservatives serve notice to Ryan – and Clinton

House conservatives have wasted no time since returning from their summer recess showing just how tough they can make life for Speaker Paul Ryan - and for Democrat Hillary Clinton if she becomes president. Conservatives look determined to force a vote in coming days to impeach the head of the IRS despite deep misgivings among other Republicans about such a pre-election move.