Locksmiths Seek To Revive Suit Against Search EnginesDigital News Daily a ” 5 minutes ago

A group of 14 locksmiths are asking a federal appellate court to revive a lawsuit accusing Google, Bing and Yahoo of promoting listings by "scammers." "When a consumer is locked out of his or her automobile or home and is in dire need of help, they use the most available and convenient tool to find that help, usually a hand held device such as a smart phone, to conduct an immediate internet search for a local locksmith," the locksmiths, including Baldino's Lock & Key of Newington, Virginia, write in papers filed late last month with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Under Republican majority, U.S. Senate votes to LEGALIZE hemp farming across the nation

Google has declared war on the independent media and has begun blocking emails from NaturalNews from getting to our readers. We recommend GoodGopher.com as a free, uncensored email receiving service, or ProtonMail.com as a free, encrypted email send and receive service.

Google blames Wikipedia for linking California GOP to Nazism

In this Dec. 4, 2017, photo, people walk by Google offices in New York. Google is blaming "vandalism" at Wikipedia for search results that incorrectly said the ideology of the California Republican Party included "Nazism."

Leaked memos reveal the deep divisions within Google over Pentagon contract

Google's decision to provide AI tools for use with US military drones has been hugely controversial within the company and now the New York Times has obtained internal memos revealing how senior officials at the company anticipated that controversy and attempted to head it off. One memo was written by Google Cloud's chief AI scientist, Fei-Fei Li, in response for a request on advice for how to spin the deal: "Avoid at ALL COSTS any mention or implication of AI... Weaponized AI is probably one of the most sensitized topics of AI - if not THE most.

Big Tech’s Fight for Net Neutrality Moves Behind the Scenes

But the likes of Google and Facebook are still invested in the fight behind the scenes. Last year's "Day of Action" prompted Amazon, Google, Facebook, and many others to pen blog posts or host banners urging users to file comments in support of the Federal Communications Commission's Obama-era net neutrality rules against blocking, throttling, or otherwise discriminating against lawful content.

Bain Capital Has Invested in Bamboo Sushi – Here’s What That Really Means

Last month, news broke that Bain Capital invested in Sustainable Restaurant Group, the Portland-based company behind eco-friendly Japanese restaurant and its fast-casual, poke-happy compatriot Quickfish . Folks may know Bain Capital as Mitt Romney's old stomping grounds, a private equity firm that accrued a heaping pile of bad press around 2012.

‘Great for tech’: Silicon Valley warms to Trump after a chilly start

"There is a lot of fear within Google," said Sundar Pichai, the company's chief executive, according to a video of the meeting viewed by The New York Times. When asked by an employee if there was any silver lining to Trump's election, Google co-founder Sergey Brin said, "Boy, that's a really tough one right now."

Sudden Consumer Data Outrage In The Age Of App Madness Is Bizarre And Dumb

According to reporting by The New York Times , Cambridge Analytica - a voter-profiling firm - amassed information on 50 million Facebook users in an attempt to predict people's personalities and psychological profiles. The company secured the data from a Cambridge University researcher named Aleksandr Kogan, who harvested it from a personality quiz app.

Peter Thiel is totally over Silicon Valley, people – CNET

During a talk at Stanford University more than a decade ago, Peter Thiel said there was a 50 percent chance the next major tech firm would come up within a 5-mile radius of the school. That company was Facebook, and it was well within that distance.

C Spire celebrates 30 years of customer inspiration this month

RIDGELAND, Miss: C Spire is celebrating a big anniversary this month - 30 years of inspired service as one of the nation's leading telecommunications and technology services providers and its evolution into one of the leading broadband companies in the U.S. The Ridgeland-based firm, which changed its brand name from Cellular South to C Spire in 2011, was launched 30 years ago on Feb. 4, 1988 in Gulfport on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with completion of the first call on its wireless network between former Ole Miss and New Orleans Saints quarterback Archie Manning and then U.S. Rep. Trent Lott.

A raucous Google-Uber fight is finally heading to trial

A Google-bred pioneer in self-driving cars and Uber's beleaguered ride-hailing service are colliding in a courtroom showdown revolving around allegations of deceit, betrayal, espionage and a high-tech heist that tore apart one-time allies. The trial opening Monday in San Francisco federal court comes nearly a year after Google spin-off Waymo sued Uber, accusing it of ripping off key pieces of its self-driving car technology in 2016.

Special Announcement: Social Media Neutrality Panel in Washington DC…

Washington, D.C. - On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, at 1:00pm at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. thought leaders and prominent voices in alternative media will gather for a panel discussion on social media neutrality and the fight for diversity of voices online. The event will feature several prominent online conservative and moderate voices who have been impacted by social media bias, shadow banning and other methods meant to silence voices and limit readers and viewers access to information.