GPS device-maker Garmin reeling after workers gunned down

In this undated photo provided by Kranti Shalia, Srinivas Kuchibhotla, right, poses for photo with his wife Sunayana Dumala. In the middle of a crowded bar, a 51-year-old former air traffic controller yelled at two Indian men - Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani - to "get out of my country," witnesses said, then opened fire in an attack that killed one of the men and wounded the other, as well as a third man who tried to help, Thursday, Feb 23, 2017, in Olathe, Kan.

Keep Guantanamo and grow it, GOP senators say in letter to Trump

A group of Republican senators has written President Donald Trump to not only keep the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but to suspend the parole-style review board and grow the prison population. Four of the 11 senators who wrote Trump represent Colorado, Kansas and South Carolina - states the Obama administration had considered as possible sites for relocation of the last 41 Guantanamo detainees.

Republican senators concerned about Yahoo’s “candor” concerning data breaches

Two senators have given Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer until February 23 to answer lingering questions regarding the two massive data breaches the company sustained in 2013 and 2014 . In a letter sent to Mayer last Friday , Sen. John Thune and Sen. Jerry Moran write that the company has been "unable to provide answers to many basic questions about the reported breaches."

Trump’s threat to end Cuba detente may rouse GOP opposition

President-elect Donald Trump's threat Monday to "terminate" the U.S. detente with Cuba could trigger opposition from some Republican lawmakers and corporate leaders who favor continued engagement with Havana. Since 2014, when President Barack Obama began to normalize relations with the island, the United States has taken numerous steps to increase commercial travel, commerce and the flow of information to Cuba.

Letters on school funding, justices, renewables, great America, Clinton

I am a homeowner and do not have children, but I do know we need to take care of the next generation. And if that means tax increases, then so We cannot expect the state of Kansas to run on the generosity of large companies and the wealthy citizens of the state, because it is obviously not working like our governor had hoped.

Kansas tea party congressman loses Republican primary battle

Rep. Tim Huelskamp has been a thorn in the side of the Republican establishment since his election to Congress amid the tea party wave of 2010, and his clashes with former House Speaker John Boehner and other GOP leaders helped get him booted from the House Agriculture Committee. That proved costly for the third-term congressman on Tuesday, as he lost the GOP nomination to continue representing Kansas' largely rural 1st District to Roger Marshall, a political newcomer who had the backing of powerful farming and business groups.

Sen. Jerry Moran won’t say whether he still supports Donald Trump

Moran, a Republican, was asked if he backs the Republican nominee after he toured a dementia ward at the Colmery-O'Neil VA Medical Center in Topeka. His response instead focused on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

U.S. Chamber spends big to defeat Kansas Rep. Huelskamp

Less than a week before the Republican primary in Kansas' 1st Congressional District, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has thrown its support behind physician Roger Marshall in his bid to defeat Rep. Tim Huelskamp. The chamber's political arm is spending $200,000 on ads to support Marshall and another $200,000 on ads to oppose Huelskamp.

Democrats working to expand Senate map into red states

Following a recruiting success in Indiana, Democrats are eyeing Kansas as they try to expand their playing field into red states and take back the Senate. GOP Sen. Jerry Moran is up for re-election in Kansas, Republican-friendly territory that's on few lists of competitive races this year.