SCOTUS Asked to Review Ninth Circuit Decision on California’s Waiting Period Laws

Today, two individuals and two Second Amendment civil rights advocacy groups filed a petition for certiorari in the case of Silvester, et al. v. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra asking the United States Supreme Court to review and overturn a wrongly-decided Ninth Circuit decision about the State of California's 10-day waiting period laws, noted The Calguns Foundation, one of the petitioners.

Gov. Cuomo Threatens To Sue If Pro-Gun Legislation That Overrides NY’s SAFE Act Passes

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to file a lawsuit Tuesday if Congress passes pro-Second Amendment legislation that would roll back the state's major 2013 gun control law known as the SAFE Act. "If they try to overrule the State of New York we will sue because this state has rights too," Cuomo told reporters.

Exclusive: The Long March

"Women gather to call NRA racist, accuse them of inciting violence against minorities," a BizPac Review headline advised its conservative readership. The article demonstrated that not one protester could cite a single instance of racism or one call for violence, but since when does a lynch mob need evidence to trigger blind fury? Producing such evidence was not a requirement for thousands of "mainstream" articles promoting and sympathizing with the hundreds of anti-armed citizen fanatics at the 17-mile "Women's March" from National Rifle Association headquarters in Fairfax, Va., to the Department of Justice in D.C. in July.

Scaramucci defends deleting old pro-Hillary Clinton,…

In his first days as the newly minted White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci has spent some time deleting old tweets that don't align with his new boss's views. During an interview on Fox News Sunday , host Chris Wallace said it was an understandable move, and pulled up a 2012 tweet in which Scaramucci advocated for tougher gun control laws.

Justice Thomas Calls Out The Supreme CourtFor Not Believing In The Second Amendment

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had stern words for his colleagues when the Court declined to hear a case challenging California's handgun laws, saying that the jurists do not understand the importance of self-defense. The case, supported by the National Rifle Association, involves San Diego resident Edward Peruta, who challenged his county's refusal to grant him permission to carry a concealed firearm outside of his home.

New York County DA Suggests Republican Efforts to Pass National…

The New York County District Attorney, Cy Vance, said that if Republicans pass national reciprocity for concealed carry permit holders, it would help the Islamic State. The DA was referring to Richard Hudson's national reciprocity legislation-HR 38, saying: "this bill is supported, I'm sure, by ISIS."

McAuliffe makes fool of himself with knee-jerk call for gun control

For a frightening instant, it sounded as if Barack Obama, through some twisted stroke of cosmic freakiness, were back in the saddle, but it was only Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe making a fool of himself - and, in emblematic Democratic fashion, crassly refusing to let a crisis go to waste. It should have come as no surprise.

GOP House hopeful Norman says more in Congress should be armed

The Republican seeking to replace Mick Mulvaney in the U.S. House said Thursday that the shooting of a congressman during a recreational baseball practice is a prime example of why more people should carry guns. Ralph Norman, a former state lawmaker seeking to represent South Carolina's 5th District, said that more people would have been wounded or killed if officers providing security for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise hadn't been armed when a man opened fire Wednesday morning at a ballfield in Alexandria, Virginia.

Shooting of Gun-Rights Congressman Fires Up Both Sides of Debate

The shooting of a Republican lawmaker known for his support for gun rights sparked alarm among GOP colleagues, with some calling for lawmakers to carry weapons and others saying the attack doesn't justify tighter firearms restrictions. Representative Steve Scalise, 51, was in critical condition Wednesday after surgery to treat a gunshot wound to the hip.

They Took The Guns Away? Isn’t That Supposed To Be Impossible?

The socialist leader of Venezuela announced in a speech to regime loyalists his plan to arm hundreds of thousands of supporters after a years-long campaign to confiscate civilian-owned guns. "A gun for every militiaman!" Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said to uniformed militia members outside the presidential palace, Fox News reported on Tuesday .

Baltimore Focuses on Guns to Distract from Top-Down Incompetence, Corruption

"Federal agents arrested seven Baltimore City Police Department officers today for a racketeering conspiracy and racketeering offenses, including robbery, extortion, and overtime fraud," the Department of Justice U.S. Attorney's Office District of Maryland announced Wednesday . "The police officers charged today with crimes that erode trust with our community have disgraced the Baltimore Police Department and our profession," Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis admitted in a statement acknowledging the charges.

Appeals court upholds Maryland’s ban on assault rifles

A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld Maryland's ban on assault rifles, ruling gun owners are not protected under the U.S. Constitution to possess "weapons of war," court documents showed. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided 10-4 that the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, a law in response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, by a gunman with an assault rifle, is not protected under the right to bear arms within the Second Amendment.