Canada’s Love Affair with Monuments to War

I wondered about this when reading about a recent tussle in the nation's capital over the location for yet another celebration of people killing each other. Last month the Canadian War Museum complained to the National Capital Commission about the planned site of the National Memorial to Canada's Mission in Afghanistan.

Vietnam Veteran receives Long Overdue Bronze Star

October 19 - An honor long overdue was awarded to one Vietnam Veteran Thursday morning at the Illinois National Guard Army Aviation Support Facility at the Decatur Airport. From August 1971, to March 1972, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Kenneth Carlock served as an artillery forward observer, which from the very front lines, advised his commander on artillery fire support.

Now is a terrible time for Trumpa s VA secretary to abandon his post

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Portraits of President Trump and Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin on display at VA'scentral office in Washington. A long-awaited overhaul of veterans' health care is being unveiled to the world.

Plan to scrap state and local tax deduction hits resistance

The noise of car engines enveloping the streets of the French capital might in the future become a memory for Paris pedestrians. The Department of Veterans Affairs has abruptly dropped plans to suspend an ethics law barring employees from receiving benefits from for-profit colleges.

Poll: Majority Of Vets, Troops Oppose NFL Protests

A majority of veterans and troops disagree with National Football League players' decision to to protest during the national anthem, a result obscured by veterans' advocacy organization, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America . A Sunday poll from the veterans' advocacy organization Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America shows that, when all categories are combined together, 62 percent of veterans and active-duty troops disagree with the NFL protests and only 35 percent agree.

NH’s Congressional delegation calls for improvements to women’s facilities at VA

The top three officials who were removed from their jobs at the Manchester Veterans Affairs Medical Center over the past three weeks continue to pocket a VA paycheck, and two have been reassigned to jobs in the system, the VA has acknowledged.

Supreme Court to hear new challenge to labor unions

U.S Navy veteran fears the Trump administration's new travel ban on Iranians will keep him from bringing his fiancA e to America. Sen. John McCain is demanding a full accounting from the Department of Veterans Affairs on the financial status of its private-sector health care program.

Iraq War veteran seeks Michigan Senate seat

Republican John James, a political newcomer who flew Army helicopters in the Iraq War and now runs an automotive supply chain and logistics business in Detroit, said Thursday he is running for U.S. Senate. He is the second candidate in the GOP primary field, joining former state Supreme Court Justice Bob Young after another business executive, Lena Epstein, left the race this week to seek a House seat instead.

HHS activates program to reimburse hospitals caring for patients evacuated following Hurricane Irma

As part of the Trump Administration's government-wide efforts to provide relief to those affected by Hurricane Irma, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services activated a program to help hospitals and medical facilities providing care to people affected by Irma. This is the first time HHS has activated the program in response to a natural disaster since a devastating earthquake hit Haiti in 2010.

Lower Houses pass ‘Victory Day’ bill to remember Yamashita surrender

Lone District Representative Mark Go said that the Lower Houses has approved on third and final reading House Bill 3721 recognizing the importance of September 3 that marked the end of World War II in Baguio, where General Tomoyuki Yamashita signed the formal surrender documents. Go said it is befitting to remember the day as Victory Day not just in Baguio, but the entire country as it marked the end of the second World War in the Pacific.

$19.8 Million Settlement Reached over Allegations of Drug Overcharges …

The Whistleblower Institute announces that Sanofi Pasteur reached a $19.8 million settlement over allegations of drug overcharges to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Those who have a similar case or experienced a similar situation or any other wrongdoing within a corporation have certain options and should contact the Whistleblower Institute at or call: 619-452-1218.

This is Transparent Discrimination: ACLU’s Chase Strangio on Trump’s Military Trans Ban

The White House has reportedly prepared a memo for the Pentagon outlining President Trump's call to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military. The memo instructs the Pentagon to refuse to admit transgender people to the military and to stop paying for the medical treatments for transgender people currently serving.

VA reform laws are rare legislative bright spot in 2017 for Trump, Congress

As President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed another bill into law that was designed to make internal reforms at the Department of Veterans Affairs, it was a fresh reminder that one of the few areas of legislative success for Congress and the Trump Administration in 2017 has come on a subject that has drawn strong bipartisan cooperation, with the simple goal of ensuring better treatment for the nation's veterans. "To fulfill our great patriotic duties, we must take care of our great veterans," the President said in a speech to the American Legion in Reno, Nevada, where he later signed into law a bill that modernizes the benefits claims appeals process at the VA, to help speed decisions for veterans.

Commentary: World War II vets fire back at Nazi march

The Nazi flags and salutes in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend were a tough sight for anyone who had anything to do with the bloodiest war in human history. "I signed up to fight Nazis 73 years ago and I'll do it again if I have to," tweeted World War II veteran and former Michigan Rep. John Dingell.

Against their will, Minneapolis VA considers dumping veterans in Hastings

Minneapolis veterans home resident Randall Hixson says many of his peers, especially those with nightmares, need to have a room of their own. Hidden away in the back of the wooded Veterans Affairs campus between Minnehaha Falls and the Mississippi River is a home for veterans.