Hillary Clinton takes ‘What Happened’ book on tour

At a time when her public approval is as low as ever, Hillary Clinton this week will re-enter the public arena with a book that blames everyone including Bernard Sanders and Barack Obama for her election loss - and analysts say it will only further tarnish her legacy and ensure she has little, if any, future influence in politics. Mrs. Clinton will begin promoting her most recent work, "What Happened," with a book signing Tuesday in New York City, the first stop on a tour that will stretch through the end of the year.

D.C. College Students Not Feeling Very Proud To Be American [VIDEO]

Students in Washington, D.C. expressed little pride in being American during a man-on-the-streets video published Tuesday, with most rating their patriotism "around a five" out of 10. In addition to rating their patriotism, the students at George Washington University also addressed which country they deemed the best in the world and the idea of American exceptionalism in the video released by Campus Reform . "I was proud to be an American even until a few months ago," said one student, possibly referring to the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Kelly says critical lawmakers should changes laws or shut up

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Tuesday bluntly challenged members of Congress critical of the Trump administration's aggressive approach to immigration enforcement to either change the laws or "shut up." In a wide-ranging speech, Kelly also promised a border crackdown on marijuana, which is illegal under federal law but legal under state law in eight states and the District of Columbia.

Sexist, vulgar posts on women’s marches rebound on officials

A school board member in Hillary Clinton's hometown resigned after making a derogatory reference on Twitter to the female anatomy in describing women marching against President Donald Trump. An Illinois teacher was pulled from the classroom for a tweet deemed sexist.

Pete Buttigieg makes case for a fresh face at the DNC

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is embracing the idea of being of being considered the "wild card" in the race to become the next chair of the Democratic National Committee. For the second time in as many weeks, Mr. Buttigieg shared a stage Wednesday with six other contenders for chairman, including favorites Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Labor Secretary Tom Perez, for a debate.

Trump picks strike fear into net neutrality backers

Donald Trump Tax reform push sparks lobbying frenzy Poll: More than 80 percent think country more deeply divided than in the past Trump picks strike fear into net neutrality backers MORE 's appointments to his transition team are sparking fears among net neutrality supporters that the internet rules are on the chopping block. Trump has tapped tech experts Jeff Eisenach and Mark Jamison, two critics of net neutrality, to head his transition team for the Federal Communications Commission.

Rhodes scholars for Class of 2017 announced

This year's class of Rhodes scholars from the U.S. includes students who have used data to visualize sea level rise, some who speak several languages and the son of undocumented immigrants. The Rhodes Trust announced the 32 American men and women chosen as scholars early Sunday.

The Note: Clinton, Sanders’ Post-Election Reflections

CLINTON SAYS 'NEVER EVER GIVE UP' DURING 1ST SPEECH SINCE ELECTION LOSS: Hillary Clinton last night made her first public appearance since delivering her concession speech last week, making an emotional plea for the country to focus on helping underprivileged children while acknowledging the pain she feels after her unexpected failure to defeat Donald Trump at the ballot box, ABC's MARGARET CHADBOURN notes. Speaking at the Children's Defense Fund's 26th annual Beat the Odds Celebration in Washington, D.C., Clinton said, "I know this isn't easy.

No, Not Gary Johnson

NEWS BRIEF Kim Kardashian West left Paris Monday hours after she was robbed at gunpoint by a group of men who took millions of dollars worth of jewelry, police officials told The Associated Press. The reality-TV star was visiting Paris for its biannual fashion week and was staying in a private residence in the French capital's eighth arrondissement when at 2:30 a.m. local time a group of five armed men reportedly forced the building's concierge to open her private apartment.

The Most and Worst Regulations Secretly Pass ‘Round Midnight

The Obama administration is on a regulation streak as President Obama works hastily to implement his policy goals before he leaves office. Narrowing the overtime pay exemption , limiting attorney-client privilege , treating e-cigarettes as tobacco products , and making financial advice more costly are the results of just a few recent major executive branch regulations.

Liberal CNN Guest Skewers Clinton: Pretending to Be ‘Village Idiot’ on Email

On Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 , CNN host Cooper moderated a debate between two liberals, one of whom took a stridently critical position of Hillary Clinton for her flimsy excuses for mishandling classified email when she was Secretary of State. As CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin came to the defense of the Democratic presidential candidate, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley was sharply critical of Clinton as he accused her of "trying to portray" herself as "something of a village idiot" in claiming that she misunderstood the marking of classified email, and calling her explanation "perfectly absurd," and asserting that it "borders on insulting."

Meet Huma Abedin: Hillary Clintona s right-hand woman

Huma Abedin has worked with Hillary Clinton for decades, serving as the presidential candidate's right-hand woman at the White House, Senate, State Department and private life. But her role in Clinton's career has come into a harsh spotlight as the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Clinton's State Department is being scrutinized, and Abedin's name is front and center in emails being parsed to determine any inappropriate links.