Lobbying expenses spiked as Congress shaped tax overhaul

This Dec. 3, 2015, file photo shows an existing home for sale in Roswell, Ga. Money spent on lobbying by corporations, trade associations and special interest groups spiked during the final three months of 2017 as they battled for the biggest breaks possible in the most dramatic rewrite of the U.S. tax code in more than 30 years.

Brainerd area politicos sound off on tax bill

The tax reform bill recently passed by Washington lawmakers will be either a boon or a curse when it's signed into law, depending on which side of the aisle is doing the talking. The median combined household income for the 8th District is $53,000 annually, but analysts agreed the bill would cause taxes to go up for most people with incomes under $70,000, he said.

Tax-hike fears fuel talk of HNW exodus from Northeast

Even Bruce McGuire, founder of the Connecticut Hedge Fund Association, understands if wealthy Northeasterners flee the region due to changes in the tax code. The problem for the Connecticut hedge-fund set - and, more broadly, for a lot of the Wall Street crowd - is that Republican proposals in both the House and Senate would drive up taxes for many high-earners in the New York City area.

Democrats add to win column in deep-red Oklahoma

Democrats added another win in the deep-red Oklahoma Legislature on Tuesday, continuing the minority party's string of success and chipping away at the Republican Party's hold on state government. The previously GOP-held House seat and two Senate seats on the ballot were all in mostly Republican districts around Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

Illinois ranks among top for human trafficking cases

Human trafficking is one of the most under reported crimes, but according to UNICEF U.S.A., it is also the second largest crime industry in the world. Among the human trafficking cases, according to the Human Trafficking Hotline, the vast majority of those cases are sex trafficking.

Former Trump campaign chairman Manafort and former business partner…

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his former business partner Rick Gates will turn themselves in on charges stemming from Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 election, according to a person familiar with the matter. The precise charges the men face were not immediately clear.

Workers clear out of Russian consulate in San Francisco

Acrid, black smoke was seen pouring from a chimney at the Russian consulate in San Francisco and workers began hauling boxes out of the stately building in a historic area of the city Friday, a day after the Trump administration ordered its closure amid escalating tensions between the United States and Russia. The order to leave the consulate and an official diplomatic residence in San Francisco - home to a longstanding community of Russian emigres and technology workers - escalated an already tense diplomatic standoff between Washington and Moscow, even for those who have long monitored activities inside the closely monitored building.

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s $1.675M home includes…

In anticipation of his move to Washington, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently listed his family's Boulder County home for sale. And interest in the $1.675 million home, located 10 miles from Pearl Street Mall and surrounded by open space with stunning mountain views, is already high, listing agent Deborah Read Fowler said..

NSW man was arrested after a submachine gun was found

Back so soon? Trump, Melania and Barron arrive back at the White House after spending just one night at Camp David for Father's Day Megyn Kelly presses Infowars' Alex Jones to admit he was wrong about Sandy Hook massacre hoax claims - as critics lash out calling decision to air interview on Father's Day 'disgusting' 'At least two dead' as holiday hotspot in Mali is stormed by gunmen who took hostages in resort popular with Western tourists US fighter jet shoots down a pro-Assad military plane for the first time after Syrian government attacked American-backed fighters Girl, 11, is electrocuted to death in front of her friends after touching the rail of a boat lift while floating in a lagoon on an inflatable raft Mother of Navy sailor who survived collision between USS Fitzgerald and a cargo ship describes how her son tried in vain to rescue his shipmates from their flooding berth - as ... (more)

Pet snake on the loose in New York City

'I took my daughter to the dentist, and they brought her back dead': Mother's anguish as her daughter, three, dies during routine dental procedure to remove two teeth Pastor, 52, vanishes in New Mexico while hunting for hidden treasure chest containing $1million of gold and jewels buried somewhere in the Rocky Mountains - a year after another man died looking for the same haul 'At least two dead' as holiday hotspot in Mali is stormed by gunmen who have 'taken hostages in resort popular with Western tourists' Caitlyn Jenner prompts outrage with ill-timed joke saying 'liberals can't even shoot straight' in wake of Republican baseball practice shooting More than 80 Great Danes are rescued from squalid $1.45 million New Hampshire mansion-'turned puppy farm' covered in feces and littered with rotting raw chicken Girl, 10, has arm severed and nearly loses her foot after being mauled by ... (more)

Laisa Ribeiro, Jasmine Tookes and Jocelyn Chew in Vegas

'I took my daughter to the dentist, and they brought her back dead': Mother's anguish as her daughter, three, dies during routine dental procedure to remove two teeth Pastor, 52, vanishes in New Mexico while hunting hidden treasure chest containing $1million of gold and jewels buried somewhere in the Rocky Mountains - a year after another man died looking for the same haul 'At least two dead' as holiday hotspot in Mali is stormed by gunmen who have 'taken hostages in resort popular with Western tourists' Girl, 10, has arm severed and nearly loses her foot after being mauled by 'vicious' pit bull that previously attacked a utilities worker More than 80 Great Danes are rescued from squalid $1.45 million New Hampshire mansion-'turned puppy farm' covered in feces and littered with rotting raw chicken North Korea accuses America of 'mugging' its diplomats of a package at JFK airport and says ... (more)