New health care ideas, but path of passage iffy at best

Republican, Democratic and even bipartisan plans for reshaping parts of the Obama health care law are proliferating in Congress. But they have iffy prospects at best, and there were no signs Monday that GOP leaders have chosen a fresh pathway after last week's collapse of their struggle to repeal and rewrite the statute.

A key part of Trump’s tax plan just hit a roadblock with…

The rough outline the administration released on Wednesday said all deductions would be eliminated except for those from charitable donations and mortgage payments. One of the deductions that faces the chopping block is the state and local tax deduction .

CHICAGO, IL – MARCH 23: A sign points to the direction

Amtrak's long-distance train routes could get the ax President Trump's proposed budget would derail 15 of the country's most train trips. Check out this story on CHICAGO, IL - MARCH 23: A sign points to the direction of the trains at Chicago's Union Station where Amtrak's California Zephyr makes a daily 2,438 miles run to Emeryville/San Francisco that takes about 52 hours.

First months of Trump, GOP Congress produce few victories

President Donald Trump is approaching the end of his first 100 days in office without having signed a single major bill into law. Trump's top priority - repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama's landmark health care law - ran aground in the House in spite of Republican opposition to "Obamacare," the first time in recent memory that a newly elected president's first big initiative had imploded so spectacularly.

Reed Talks ACA; Senators Wary Of Rising Costs

While U.S. Rep. Tom Reed said he stands for the repeal and replacement, U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer say the proposed bill will force middle-class families and senior citizens to pay more for less care.

Even a Democratic congressman has to answer for Trump at town hall

Republican House members aren't the only ones who arrived home this weekend to critics of President Donald Trump jamming town-hall meetings and holding signs demanding that they "resist." Freshman Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., held an impromptu question-and-answer session at the Land & Sea diner here Sunday morning, scrapping his plan to have only one-on-one chats with constituents.

Lawmakers Feel the Heat as Resistance Shows Up in Droves to Town Halls

"This is what the resistance looks like," Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan wrote Saturday on Twitter. Energized crowds in New York, South Carolina, and Wisconsin on Saturday morning gave lawmakers a hint of what awaits them in their home districts during the upcoming Congressional recess .

Editorials from around New York

The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle on the importance of the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and lawmakers' failed attempt to place it under the oversight of the House Ethics Committee. In 2013, 10 members of Congress, three former aides to President Barack Obama, several spouses, and 32 staff members attended an all-expenses-paid conference in Azerbaijan.

Ap Fact Check: Trump off on how colleges use endowments

Donald Trump says colleges and universities should be using their endowments to make college more affordable but that too many are using "the money to pay their administrators or put donors' names on buildings or just store the money, keep it and invest it." But that's not exactly how endowments work.

House Speaker Ryan Paul to Visit WNY for Campaign Fundraiser

House speaker Paul Ryan will be in Western New York Monday and Tuesday to help fundraise for the National Republican Campaign Committee and his own campaign committee. Ryan is expected to appear at the Hotel at the Lafayette in Buffalo alongside Congressman Chris Collins Monday night.