Johnson Amendment Repeal Removed from Final GOP Tax Bill(UPDATED)…

President Donald Trump's biggest religious freedom policy promise to evangelicals - repealing the Johnson Amendment - will no longer take place via Republican tax reform. A Democratic senator announced Thursday night that the repeal included in the House version of the tax bill, which would allow churches and other nonprofits to endorse candidates without losing their tax-exempt status, was removed during the reconciliation process with the Senate version, which did not include a repeal.

Harsher policies under Trump reportedly damage health of

Their fears - real and imagined - about the potential deportation of their parents are causing illness and perhaps permanent brain changes, according to a new study released Wednesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit leader in health-policy analysis. The study showed that legal and undocumented immigrant families are being consumed by the stresses produced by the Trump administration's harsher enforcement policies.

Trump: ‘America Doesn’t Worship Government, We Worship God’ [VIDEO]

During a rally in Pensacola, Fla., Friday, President Donald Trump spoke of the shared values of Americans and declared that the nation does not worship government, but God. Trump said the country is "protecting religious liberty" under his administration, including getting rid of the "getting rid of the Johnson amendment, which prohibits non-profit institutions including churches from making political contributions.

Mayo Clinic takes on IRS over status as a school

The $11.5 million question at the core of Mayo Clinic's lawsuit against the United States is whether the nonprofit operation is primarily a school or a medical center. Mayo Clinic's position is that it is an "educational organization," which "makes patient care available as a necessary and integral part of its educational activities."

Editorial: Exploiting Veterans for Profit

Despite efforts by Congress, the Obama administration and state attorneys general to stop the predatory practices of for-profit colleges, veterans and service members who rely on funding from the G.I. bill and the Defense Department to attend school are still being targeted by an industry infamous for saddling people with debt and useless degrees. A Senate committee report sounded a warning on this problem three years ago, when it raised questions about deceptive practices in the industry.

How slamming campaign finance laws helped Greg Gianforte become a congressman

In May, on the eve of Greg Gianforte's special congressional election, the Montana politician " body-slammed " inquiring news reporter Ben Jacobs and began " punching " him, according to Jacobs and other witnesses. Medics treated the battered journalist, and the county sheriff cited Gianforte for misdemeanor assault.

Time to modernize air traffic control

With the Olympics coming to Los Angeles in 2028, our region is laser-focused on developing and improving critical infrastructure to be able to adequately support this global event. As the mayor of the city of San Fernando, I know that we must do everything we can to prepare locally, so that our businesses and residents can reap the benefits of having the Olympics right here in our backyard, without any added problems.

California governor heads to Europe for climate talks

California Gov. Jerry Brown is continuing his international fight against climate change with an 11-day trip to Europe starting Saturday including stops at the Vatican and a United Nations conference in Germany. Brown is a chief adversary to Republican President Donald Trump in the battle over U.S. climate policy, promising to help the country reach its emissions reductions targets even as Trump withdraws from an international climate accord.