Kavanaugh made a mark on drones and net neutrality. What’s next?

Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, will have a sweeping impact on American life if he's confirmed for the job. The growing power of technology and internet companies will be one of the issues where he may make his mark.

Glimmers of Hope: the Death of the Old and Arrival of the Young

If there is a silver lining in Donald Trump's sadistic presidency, we saw it on vivid display on June 26. The victories of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ben Jealous against establishment candidates confirm what many have been saying since last year, that Trump is one of the greatest recruiting tools the left has ever had. He is, as it were, a personification and distillation of all the evils of neoliberal capitalism, all the decadence, the corruption, the awe-inspiring greed and misanthropy, the savage disregard for humanity and all things living in the cause of a debased and orgiastic self-glorification whose telos is the self-immolation of civilization itself.

Schumer says he maintains contact with Alcoa officials to keep Massena plant operational

Three years ago, Alcoa officials announced that they planned to close the Massena East smelter rather than modernize it, and idle the Massena West smelter. In the process, 487 would have been eliminated, while Alcoa officials said they expected about 220 jobs to remain following the reductions.

The New Norm The Left Needs to Face Reality: Trump is Winning

From Michael Goodwin of the New York Post , 'Trump is winning.' As the LEFT loses their mind with there never ending, all consuming resistance of Trump they have failed to notice the obvious, the economy is great, black unemployment at all time lows, Hispanic unemployment at all time low, female unemployment at all times low, consumer confidence is through the roof, the Trump tax cuts have worked, the Mueller witch hunt has gone no where, the DOJ's IG report supported a Comey firing, polls show parents are most to blame for minors crossing the border not Trump, the polls are also increasingly trending upward for President Trump.

‘This cannot be overstated’: Trump’s massive chance to reshape America

New York: In the early days of Donald Trump's presidency, many progressive Americans dared to believe that maybe, just maybe, his election victory would not prove as consequential as they first feared. Yes, a man they thought dangerous and demagogic was in the White House but the other branches of government - Congress and the courts - were providing an effective brake on executive power.

‘We’re here’: Thousands in rainbow colors make a statement at New York City’s Gay Pride parade

NEW YORK Thousands of people clad in rainbow colors marched Sunday through Greenwich Village and up Fifth Avenue for the annual Gay Pride parade, a massive celebration of LGBTQ identity. One of this year's grand marshals is tennis legend Billie Jean King, along with transgender advocate Tyler Ford and the civil rights organization Lambda Legal.

Jews Gather To Pray And Protest Immigration Crackdown At New York ICE Building

Hundreds of people holding purple placards with messages including "This is what 'Never Again' looks like," gathered outside the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in lower Manhattan Thursday evening to protest President Donald Trump's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy. The protest - organized by T'ruah and co-sponsored by groups including J Street NYC and Bend the Arc Jewish Action - comes one day after Trump buckled to pressure and signed an executive order reversing his administration's actions to separate immigrant families.

US lawmakers brand ZTE a ‘national security threat’

US Republican and Democrat lawmakers parties have criticized the deal with Chinese telco ZTE to allow it to go back into business. Senator Marco Rubio, of Florida tweeted that ZTE "is a much greater national security threat than steel from Argentina or Europe," a reference to tariffs imposed by the Trump administration.

Trump says he will not let U.S. become ‘migrant camp’

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he would not allow the United States to become a "migrant camp" as his administration faced a barrage of criticism for separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. Democrats and some in Trump's own Republican Party have admonished the administration for dividing nearly 2,000 children from their parents between mid-April and the end of May. Medical professionals have said the practice could cause lasting trauma to children.

Sunscreen pills falsely promise protection against UVA and UVB rays, Schumer says

Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday railed against companies claiming to sell the benefits of sunscreen in a pill form, arguing the method is not effective against sun damage and should be taken off the shelves. Schumer said several companies sell such pills, falsely promising protection against UVA and UVB rays.

Net neutrality rules are gone. What’s everyone saying? – CNET

After months of votes and procedural and bureaucratic moves, the Federal Communication Commission's decision to end the Obama-era laws governing net neutrality went into effect on Monday. , defended the move as necessary to remove what he has described as onerous regulations that restrict investment in new networks.

After Spade and Bourdain, Schumer Wants to Increase Funding for Suicide Prevention

It was hard not to sit back and really examine the prevalence of suicide last week after two celebrities, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, both took their own lives. Sen. Chuck Schumer must have been thinking about it as well, and along with a report on the state of suicides across the country, he wants to increase funding for suicide prevention.

Trump DOJ looks to gut key Obamacare provision

Democrats are coming out swinging against the Department of Justice's move to back a lawsuit brought forth by a group of Republican attorneys general against the Affordable Care Act that, if successful, could result in the dismantling of some of the most significant parts of the health care law. The Senate's top Democrats fired off a letter to President Trump on Friday to denounce the decision and urged Trump's Justice Department to reverse course.

Skepticism and backlash follow US deal with China’s ZTE

The United States had banned ZTE, a state-controlled Chinese smartphone maker, from buying American parts, saying it breached a 2017 deal in which it admitted to violating sanctions on Iran and North Korea. Most unusual, though, is a provision that will allow a US-appointed oversight team to keep tabs on the company from the inside.

Schumer Says Trump Not Acting Like an Innocent Man, ‘Dead Wrong’ on Pardoning Himself

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said President Trump is not acting like an innocent man and is "dead wrong" when he insists he can pardon himself. Asked by NPR's Rachel Martin about whether a self-pardon would prompt Schumer to support moving toward impeachment, the top Senate Democrat said, "We don't want to get to the point where there is a constitutional crisis."

Bill Clinton says he doesn’t think he should have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky affair

Former President Bill Clinton has said he disagrees with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's view that he should have resigned because of the Monica Lewinsky affair. 'You have to - really ignore what the context was,' Clinton told CBS Sunday Morning in an interview that will air this Sunday at 9:00am Eastern Time.