The Latest: Voter turnout in France so far similar to 2012

French voters are casting ballots for their next president in an unusually close first-round election Sunday, aft... . A man casts his vote for the first-round presidential election at a polling in Tulle central France, Sunday, April 23, 2017.

Schumer: Boost communication after Penn Station stampede

Sen. Charles Schumer says the stampede that injured 16 people at New York's P... . FILE - In this Friday, April 14, 2017 file photo, New York City police officers detain a passenger from a disabled New Jersey Transit train who became belligerent and sparked a stampede among passengers leaving the overc... .

Minding the malt

Without it - if disease or a freak act of nature were to damage those crops, for instance - farmers and the craft brewing companies that rely on them would undoubtedly take a hit. Such was the case made Wednesday by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who visited the Southern Tier Distilling Company, located at 2051 Stoneman Circle in Lakewood.

Protesters Use April 15 To Demand Trump’s Tax Returns

Thousands of Americans turned out in cities across the country Saturday - April 15, the traditional deadline for filing federal tax returns, even though this year's deadline is actually Tuesday, April 18 - calling on President Trump to do something every president has done going back to Gerald Ford: release his individual tax returns. As a candidate, Trump said he wouldn't release his tax returns because he was being audited by the IRS.

Dems: Trump’s tax secrecy complicates legislative overhaul

The Senate's top Democrat said Tuesday that President Donald Trump's refusal to release his tax returns is going to make this year's promised overhaul of the tax code "much harder." Sen. Charles Schumer says Trump is opening himself to second guessing about his motives for supporting different policies and that the average American will think he's making changes because "it's good for him."

Gorsuch heads for confirmation as Senate tears up own rules

President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is headed for confirmation after Republicans tore up the Senate's voting rules to allow him to ascend to the high court over furious Democratic objections. Democrats denounced the GOP's use of what both sides dubbed the "nuclear option" to put Gorsuch on the court, calling it an epic power grab that would further corrode politics in Congress, the courts and the United States.

Trump, GOP pull health bill

President Donald Trump and GOP leaders pulled their bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act off the House floor Friday when it became clear that the bill would fail. President Donald Trump, flanked by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Vice President Mike Pence, speaks Friday in the Oval Offic... House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, with Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., behind her, said Friday that "Today is a great day for our country, what happened o... Thwarted by two factions of fellow Republicans, from the center and far right, House Speaker Paul Ryan said former President Barack Obama's health care law, the GOP's No.

Schumer compares opposition to GOP health bill to Vietnam War protests

Charles Schumer Warren: 'Today is a great day... but I'm not doing a touchdown dance' Schumer calls Trump admin 'incompetent' after healthcare bill pulled Trump blames Democrats for ObamaCare defeat MORE on Friday lauded the grassroots opposition to the GOP healthcare legislation, comparing the Democratic resistance to the anti-Vietnam War protests in the late 1960s.

Neil Gorsuch is “not a neutral legal mind”: Key Senate…

Key Senate Democrats, including at least one representing a state Donald Trump won, are finally signaling that there is absolutely nothing to be gained by playing nice with Republicans and are vowing to block Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch - even if that results in the end of the filibuster. "If Judge Gorsuch can't achieve 60 votes in the Senate, could any judge appointed by a Republican president be approved with 60 or more votes in the Senate?" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, asked on Monday.

Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch Supreme Court nomination, Schumer says

As the Senate Judiciary Committee was hearing from witnesses for and against Judge Neil Gorsuch, his Supreme Court nomination was delivered a critical blow: Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., announced he would oppose Gorsuch and join other Democrats in filibustering the nomination, making it likely that the judge will struggle to find the support needed to clear a 60-vote procedural hurdle. Gorsuch "was unable to sufficiently convince me that he'd be an independent check" on President Donald Trump, Schumer said in a Senate floor speech.

Gorsuch deserves confirmation

During his first two days of testimony in Senate hearings on his nomination to the Supreme Court by President Trump, Judge Neil Gorsuch displayed high intelligence, independence, impartiality, modesty and firmness, qualities that will serve the nation well if he is approved as the ninth justice. His performance gives the Senate's Democratic minority a problem.

.Washington` FGN8 Ldall Sessions Bharara among 46 Us attorneys asked…

Washington, Mar 11 The Trump administration has asked for the resignation of the Indian-American "crusader" prosecutor Preet Bharara and 45 other US attorneys, who were appointed by former President Barack Obama, to ensure a "uniform transition". In all there are 93 US attorneys.

Media the enemy? Trump sure is an insatiable consumer

With Twitter app at the ready, the man who condemns the media as "the enemy of the people" may be the most voracious consumer of news in modern presidential history. Trump usually rises before 6 a.m. and first watches TV in the residence before later moving to a small dining room in the West Wing.

Media the enemy? Trump is sure an insatiable consumer

With Twitter app at the ready, the man who condemns the media as "the enemy of the people" may be the most voracious consumer of news in modern presidential history. Trump usually rises before 6 a.m. and first watches TV in the residence before later moving to a small dining room in the West Wing.

Reed Talks ACA; Senators Wary Of Rising Costs

While U.S. Rep. Tom Reed said he stands for the repeal and replacement, U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer say the proposed bill will force middle-class families and senior citizens to pay more for less care.

Teamsters face 31 percent pension cut

Ed Oleski, president of the Teamsters Local 294 retirees, rolls up a Teamsters banner following a meeting about a proposed 31% cut to their pension plan on Monday, March, 6, 2017, at the Labor Temple in Albany, N.Y. less Ed Oleski, president of the Teamsters Local 294 retirees, rolls up a Teamsters banner following a meeting about a proposed 31% cut to their pension plan on Monday, March, 6, 2017, at the Labor Temple in Albany, ... more A trailer carries the logo for Teamsters Local 294 on Monday, March, 6, 2017, outside the Labor Temple in Albany, N.Y. They are facing a proposed 31% cut to their pension plan.

new Officials: Man threatened Jewish centers to frame, harass ex

A former journalist fired for fabricating details in stories made at least eight of the scores of threats against Jewish institutions nationwide, including a bomb threat to the Anti-Defamation League, as part of a bizarre campaign to harass and frame his ex-girlfriend, federal officials said. Juan Thompson was arrested in St. Louis and appeared there in federal court Friday on a cyberstalking charge.

.com | Peeved ex-lover behind Jewish centre threats

A former journalist fired for fabricating details in stories made at least eight of the scores of threats against Jewish institutions nationwide, including a bomb threat to the Anti-Defamation League, as part of a bizarre campaign to harass and frame his ex-girlfriend, federal officials said Friday. Juan Thompson was arrested in St Louis and appeared there in federal court Friday on a cyber stalking charge.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) and Lukoil President Vagit…

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Lukoil President Vagit Alekperov listen as U.S. Senator Charles Schumer gestures as he speaks about U.S.-Russian relations during the opening of Lukoil's gasoline station September 26, 2003 in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. Lukoil, a Russian oil company, acquired Getty Petroleum Marketing Inc. and its 1, 300 stations in November 2000.