Lava Covers Plugged Well at Hawaii Geothermal Plant Property

Lava from the Kilauea volcano covered at least one well Sunday at a geothermal power plant on the Big Island, according to a Hawaii County Civil Defense report. The well was successfully plugged in anticipation of the lava flow, and a second well 100 feet away has also been secured, according to the report.

Hundreds hold hands against offshore drilling on gulf beaches

Dominic Girard, 3, from New Port Richey, Fla., plays on in the surf while a large crowd holds hands along the water for the Hands Across the Sand event, on Saturday on Indian Rocks Beach. This is an annual event held globally to raise awareness about the dangers of dirty fuels and the need to speed the transition to available, affordable, clean energy solutions.

Bill would require lights on wind turbines

After introducing a bill to require lighting systems on wind turbines, Rep. Chris Swedzinski, R-Ghent, said he hopes to spur renewable energy technology. "I brought up this subject in the House because I hope the Minnesota wind industry will embrace ADLS technology and deploy it in all new construction," Swedzinski's H.F. 3792 is a bill that would require wind companies to implement radar-activated lighting systems that turn blinking lights atop wind turbines and tall towers on and off depending on whether aircraft is in the vicinity.

California’s Suicide Attempt, Part 6: Let’s Make Housing More Expensive

Not sure whether this item deserves to be filed under "California's Suicide" or our "Green Weenie" category. Apparently California's governing class thinks the cost of housing isn't high enough, because the state government has just mandated that all new housing starting in 2020 must come with rooftop solar power.

Trump to lay out biofuels plan in meeting with senators: sources

U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to lay out his plans for the nation's biofuel policy on Tuesday in a closed door briefing with senators, after months of hearing arguments about the hotly contested regulation, according to two sources. FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks during an 'Unleashing American Energy' event at the Department of Energy in Washington, U.S., June 29, 2017.

Coffee with George: Carol Wick, bringing solar power to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Irma

Carol Wick discusses bringing solar power to Puerto Rico with the help of one of her clients the del Sol Foundation Carol Wick discusses bringing solar power to Puerto Rico with the help of one of her clients the del Sol Foundation After serving for a decade as the CEO of Harbor House of Central Florida and helping domestic violence survivors in need, Carol Wick is still on the front lines trying to help others. Now a partner in Convergent Non-profit Solutions, Wick recently went to Puerto Rico to work with a client to try to help stabilize the power grid by bringing solar power to an area devastated by Hurricane Irma .

Cuomo proposes banning offshore drilling in NY’s waters

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday ramped up his opposition to the Trump administration's proposal to open up new areas for oil and gas drilling, proposing measures that essentially would ban fossil fuel drilling and exploration in the state's waters.

Markland Hydro Station gets upgrades to plant

The Markland Locks and Dam stretch across the Ohio River, connecting Switzerland County, Indiana and Gallatin County, Kentucky. The structure, built, maintained and controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is adjacent to Duke Energy's Markland Hydroelectric Plant, which was constructed during the 1960s.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Largest Ever Database of U.S. Wind Turbines Released

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in collaboration with public and private partners, has released the most comprehensive publicly available database yet of U.S. wind turbine locations and characteristics. The United States Wind Turbine Database will allow unparalleled ability for government agencies and others to make planning decisions.

Puerto Rico Goes Back Door to Solartopia and the Corporate Media Blacks It Out

Puerto Rico has made history by becoming -- briefly -- the largest US territory or state to be powered almost entirely by renewable energy. The rising grassroots movement to totally rebuild Puerto Rico's electric supply system with renewable energy and locally owned micro-grids poses a serious threat to the centralized, fossil-based corporate elite.

Trump ethanol moves may be worse for farmers than soy tariff

Based on his own back-of-the-envelope calculations, Minnesota farmer Kirby Hettver could lose tens of thousands of dollars of earnings because of President Donald Trump. But damaging as the brewing trade war with China may turn out to be for Hettver and other American soybean farmers, he says the greater financial impact could come if Trump moves ahead with changes to the U.S. ethanol mandate, known as the Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS.

Interior secretary: ‘Opposition’ to offshore drill plan

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke acknowledges there is "a lot of opposition" to President Donald Trump's plan to open most of the nation's coastline to oil and gas drilling. Speaking at a forum on offshore wind energy Friday in Plainsboro, New Jersey, Zinke touted Trump's "all of the above" energy menu that calls for oil and gas, as well as renewable energy projects.

Wind turbines favored over oil rigs for coast

Trump aide endorses wind turbines, not oil rigs, as future of the East Coast U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke endorses offshore wind generation, flexibility on coastal oil drilling. Check out this story on Three wind turbines from the Deepwater Wind project off Block Island, R.I. Deepwater Wind's $300 million five-turbine wind farm started operating Dec. 12, 2016, making it the first operating offshore wind farm in the United States.

Trump and Tesla

Nevada, which incessantly markets itself as the Saudi Arabia of solar power and benefits from federal research funding, received a boost in the new federal budget, over the objections of the Trump administration. Indeed, Donald Trump's recommendations were overridden by the Republican Congress in so many areas that it is dubious to call it the Trump budget any more.

Climate Chaos Claims Continue Causing Consternation

Anyone who thought "manmade climate cataclysm" rhetoric couldn't possibly exceed Obama era levels should read the complaint filed in the "public nuisance" lawsuit that's being argued before Federal District Court Judge William Alsup in a California courtroom: Oakland v BP and other oil companies. The allegations read at times like they were written by a Monty Python comedy team and a couple of first year law students.

Forget coal, solar and wind are now both beating natural gas in the market

Prices for solar, wind, and battery storage are dropping so rapidly that renewables are increasingly squeezing out all forms of fossil fuel power, including natural gas. The cost of new solar plants dropped 20 percent over the past 12 months, while onshore wind prices dropped 12 percent, according to the latest Bloomberg New Energy Finance report .

Softbank to Build World’s Biggest Solar Park in Saudi Arabia

SoftBank Group Corp. for a $200 billion solar power project in the kingdom, calling it the single largest of its kind in the world. SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son said he envisions the project, which runs the gamut from power generation to panel and equipment manufacturing, as a way to help wean Saudi Arabia off its dependence on oil for electricity, create as many as 100,000 jobs and shave $40 billion off power costs.

Environmental Activist Patagonia Relies On Oil And Gas Industry For It’s Products

An oil and gas interest group has put together a list of outdoor outfitter Patagonia products that could not be created without the help of fossil fuels - an industry the company publicly campaigns against. Patagonia, an " activist company ," campaigns against fossil fuels and hydropower as damaging to the environment.