Moscow now accused of US election meddling, in indictment

Twelve Russian military intelligence officers hacked into the Clinton presidential campaign and Democratic Party, releasing tens of thousands of stolen and politically damaging communications, in a sweeping conspiracy by the Kremlin to meddle in the 2016 U.S. election, according to a grand jury indictment announced days before President Donald Trump's summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The indictment stands as special counsel Robert Mueller's first allegation implicating the Russian government directly in criminal behaviour meant to sway the presidential election.

Trump DOJ appealing judge’s OK of AT&T-Time Warner merger

Stung by a federal judge's dismissal of its objections to AT&T's megamerger with Time Warner, the Trump Justice Department is challenging the decision with a legal appeal. The Justice Department said in a one-sentence document Thursday it is appealing the ruling last month by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon, which blessed one of the biggest media deals ever following a landmark antitrust trial.

Sacha Baron Cohen’s Purported Showtime Character Fires Back at Sarah Palin

Cohen's Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. is demanding an apology from the former Republican vice presidential candidate, who claims she was duped into a "sick" interview for the comedian's new series, 'Who Is America?' Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. - a Sacha Baron Cohen character possibly featured in his upcoming Showtime series, Who Is America? - took to Twitter on Thursday to fire back at Sarah Palin for her recent Facebook remarks.

Progressive Democrats introduce bill to abolish ICE

Progressive Democrats introduced a bill in the House Thursday that would shut down U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement within one year of enactment - part of a movement that has growing support but that's also getting criticized by moderate Democrats as well as Republicans. Add Immigration as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Immigration news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Facebook Gave a Russian Internet Giant a Special Data Extension

Yup - we were duped. Ya' got me, Sacha. Feel better now? - I join a long list of American public personalities who have fallen victim to the evil, exploitive, sick "humor" of the British "comedian" Sacha Baron Cohen, enabled and sponsored by CBS/Showtime.

California prosecutor attacks Michelle Obama – and calls for Maxine Waters to be shot

A veteran prosecutor in the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office is under fire after a series of vulgar posts and comments online called for the shooting of Rep. Maxine Waters as well as attacks on former First Lady Michelle Obama and Mexican immigrants. According to The Sun , Deputy District Attorney Michael Selyem - a 12-year veteran of the DA's office - is facing calls for his dismissal over the comments made on Facebook.

Big-name charter school backers donate to key governor races

Prominent charter school supporters are dishing out campaign money, as key gubernatorial races in several states have now begun in earnest. June primary contests set up a number of state battles for governor in the midterm elections this November, with both Democratic and Republican candidates that could change how public resources flow into charter and private schools in the coming years.

Are 43 Percent of All Food Stamps “Given to Illegals”?

Since at least as far back as 2012, the claim that 43% of all "food stamp" beneficiaries are "illegal immigrants" has echoed through the murky and fact-starved worlds of social media, chain e-mails, and memes, often times shared as part of a larger list of "Facts!" For example, the following post , from the Facebook page of Doug Giles - proprietor of "" and author of the book Pussification: The Effeminization of the American Male - has garnered tens of thousands of shares: The food stamp program, known since 2008 as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , is not open to undocumented immigrants.

The top stories of 2018 (so far) in pictures – CNET

There's so much to unpack here: the loss of the personal data of 87 million people, increased scrutiny on the practice of taking not just your data but the data from friends in your network, questions over how much value Facebook places on the security of that information. , the EU's new, stricter rule governing how online companies can collect your data, is technically a separate item, it and Facebook were so strongly linked by both topic and timing that they had to share a spot at the top of this list.

Trump hails iPhone-maker Foxconn for $10 billion Wisconsin plant – CNET

And the president praises Apple for investing $350 billion in the US -- though it's unlikely to be spent on new factories, as Trump hopes. President Donald Trump speaks as Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Foxconn CEO Terry Gou look on at the groundbreaking for the Foxconn Technology Group computer screen plant in Mt Pleasant, Wisconsin.

Exposing the Russian Hacking Fraud by Publius Tacitus

You can be forgiven if you are confused about whether or not the emails from the DNC were taken by Russian hackers or lifted by an insider who in turn sold the electronic files to Wikileaks or was the work of someone else. While we do not have any clear evidence about the identity of the culprit or culprits, there are some undisputed facts that call into serious question that the DNC email debacle was a Russian Government Intel operation.

California’s fight for strong net neutrality isn’t over yet – CNET

California may still get its super strong net neutrality protections after all, as Democrats in the state legislature agree to head back to the negotiating table, after key provisions of the bill On Friday, the bill's author, state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco, said he and fellow Democrat, Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, the chair of the committee, will begin negotiating next week to fix the bill to ensure the protections that were weeded out in the committee process are added back into the legislation. "We've agreed to make a good faith effort to make amendments to the bill in order to pass strong net neutrality," he said in an interview.