Donald Trump delves into foreign policy, meeting with Henry Kissinger and Japanese leader

In this file photo, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks during a luncheon with Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden at the State Department in Washington. Washington honors America's closest friends by inviting their leaders to address a joint meeting of Congress, but Wednesday's speech on by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be the first by a Japanese leader.

Where will Trump administration officials live in Washington?

The GOP folks scattered all over the country who will be answering President-elect Trump's calls to serve in his administration will soon be moving in. They'll be buying condos and mini-mansions and tooling around the streets in those dark sedans and taking the private tables in the city's steakhouses.

The Latest: Malaysian leader: Trump success ‘extraordinary’

Malaysia's prime minister has congratulated Donald Trump on his "extraordinary victory," saying his success showed that politicians should never take voters for granted. Najib Razak is a possible beneficiary of what could be an inward-looking U.S. under a Trump presidency.

Early votes arrive as Washington prepares for election night

Jared Keirn deposits his vote-by-mail ballot in a collection box, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016, at Seattle Central College in Seattle. More than a million Washingtonians have already cast their ballots in advance of Tuesday's election, as voters decide on federal and state races, as well as ballot initiatives.

Kerry Washington Gets Real About Donald Trump & Maternity Leave

Kerry Washington has spent enough time as Washington, D.C., fixer-in-chief Olivia Pope to know political spin when she sees it. When the always-articulate Scandal star stopped by Real Time with Bill Maher last night to talk about all things election , she did not hesitate to call out Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his bullying, questionable maternity leave policy, and slight-of-hand attempts to appear more female-friendly than he actually is.

Trump: Democrats the Party of ‘Slavery’

Donald Trump, pressing an effort to woo traditionally Democratic voting black and Hispanic voters, is portraying the party as one tied to a notorious history of slavery and segregation. The Washington Post reports the GOP nominee, on the stump in the state of Washington Tuesday night, argued no group has suffered more under Hillary Clinton's policies than African-Americans.

Will a Latino name cost this judge his position?

This November's election is shaping up to be a blockbuster on the state and national level-with a close presidential race, and big contests for governor, other statewide offices, and the state Legislature. Who wins and who loses will tell us a lot about our priorities and even our mood as a statewide electorate.

Federal, statewide and legislative races on primary ballot

In this June 14, 2016 file photo, eight of the 11 candidates for Washington lieutenant governor take part in a debate in Spokane, Wash. From left, Marty McClendon, Paul Addis, Sen. Karen Fraser, D-Olympia, Sen. Steve Hobbs, D-Lake Stevens, Bill Penor, Javier Figueroa, Sen. Cyrus Habib, D-Bellevue, and Phillip Yin, all stand at their podiums.

New JFK Jr. documentary looks back at ‘America’s prince’

In this Nov. 25, 1963 file photo, three-year-old John F. Kennedy Jr., salutes his father's casket in Washington, three days after the president was assassinated in Dallas. Widow Jacqueline Kennedy, center, and daughter Caroline Kennedy are accompanied by the late president's brothers Sen. Edward Kennedy, left, and Attorney General Robert Kennedy.

Congress leaves Washington, its dysfunction on display

Congress exited a sweltering Washington on Thursday, its dysfunction on full display as it left behind must-do legislation to combat the mosquito-borne Zika virus and a stalemate over lawmakers' basic job of fulfilling agency budgets. The twin failures highlighted the one step forward, two steps back nature of the bitterly-divided Congress, even as Senate Majority Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan trumpeted victories on drug abuse legislation and other, more modest bills.

Hey amigo: Mexico president arrives today for state visit, Trudeau-Obama summit

Enrique Pena Nieto is heading to Quebec City first before dining with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Toronto and then hitting the national capital on Tuesday for an official state visit. The Mexican president will then join Trudeau and U.S. President Barack Obama for Wednesday's North American Leaders Summit in Ottawa, commonly known as the Three Amigos.

Hillary Clinton easily leads Donald Trump in Washington State, new NPI poll finds

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has a double digit lead over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, according to a survey conducted this week by Public Policy Polling for the Northwest Progressive Institute. If the candidates for President this fall were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, who would you vote for? 49% said they would vote for Hillary Clinton , while 37% said they would vote for Donald Trump .