U.S Senator who lost both her legs in Iraq slams Trump as a ‘five-deferment draft dodger’

Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth said the U.S. president's attempts to pin the shutdown on Democrats, especially by using the military, were examples of him failing to take responsibility. Donald Trump's decision to accuse Democrats of not caring about the military is galling, said U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, who lost both of her legs in the Iraq War.

Tour of ICE facility enlightens senator

As Sen. Tammy Duckworth left Jerome Combs Detention Center in Kankakee, she stopped to thank the officers for the tour and to remind them her commitment to supporting them transcends political debate. The Democrat and junior senator from Illinois was there for an oversight visit of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities, which house up to about 190 detainees at any given time.

The Latest: McConnell: Committee should review Franken

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer says sexual misconduct allegations against Minnesota Sen. Al Franken are "troubling" and he hopes and expects that the Senate Ethics Committee will fully investigate. He said Thursday that a bipartisan ethics panel should "fully investigate this troubling incident, as they should with any credible allegation of sexual harassment."

GOP blocks Democratic efforts to boost tax benefits for parents

From left, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, and Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., speak following a weekly strategy session, on Capitol Hill in Washington today. WASHINGTON>> House Republicans today blocked Democratic efforts to secure bigger tax benefits for parents' costs of raising or adopting children, as they drove toward wrapping up their tax overhaul by week's end.

Senator and veteran: Trump playing ‘sick political game’ with military deaths

A Democratic senator who received the Purple Heart after losing both her legs in the Iraq War lambasted President Donald Trump for playing a "sick political game" with the deaths of fallen US service members. During an interview on CNN's "Erin Burnett Outfront," Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois said she had "utter disgust" for the way Trump has politicized his interactions with Gold Star soldiers.

Illinois Left panics over Graham-Cassidy; ignores state’s shrinking insurer numbers

Tossing control of federal health care dollars back to the states is something the Left stands firmly against - and exactly what the Republican U.S. Senate majority's latest attempt at reforming ObamaCare would do. Illinois' Left had nothing to fear from the state's two elected U.S. Senators.

Editorial: It’s time to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

This Saturday in Normal is the Rally to Ratify, a rally to ask Illinois legislators to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment . The event will have numerous speakers, from state representatives to McLean County officials to Illinois Wesleyan University and Illinois State University students.

U.S. senator urges FBI to probe Icahn over biofuels push

A Democratic U.S. Senator on Wednesday urged the FBI to launch a criminal probe into whether billionaire investor Carl Icahn broke the law when he called for a change in the federal biofuel program that would have enriched him personally while he was an adviser to President Donald Trump. "It appears Mr. Icahn potentially violated the principal conflict of interest statute ... abused his role as a special adviser to the president of the United States on issues relating to regulatory reform," by participating in a government matter that affects his financial interests, Senator Tammy Duckworth of ethanol-producing Illinois said in a letter to the FBI, a copy of which was seen by Reuters.

Senators announce more than $6.5 million in federal funding to help at-risk youth find jobs

CHICAGO U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth today announced that the U.S. Department of Labor awarded six local community colleges and non-profits in Illinois a total of $6,501,644 million through YouthBuild, a job-training and educational program for at-risk youth ages 16 to 24. Through YouthBuild, at-risk youth learn construction skills while constructing or rehabilitating affordable housing for low-income or homeless families in their own communities. Program participants split their time between the construction site and the classroom, where they earn their high school diploma or equivalency degree, learn to be community leaders, and prepare for college and other postsecondary training opportunities.

Durbin, Duckworth: Plainfield tank car derailment a wake-up call for DOT

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth today called on U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to do more to prevent railroad tank car accidents like the one in Plainfield, Illinois on June 30, 2017, in which multiple rail cars on a Canadian National train carrying crude oil derailed, causing an estimated 45,000 gallons of oil to leak out of the tank cars. "We are extremely grateful for the hard work of Plainfield's first responders, who were able to contain the spill and prevent any injuries or deaths as a result of the incident," the Senators wrote in a letter to Secretary Chao.

State receives over two million in housing and development funding

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth today announced that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded a total of $2,058,130 in grant funding to Illinois agencies through two programs the Housing Counseling Grant Program and the Service Coordinator Program to help families, seniors, and people with disabilities who live in insured and assisted apartment housing across the state live more independent lives. "This funding will give local housing agencies across Illinois the ability to expand and improve existing supportive services for families, seniors, and people with disabilities, helping them to continue to live as independently as possible in the communities they love and know," Durbin said.

Senators set up committee to vet US attorney candidates

Illinois' two Democratic U.S. senators are taking steps to ensure they have a voice in choosing the state's new U.S. attorneys. President Donald Trump's administration told U.S. attorneys nationwide in March to resign, including then-head Chicago U.S Attorney Zachary Fardon.

Lawmakers reach agreement on stalled VA accountability bill

Congressional Republicans and Democrats have reached agreement on a long-stalled bill to make it easier for the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire its employees, part of an accountability effort touted by President Donald Trump. The deal announced Thursday could smooth the way for final passage on an issue that had been in limbo since the 2014 wait-time scandal at the Phoenix VA medical center.

Duckworth discusses investments in workforce development at Southwestern Illinois College

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth today met with the President of Southwestern Illinois College , Dr. Georgia Costello, and other college leaders and students while touring SWIC's Sam Wolf Granite City Campus. Together, they discussed SWIC's workforce development programs and legislation Senator Duckworth helped introduce, the Community College to Career Fund Act , which would encourage companies and community colleges to develop workforce training programs to close the "skills gap" by better preparing students for careers in high-demand industries like manufacturing, healthcare, clean energy and information technology.

John Shimkus Is Proof GOP Ignorance Is Preexisting Condition

First, that men were put on this Earth to go deep under the Earth and mine coal, which is perfectly safe whether you breathe it, eat it, drink it or burn it to Make America Great. And, second, that women were put on this Earth so that coal miners can breed more coal miners.

Illinois senator, veteran criticizes Trump military comments

Sen. Tammy Duckworth , an Iraq war veteran who lost both legs in combat, criticized President Donald Trump 's comments that Americans "don't fight to win" wars, saying the remarks show he isn't fit to be commander in chief. Trump made the comments to U.S. governors at the White House on Monday.

Rauner, Duckworth Attend MLK Day of Service in Chicago

Gov. Bruce Rauner and Sen. Tammy Duckworth attended the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service at Chicago's Curie High School Monday. The event, hosted by non-profit City Year Chicago, looks to honor Dr. King's birthday by commemorating his legacy of service.

Tammy Duckworth sworn-in as new US senator for Illinois

Vice President Joe Biden has sworn in Tammy Duckworth as Illinois' new U.S. senator at a ceremony in Washington. Duckworth's press secretary, Sean Savett, says U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois escorted Duckworth to the Tuesday afternoon ceremony.