Senator says Trump rolling back protections at Utah sites

President Donald Trump is shrinking two national monuments in Utah, accepting the recommendation of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to reverse protections established by two Democratic presidents to more than 3.6 million acres. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said he was "incredibly grateful" that Trump called him on Friday to say he is approving Zinke's proposal on Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments.

Orrin Hatch Tells Friends He Plans to Retire

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah-Senator Orrin Hatch has privately told allies in Utah that he is planning to retire at the end of his term next year, and if he does, Mitt Romney intends to run for his seat, according to five sources familiar with the situation. "Nothing has changed since The Atlantic published a carbon copy of this same story in April, likely with the same anonymous sources who were no more informed on the Senator's thinking than they seem to be now," said Dave Hansen, a spokesperson for Hatch.

Trump, GOP at odds over using 401(k)s to pay for tax cuts

President Donald Trump and Republicans were at odds on Wednesday over changing the 401 retirement program to help finance tax cuts, with the president insisting the middle-class favorite will remain untouched and lawmakers open to revisions. Rep. Kevin Brady, the chairman of the House's tax-writing panel, wouldn't rule out changes to the program used by 55 million U.S. workers who hold some $5 trillion in their 401 accounts, a system that has become a touchstone of retirement security for the middle class.

Top House Tax Writer Won’t Rule Out Changes To 401(k) Plans

The head of the House tax-writing panel isn't ruling out changes to the 401 retirement program to raise revenue for tax cuts, despite President Donald Trump's promise that the savings plan used by tens of millions of Americans will be untouched. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Brady said Wednesday he's discussing the 401 issue with Trump, who has shot down the possibility of changes to the popular program.

Trump Says He’ll Re-Examine His Choice for Drug Czar: ‘This …

President Trump, speaking at an impromptu news conference on Monday, said he plans to have "a major announcement, probably next week," on the nation's opioid drug crisis. The president also said he'll take another look at the man he's nominated to be his drug czar, now that questions have surfaced about the nominee's support for the makers and distributors of prescription pain pills.

Orrin Hatch tears into Washington Post opioids report: It’s meant to derail Trump’s drug czar nominee

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said Monday a news investigation about whether a bill he sponsored disarmed the Drug Enforcement Agency from going after drug companies was meant to smear President Trump's nominee for drug czar, who sponsored the bill on the House side. "I think we need to be candid about what's going on here," Hatch said in floor remarks.

Could Steve Bannon’s efforts really unseat Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch?

Should he seek re-election next year, Sen. Orrin Hatch could potentially face a far-right challenger financed by former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who's hunting for Trump devotees to unseat several Senate Republicans. "There's a mini-drama that we're looking at right now," said Tim Chambless, a political science professor at the University of Utah.

Editorial: Congress needs a quick fix for CHIP – Fri, 06 Oct 2017 PST

Chalk it up to crisis legislating, which is the new normal on Washington, D.C., where every issue is taken right to the deadline and beyond. Funding expired Sunday for the Children's Health Insurance Program, a program that ensures children in low- to moderate-income families have access to health care.

American Intellectual Property Law Association 2017 Annual Meeting to Draw Thousands

Intellectual Property practitioners from across the world will join together with their peers in the creative and legal communities at the American Intellectual Property Law Association's 2017 Annual Meeting. AIPLA's Annual Meeting, which gathers thought-leaders from all areas of patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret law, expects hundreds of attendees to descend upon Washington, DC this fall.

Senate Finance Committee sets hearing on Obamacare overhaul

A second Senate committee has scheduled a hearing for next week to discuss a last-ditch Republican effort to overhaul Obamacare. The hearing, scheduled for Monday, will be led by the Senate Finance Committee, which holds jurisdiction over healthcare bills along with the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

Trump courting Democrats on tax reform

A group of six senators is expected to dine Tuesday night with President Trump at the White House in what's being touted as a "bipartisan working dinner" to address tax reform, multiple Congressional aides have confirmed to ABC News. The Democrats expected to attend will be Sens. Joe Manchin , Joe Donnelly and Heidi Heitkamp and the Republicans are Sens. Orrin Hatch , Pat Toomey and John Thune .

Daniel Ruth: Trump policy throws Dreamers into limbo

President Donald Trump proclaims he has "great love" for the Dreamers, referring to the roughly 800,000 young people who benefited from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals after they were brought to this country illegally by their parents. Yet Trump announced this week his administration would void DACA and give Congress six months to come up with something else.

Louise Mensch Fires Her Lawyer On Twitter

Anti-Trump conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch fired an attorney representing her pro-bono in a Russia-related lawsuit on Wednesday, and she did it all in public view on Twitter. Mensch, a former member of the British parliament, fired Mark Zaid after he got into a disagreement with former Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin.

Tucker Carlson Shames GOPers Who Back DACA: ‘Their Campaign Pledges Were Lies’

The White House has said that President Trump will announce on Tuesday his decision whether to keep DACA in place or to gut it as he promised during the election. Meanwhile, several top Republicans including Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Orrin Hatch have urged the president not to terminate the policy .

Congressional Republicans offer ‘Conservative’ Dream Act for illegal immigrants

House Speaker Paul Ryan said to a Wisconsin radio station on Friday "I actually don't think" President Donald Trump should rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , which was put in place by Barack Obama to allow 800,000 young illegal immigrants to work legally and prevent their deportation. He added that this is "something Congress has to fix."

Hollywood studios win ruling over VidAngel family-friendly filters

REUTERS: A federal appeals court has sided with Hollywood studios by refusing to let VidAngel stream family-friendly versions of their movies that filter out profane language, sex and nudity, violence, and alcohol and drug use. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday let stand a preliminary injunction against the Provo, Utah-based start-up, and in favour of Walt Disney Co and its LucasFilm unit, 20th Century Fox Film Inc and Warner Bros Entertainment .

Chris Stewart says he’ll seek Senate seat if Orrin Hatch doesn’t run for re-election

Steve Griffin / The Salt Lake Tribune Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah answers questions as he debates Charlene Albarran Democratic challenger for the 2nd Congressional District during the Utah Debate Commission's event at the KUED studios on the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City Tuesday October 4, 2016. Utah Rep. Chris Stewart "absolutely" hopes his colleague and mentor Sen. Orrin Hatch, the longest-serving Republican senator in history, runs for re-election in 2018.