Iowa Democrats Gather for Convention in Des Moines, Hope to Unify Under Hillary Clinton

Unless there is a major change in the way national superdelegates vote, Hillary Clinton has all but assured herself a place as the Democratic Party's nominee when the general election comes in November. On Saturday, Iowa Democrats gathered in Des Moines for their convention with one goal in mind: Unify the party under Hillary Clinton.

Libertarian VP candidate calls for anti-ISIS task force

Libertarian vice presidential candidate Bill Weld, right, chats with Joe Hunter, communications director for the Gary Johnson campaign, at the National Libertarian Party Convention on May 27 in Orlando. Bill Weld, the former governor of Massachusetts now running as the Libertarian Party's candidate for vice president, called today for a 1,000-agent task force to combat Islamic State adherents in the United States, and for a tip line where Muslims could inform on radicalism.

Romney says Trump will change America with ‘trickle-down racism’

Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society. The 2012 Republican nominee, who has openly opposed Trump's candidacy, went further than he has before in outlining to CNN's Wolf Blitzer how the country's character would suffer in a Trump White House.

Washington Times: Gary Johnson sets sights on 15 percent in polls, crucial spot on debate stage

"With an electorate totally disenchanted with the two major parties' offerings, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has a unique chance to make a splash this year - and he's determined to do things differently than in his 2012 campaign. "Gone are the low-yield interviews with "internet radio" shows, and Mr. Johnson also says he'll probably skip out on trolling the Democratic and Republican conventions.

Bernie Bros Open Up to #FeelTheJohnson

With Bernie out, Sanders supporters are desperately looking to find a candidate worth their vote. But with Hillary representing the crony politics they've come to hate, and Trump being so horrendously awful for many of the same reasons and more, what kind of candidate can the wayward Democrats get a firm grip on, and ride to the finish? As it turns out, Johnson is that choice.

Gary Johnson Says Most Americans Libertarian But Don’t Know It

Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson said he can pull votes away from both the Democrat and Republican contenders in the U.S. presidential election once more Americans realize they agree with many of his views. "I'm trying to appeal to the majority of Americans whom I think are libertarian, it's just that they don't know it," Johnson said in an interview for CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" program to be broadcast on Sunday.

Libertarian lays out agenda, blows kiss to Trump

US Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson walks in Lafayette Park across from the White House during an interview with AFP in Washington, DC, on May 9, 2016. Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is running for president as a Libertarian, just as he did 2012 when he managed to get 1.2 million votes.

Gary Johnson wins Libertarian party nomination for president

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson won the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination on Sunday, fending off five rivals from different factions on two closely fought ballots and securing more than 55.8 percent of the total vote. "I will work as hard as I can to represent everyone in this room," Johnson said after his victory.

Around Town: Lawmaker to Ksu: Bring art during budget talks

University presidents intent on displaying exhibits, such as the one Kennesaw State University had on AIDS last month, can expect to bring samples of their work down to the statehouse when making the case for their annual university budgets, said state Rep. Earl Ehrhart, R-Powder Springs.

The Most Interesting Characters From the Libert…

It's not just Republicans and Democrats gearing up for the 2016 election - Libertarians from across the country huddled in Orlando this past weekend to choose their presidential nominee. They're the voters who don't fit into the customary two-party divide: As social liberals and fiscal conservatives, they're pushing their own movement to create a viable third party.

Libertarians pick ex-New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson for president

The Libertarian Party again nominated former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as its presidential candidate Sunday, believing he can challenge presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton because of their poor showing in popularity polls. Mr. Johnson, 63, won the nomination on the second ballot at the party's convention in Orlando, Fla., defeating Austin Petersen, the founder of The Libertarian Republic magazine; and anti-computer virus company founder John McAfee.

Libertarians pick Johnson and Weld ticket after close contest

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks to supporters and delegates at the National Libertarian Party Convention on May 27 in Orlando. ORLANDO -- William Weld, a former governor of Massachusetts who made a late-career leap to the Libertarian Party, won its vice presidential nomination Sunday after a close and raucous convention vote.