DeLauro: $8m coming for L.I. Sound

A horseshoe crab that has been measured ,tagged and released slowly returns to the waters of New Haven Harbor after being put entered into a Sacred Heart University study by Dr Jennifer Mattei about the population and movements of horseshoe crabs in Long Island Sound. On Monday, July, 24, 2017, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3, will join Save the Sound to announce $8 million in federal funding for the Long Island Sound.

Unions and lawmakers press Trump to protect workers in NAFTA talks

With NAFTA negotiations to happen next month, the Trump administration is set to release its priorities within the next 30 days under the 'fast-track' rules. President Trump shakes hands with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto during the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, on July 7, 2017.

Yale student teachers on hunger strike

Protesters walk down College Street on Yale University campus in New Haven, Conn., holding signatures from a petition asking the school to engage in collective bargaining with the graduate student union, April, 2017. Eight graduate student teachers at Yale University have been on hunger strike since last Tuesday in an effort to push a collective bargaining agreement with the university forward.

Connecticut Legal Experts Say It Will Be Tough To Block A Supreme Court Pick

Democrats mad about Republicans refusal to confirm Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee to fill Justice Antonin Scalia's seat will have a hard time blocking the nomination of Neil M. Gorsuch to fill the vacancy, predicted Supreme Court observers. "The difference is that we are in the first two weeks of at least a four year term," Quinnipiac law professor John Pavia said Wednesday after President Donald Trump made his selection.

Connecticut Sets Voter Record, But How Was Turnout In Weston, Westport?

The most voters ever cast ballots this November in Connecticut. But how was the voter turnout in your town in the hotly contested 2016 presidential race between Republican Donald Trump, who won the national race, and Hillary Clinton, who posted a victory in Connecticut? The final figures reveal that 1,675,955 people cast ballots out of an all-time high 2,178,169 registered voters, amounting to a turnout of just under 77 percent.

Pentagon Plans To Stop Buying Russian Helicopters For Afghanistan

The Pentagon has notified Congress that it plans to stop buying Russian Mi17 helicopters for Afghanistan and will start buying American helicopters, legislators from the state of Connecticut said. "I'll never understand why the U.S. government sent taxpayer money to Russia for helicopters in Afghanistan while Russia was supporting the Assad regime in Syria and invading eastern Ukraine," said Senator Chris Murphy in announcing the decision on November 18. The Department of Defense, after buying Russian helicopters for Afghan forces, said it will transition to buying Sikorsky Blackhawk helicopters that are made in Connecticut.

Get Ready To Stand In Line: Connecticut Sets Record For Registered Voters

When you head to the polls Nov. 8, be prepared to join a big crowd. With just two days left to sign up, Connecticut crossed the 2.1 million threshold for the number of people registered to vote in the state, setting a new record.


Connecticut's top Republican female office holder says she's re-evaluating her support of Donald Trump after hearing Trump's lewd banter about a television host in a bombshell video that has many in the GOP ducking for cover. House Minority Leader Themis Klarides , R-Derby, told Hearst Connecticut Media Saturday that she was repulsed by Trump's crude remarks about entertainment newscaster Nancy O'Dell in 2005.

Blumenthal, Murphy, Larson, Courtney, DeLauro announce more than $1…

On Friday, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal , Chris Murphy , along with U.S. Representatives John Larson , Joe Courtney , and Rosa DeLauro announced a more than $1 billion contract from the Air Force to Pratt & Whitney to develop next generation military fighter engine technology. As part of the Air Force's Adaptive Engine Transition Program , Pratt & Whitney will design, develop, fabricate, and test complete adaptive engines.

Day of Action Against Gun Violence starts in Connecticut

Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty was among those taking part in that sit-in in the U.S. House last week and she says the momentum across the country is building daily to force the House leadership to bring up a vote on two gun control measures after the July 4th recess. There were events in over 100 congressional districts across the country today all with the same message and all motivated by shootings in places like Orlando, Aurora, and Newtown.

New Haven program aims to curb gap in food security

In order to make sure one less child goes hungry over the summer, officials and volunteers gathered Saturday to kick off the city's Free Summer Meals program. From June 27 to Aug. 26, low-income children 18 and under will be eligible to receive meals at 91 different sites throughout the city.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., center, calls for gun control legislation …

President Barack Obama, followed by, from second from left, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., and Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., walks down the steps of Air Force One at Bradley Air Force Base, Conn., Monday, April 8, 2013. Obama traveled to the Hartford, Conn., to speak at the University of Hartford, near the state capitol where last week the governor signed into law some of the nation's strictest gun control laws with the Sandy Hook families standing behind him.

BRIDGEPORT, CT – APRIL 24: Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary…

APRIL 24: Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets supporters at a campaign rally on April 24, 2016 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Candidates are campaigning ahead of Tuesday's primary election in five eastern states, including Connecticut.