Congress Continues Work on FY 2018 Science Funding

A number of funding bills have advanced through the House and Senate Appropriations Committees in the past two weeks. Lawmakers are eager to make progress on fiscal year 2018 spending before leaving the Capitol for their annual summer recess.

Report: Higher premiums if Trump halts Obamacare subsidies NEW

Premiums for a popular type of individual health plan would rise sharply, and more people would be left with no insurance options if President Donald Trump makes good on his threat to stop Obamacare payments to insurers, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday. The nonpartisan number crunchers also estimated that cutting off payments that now reduce copays and deductibles for people of modest incomes would add $194 billion to federal deficits over a decade.

Obamacare Exchanges In Limbo

California's Obamacare exchange scrubbed its annual rate announcement this week, the latest sign of how the ongoing political drama over the Affordable Care Act is roiling insurance markets nationwide. The exchange, Covered California, might not wrap up negotiations with insurers and announce 2018 premiums for its 1.4 million customers until mid-August - about a month later than usual.

Manchin organizing bipartisan healthcare meeting Tuesday night

Joe Manchin Manchin organizing bipartisan healthcare meeting Tuesday night Moderate Republicans, Dems huddle on healthcare This week: ObamaCare repeal faces latest setback in Senate MORE is organizing a bipartisan group of senators who are former governors to discuss possible bipartisan action on healthcare, with a meeting planned for Tuesday night. The meeting comes as talk of bipartisan action to stabilize ObamaCare markets is picking up in the wake of the collapse of the Republican healthcare bill.

McConnell signals openness to shoring up insurance exchanges and other news in brief

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday if 50 Republican senators don't agree on a rollback of the 2010 health care law through the budget reconciliation process, there will need to be some sort of bipartisan measure to help the insurance markets.

Chattanooga Chamber Calendar Of Events July 10-14

7/11 Ribbon Cutting for EPB 10 - 10:30 a.m. EPB: 110 North Greenwood Ave Join the Chattanooga Chamber for a ribbon cutting event for EPB 7/12 Ribbon Cutting for Chattanooga Allergy Clinic 4:30 - 5 p.m. Chattanooga Allergy Clinic: 6734 Lee Hwy Join the Chattanooga Chamber a ribbon cutting event for Chattanooga Allergy Clinic 7/12 midTown Chamber ... (more)

US Senate votes to name courthouse after actor Fred Thompson

The U.S. Senate has voted to name Nashville's new federal courthouse after former Sen. Fred Thompson , the late actor who appeared in at least 20 movies and in the TV series "Law & Order." Sen. Lamar Alexander announced the Senate vote Wednesday on a resolution already passed by the House, leaving the final decision to President Donald Trump .

Nashville courthouse to be named after former senator, actor Fred Thompson

Nashville courthouse to be named after former senator, actor Fred Thompson The federal courthouse in Nashville, Tenn., will be named after Fred Thompson, a former senator, presidential candidate and actor. Check out this story on WASHINGTON - A bill to name the new federal courthouse in Nashville, Tenn., after former Sen. Fred Thompson has cleared its final hurdle in Congress and is awaiting President Trump's signature.

Health care bill could get a short term fix in the Senate

Washington is fixated on President Donald Trump's firing of FBI chief James Comey and burgeoning investigations into possible connections between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia. But in closed-door meetings, Senate Republicans are trying to write legislation dismantling President Barack Obama's health care law.

House bill faces challenges in Senate, but GOP already talking

The Obamacare repeal bill that passed the House Thursday moves next to the Senate where it faces daunting challenges because of the same ideological splits between conservative and moderate Republicans that nearly killed it in the House. GOP leaders have set up a working group of senators across the ideological spectrum to try search for compromises that could unite enough Republicans to get the 51 votes needed for it to clear the chamber.

U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander calls Foothills Parkway ‘one of the prettiest drives in America’

Some of those who attended an update on the Foothills Parkway tour one of the corridor's newly finished bridges on Thursday. U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, of Maryville, addresses the crowd at a ceremony Thursday celebrating the beginning of the final project for the completion of the "missing link" of the Foothills Parkway from Walland to Wears Valley.

Alexander honors Maryville Scholars, praises school, nation

Maryville High School senior Taylor Drake speaks after receiving the $25,000 Lamar Alexander Scholarship from Sen. Lamar Alexander Wednesday during the 2017 Maryville Scholars Banquet. Maryville High School senior Preston Robinette receives the $15,000 Lamar Alexander Scholarship from U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander as the executive director of the Maryville City Schools Foundation, Barbara Jenkins, looks on.

Critical Focus Schools Meeting Monday at Fairgrounds

Parents of students in the 19 "critical focus" schools in the Shelby County Schools system and those who live in the communities around those schools will hear more about the plan to improve the low-enrollment, low-student achievement schools Monday, March 27, at the Salvation Army Kroc Center, 800 East Parkway S. at 6 p.m. SCS superintendent Dorsey Hopson is proposing funding to turn around the schools that would otherwise be proposed for closing and consolidation with other schools. The school district will provide bus transportation to the meeting from four central locations Hamilton Middle School, Hawkins Mill Elementary, Knight Road Elementary and Westwood High.

Trump’s Labor nominee Acosta says he’ll advocate for workers

Labor Secretary nominee Alexander Acosta says he will work with Congress to address the need for good, safe jobs and to provide American workers with the training they need to get them. "Whether it is those who are working, those who still seek work, those who are discouraged or underemployed, or those who have retired, if confirmed as secretary of labor, I will advocate for them," Acosta said in prepared remarks.

US Labor nominee Acosta says he’ll advocate for workers

Labor Secretary nominee Alexander Acosta says he will work with Congress to address the need for good, safe jobs and to provide American workers with the training they need to get them. "Whether it is those who are working, those who still seek work, those who are discouraged or underemployed, or those who have retired, if confirmed as secretary of labor, I will advocate for them," Acosta said in prepared remarks.

Confirmation hearing for Trump’s labor pick now March 22

The Senate confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Labor Department has been delayed until later this month. But a spokesman for the panel's chairman, Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, says the hearing will now be held on March 22. The spokesman, Taylor Haulsee, cites a scheduling conflict in which Alexander is to appear with Trump at an event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday to help promote Republicans' plan to repeal and replace Barack Obama's health care law.

Under Trump, Obamacarea s Medicaid enrollments may actually go up

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events A woman holding an Obamacare sign in front of a medical center in Miami on Nov. 27, 2016. One of the biggest early surprises under the Trump administration is that the long-standing Republican campaign against Obamacare seems to be shifting from "demolish it" to "fix it ."