‘Frail’ people like me shouldn’t be denied lifesaving Covid care | Patience Owen

A frailty index is rationing treatment for older and disabled people who catch coronavirus. We are not sacrificial lambs

Lockdown was easy for me, it has become my daily state more frequently throughout my life. I have a debilitating connective tissue disorder that keeps me indoors most days. It was a relief I no longer had to go out and pretend to be normal when wracked with ill-health and hidden pain. Like thousands of others with rare conditions, I’m already in a minority within a minority, marginalised by our NHS, battling increasing disability day by day. So, while many fear a second lockdown over the winter months, I haven’t gone out more often since the first one was lifted because I risk a double jeopardy – catching Covid, then being a low priority for medical care.

Back in March, without consultation and days before the first lockdown, the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), a worldwide tool used to swiftly identify frailty in older patients to improve acute care, was adapted by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice). It asked NHS staff in England to score the frailty of Covid patients. Rather than aiming to improve care, it seems the CFS – a fitness-to-frailty sheet using scores from one to nine – was used to work out which patients should be denied acute care. Nice’s new guidelines advised NHS trusts to sensitively discuss a possible ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ decision with all adults with capacity and an assessment suggestive of increased frailty”.

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Ap Fact Check: Trump’s view of ‘Medicare for All’ simplistic

President Donald Trump took a big step into the debate over the future of America's health care system with an op-ed column in USA Today that presented a bleak vision of what would happen under plans backed by many Democrats to institute government insurance for everyone. Trump on Wednesday cast the idea as a dangerous scheme by "radical socialists" as he played up potential pitfalls of a government-paid system without citing any of the benefits, such as the disappearance of most medical bills.

The Kabuki Theater of the AHCA

The United States has never had a Senate leader as ruthless, as willing to bend, distort and break the rules, traditions and precedents of the Senate as Mitch McConnell. And the Senate has probably never had a majority leader as effective at accomplishing his goals as Mitch McConnell-making even Lyndon Johnson look like a neophyte in comparison.

What is in the Republican health care bill?

Rep. Fred Upton speaks to a group of students after a vote outside of the Capitol Building May 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. Rep. Upton, a moderate Republican, announced that he would support his party's health care bill after adding an amendment he believes will help prevent people with pre-existing medical conditions from losing coverage.

Under Trump, Obamacarea s Medicaid enrollments may actually go up

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events A woman holding an Obamacare sign in front of a medical center in Miami on Nov. 27, 2016. One of the biggest early surprises under the Trump administration is that the long-standing Republican campaign against Obamacare seems to be shifting from "demolish it" to "fix it ."

Scoop: Code Black on CBS – Thursday, June 9, 2016

"Buen Arbol" - Angus uses his background in psychology to help a woman who doesn't remember how she injured herself and others. Also, when Christa bonds with an illegal immigrant whose son is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, she becomes determined to help the woman find long-term care for her son in the U.S., on a rebroadcast of CODE BLACK, Thursday, June 9 on the CBS Television Network.