When Trump Calls Latinos “Animals,” Should We Hear Echoes of the SS’s Undermen?

"Although Trump's initial move in eliminating those he sees as Undermen is to make sure they are deported if their papers are not in order, we have already seen at Charlottesville that he condones white nationalist violence against anyone who disagrees with him." In the beginning of the internet back in the late 1980s and early 1990s when you for the first time had large and contentious discussions online at bulletin boards like Usenet, attorney Mike Godwin noticed that the longer a discussion went on, the more likely it was that someone would make a Hitler comparison.

Girls Assaulted by Doctor Win $500 Million Settlement

Michigan State University on Wednesday announced a $500 million settlement with more than 300 women and girls who said they were assaulted by sports doctor Larry Nassar in the worst sex-abuse case in sports history. The deal surpasses the more than $109 million that Penn State University paid to settle claims by at least 35 people that assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky had sexually abused boys, though the Nassar settlement involves far more victims.

Ozone-Eating Chemical Emissions on the Rise

Something strange is happening with a now-banned chemical that eats away at Earth's protective ozone layer: Scientists say there's more of it - not less - going into the atmosphere and they don't know where it is coming from. When a hole in the ozone formed over Antarctica, countries around the world in 1987 agreed to phase out several types of ozone-depleting chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons .

House Republican Farm Bill Will Hurt People With Disabilities and…

The highly partisan 2018 Farm Bill proposal , which House Republicans released in mid-April, threatens to compound the hardships faced by millions of disadvantaged Americans by substantially increasing hunger and food insecurity for those who rely on food assistance from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program . The bill's effects would be especially severe for those with disabilities and for older adults-both of whom disproportionately struggle in the labor market.

Amnesty International USA Calls on Senators Not to Confirm Haspel

Reacting to news that Gina Haspel has received support from Democratic Sen. Warner for the role of CIA Director, Daphne Eviatar, Director of Security with Human Rights at Amnesty International USA stated: "Due to the overwhelming public evidence suggesting Haspel's participation and compliance with crimes including torture, enforced disappearance, and obstruction of justice, Haspel's nomination is an affront to human rights. This country has not held any officials accountable for the use of torture, so it's even more outrageous that the government is considering someone to the chief intelligence position in spite of her alleged participation in that clearly illegal and immoral activity.

Israel Facing Backlash Over Gaza Violence

Israel faced a growing backlash Tuesday and new charges of using excessive force, a day after Israeli troops firing from across a border fence killed 59 Palestinians and wounded more than 2,700 at a mass protest in Gaza. Turkey expelled Israel's ambassador, while Ireland and Belgium summoned Israeli envoys.

Eygpt Arrests Critic for Insulting President

Egyptian police detained an activist known for his harsh criticism of the government on charges including insulting President Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi, a rights lawyer said Tuesday. Fatima Harb, the wife of Shady el-Ghazaly Harb, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that prosecutors summoned her husband for an investigation into accusations of disseminating false news and insulting the president, among other charges.

Seattle to Tax Big Companies to Help the Homeless

Seattle's largest businesses such as Amazon and Starbucks will have to pay a new tax to help fund homeless services and affordable housing under a measure approved by city leaders. The City Council unanimously passed a compromise plan Monday that taxes businesses making at least $20 million in gross revenues about $275 per full-time worker each year - lower than the $500 per worker initially proposed.

Journalist Tom Wolfe Dies

Tom Wolfe, the white-suited wizard of "New Journalism" who exuberantly chronicled American culture from the Merry Pranksters through the space race before turning his satiric wit to such novels as "The Bonfire of the Vanities" and "A Man in Full," has died. He was 88. Wolfe's literary agent, Lynn Nesbit, told The Associated Press that he died of an infection Monday in a New York City hospital.

Sports-Bet Ruling May Help Sanctuary Cities

In President Donald Trump's former life as a casino owner, he might have cheered Monday's ruling from the Supreme Court that struck down a federal law that barred every state but Nevada from allowing betting on most sporting events. But the Trump administration opposed the outcome reached by the high court at least in part because it could signal trouble in its legal fight against so-called sanctuary states and cities.

Expanding the market region

The Petersen-Kaiser Family Foundation Health System tracker has a really interesting graphic on the average price paid for full knee replacements in metropolitan statistical areas in 2016 by large group insurers. There is wild variation: One of the first things I think about here is the possibility of regional trade.

Implications of Broad Loading

Over at the the Health Affairs Blog, I, along with Charles Gaba, Louise Norris and Andrew Sprung look into the implications of a possible requirement that CSR costs be broadly loaded into the individual market plans instead of the dominant Silver Load choice that almost all states have adapted. If broad loading is required, there will be significant changes in the lived experience of the ACA for subsidized buyers in most states.

Did Our Backstory Foreshadow Trump-Pence?

Arguably, more female and younger voters vote Left of Center, and to varying degrees, desire to center America on the central ideals of the Gettysburg Address, Voting Rights Act and, on our most emancipated days, the Equal Rights Amendment. However, we need stop squabbling like jealous siblings, failing to comprehend the wisdom of Solomon -- before we cut the baby in half.

Why Saying I am Sorry is Vital to Trust

I was recently talking about the power of the words " I am sorry" when someone mentioned articles by Lena Dunham and others stating that I am sorry had lost its meaning and perhaps should be banned from use. Whether it is celebrities and politicians doing the standard, yet vapid apologizing when caught doing something wrong, or women who tend automatically to preface everything with "sorry" when asking to be seen, heard, or considered, it appears we are close to losing the true meaning of I am sorry .

Gearing Up for the Third Gulf War: a Future Cataclysm between US, Israel, Saudi and Iran?

With Donald Trump's decision to shred the Iran nuclear agreement, announced last Tuesday, it's time for the rest of us to start thinking about what a Third Gulf War would mean. The answer, based on the last 16 years of American experience in the Greater Middle East, is that it won't be pretty.

Iran Foreign Minister in Moscow as Russia moves to save nuclear deal

Iran's foreign minister was in Moscow on Monday as Russia tries to keep the Iran nuclear deal alive in the wake of Washington's pull-out, pushing it into rare cooperation with Europe. Iranian state television Irib broadcasted images of Mohammad Javad Zarif in Moscow, saying he had arrived in Russia at 4am on Monday and was due to meet Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.