Climate Chaos Claims Continue Causing Consternation

Anyone who thought "manmade climate cataclysm" rhetoric couldn't possibly exceed Obama era levels should read the complaint filed in the "public nuisance" lawsuit that's being argued before Federal District Court Judge William Alsup in a California courtroom: Oakland v BP and other oil companies. The allegations read at times like they were written by a Monty Python comedy team and a couple of first year law students.

Here’s Why China Met Its Global Warming Goals Early. They Were Rigged

China's special representative on climate change, Xie Zhenhua, took the stage at the Green Carbon Summit on Monday to announce China had already met its emissions goals for 2020. What Zhenhua neglected to mention, however, is that China's global warming pledge was already in-line with what energy experts expected to happen regardless of climate policies.

‘Game-Changer’: Confirming Fears, Satellite Images Reveal Seas Rising at Increasing Rates

In a new study published Feb. 12, scientists found that global sea level rise is accelerating each year. As the Trump White House continues to advocate for the increased use of fossil fuels for energy-while every single other nation on Earth has committed to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global warming-scientists have found that global sea level rise is accelerating each year.

Ap Fact Check: Epa chief sees good in warming, experts don’t

In this Jan. 30, 2018, file photo, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt testifies before the Senate Environment Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Pruitt is once again understating the threat posed by climate change, this time by suggesting that global warming may be a good thing for humanity.

Trump pulls nomination of Kathleen Hartnett White for top environmental post

The White House said Sunday that Kathleen Hartnett White asked that her name be pulled from consideration for the position. President Trump withdrew the nomination of Kathleen Hartnett White to be the top environmental official in the White House Saturday after Senate Democrats attacked her climate change views, and few Republicans came to her defense.

Michael Bloomberg’s Silence On De Blasio’s Climate Lawsuit Speaks Volumes

Former New York Mayor-turned anti-oil activist Michael Bloomberg has yet to render a judgement about his successor's highly-publicized climate change lawsuit against oil companies. Bloomberg refuses to address the controversy, while other prominent activists take a skeptical approach toward the pursuit against Exxon Mobil and other companies criticized for producing emissions some argue contributes to global warming "Fundamentally, solving the climate problem is about looking to the future, not the past," Jason Grumet, president of the Bipartisan Policy Center, told Axios in an interview Thursday.

Anthony Scaramucci: Trump’s view on climate change might surprise you

Short-lived White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Sunday defended President Donald Trump's tweet last week on climate change, saying that his actual opinion on the subject might surprise people. "I love the President's sense of humor, but I also think he's saying something else," he told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union."

Oil Giant Exxon Just Caved To The Demands Of Global Warming Activists

Oil giant ExxonMobil has capitulated to activist shareholders and will begin issuing detailed reports on potential risks "climate change policies" pose to its business operations. "These enhancements will include energy demand sensitivities, implications of two degree Celsius scenarios, and positioning for a lower-carbon future," Exxon wrote in a federal regulatory filing submitted Monday night.

Trump administration is trying to argue that young Americans do not…

Talking 'bout my generation: Younger people are concerned with climate, but how engaged are they politically? Joe Brusky/flickr, CC BY-NC Three judges in San Francisco potentially have the power to decide how the US government deals with climate change. Later today, 21 young Americans will make the case that President Trump has endangered their future by aiding and abetting the dirty industries responsible for the global crisis.

Republicans’ Opinions on Climate Change as Variable as Weather

Matto Mildenberger, an assistant professor of political science, led a new study, published in the journal Climatic Change , that finds substantial differences in the climate change views of both Republicans and Democrats across different states and congressional districts. "While subsets of the Republican voting public do not support climate policies and hold views consistent with party elite, Republican climate and energy opinions are more varied than might be presumed from political discourse," said Mildenberger.

Protesters disrupt U.S. fossil, nuclear event at climate talks

Protesters drowned out speeches by White House advisers and business representatives Monday at an event the U.S. government sponsored at the U.N. climate talks in Germany promoting the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy. About 200 protesters stood up 10 minutes into the event and began singing an anti-coal song to the tune of "God Bless the U.S.A." They were ushered out of the room without further incident.

Tomgram: Subhankar Banerjee, The Destruction of a Vast Transnational Nursery?

Back in May 2013, a word came to mind that I wanted to see in all our vocabularies. It wasn't the ever-present "terrorist" but "terrarist" and I meant it to describe people intent on destroying the planetary environment that had welcomed and nurtured so many species, including our own, for so long; in other words, human beings willing to commit "terracide."