Bill Clinton Says Trump Won Because He Galvanized Angry White Men

Bill Clinton held nothing back while speaking with reporters from The Record-Review, a weekly paper that caters to the clusters of towns in Westchester County where the Clintons reside. The former president associated Hillary Clinton’s presidential defeat to FBI Director James Comey, but also said Donald Trump tapped into the angry white man vote, which secured his presidency.

Bill Clinton: ‘One thing’ Trump knows ‘is how to get angry, white men to vote for him’

Bill Clinton did not mince words when asked by the editor of a small New York newspaper for his thoughts on President-elect Donald Trump. The editor of the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review, a community newspaper in Westchester County, New York, bumped into Clinton at a local bookstore last week, where the former president proceeded to give candid answers about a series of election-related topics to a group that had gathered around him.