Farm Republicans revolt against Trumpa s steel a oetax.a Warn ita ll cost him at the polls.

President Donald Trump said he will impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports in response to what he called decades of unfair trade policies. Trump summoned steel and aluminum executives to the White House and told them that next week he would levy penalties of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum imports.

Congress is searching for clarity from Trump

President Donald Trump has backed off his call on raising the minimum age for rifle purchases, or at least that's what Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., believes. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., meanwhile, thinks the administration is seriously weighing expanding background checks for gun purchases.

NAFTA supporters use stock market to try to dissuade Trump from withdrawing from trade deal

When President Donald Trump met with six Republican senators last week to talk about trade, the lawmakers issued a stark warning: Implementing an unrestrained "America First" agenda - such as withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement - would endanger stock prices that have soared since his election. Just steps from the Oval Office, the president listened as GOP Sens. Cory Gardner of Colorado and Pat Roberts of Kansas depicted the potential fallout if Trump follows through on his threats to quit NAFTA.

Two questions loom over talks on GOP tax bill

Two looming questions threaten to snag the seemingly smooth trajectory of the Republicans' massive tax legislation now in its final leg in Congress. How to satisfy demands of the rebellious GOP lawmakers from high-tax states who demand concessions over a cherished deduction? And how to pay for those concessions? Even President Donald Trump has dropped his stubborn resistance to a smaller cut in the corporate tax rate as Republican leaders consider it as a way to pay for the House GOP rebels' demands.

2 questions loom over House-Senate talks on GOP tax bill

Two looming questions threaten to snag the seemingly smooth trajectory of the Republicans ' massive tax legislation now in its final leg in Congress. How to satisfy demands of the rebellious GOP lawmakers from high-tax states who demand concessions over a cherished deduction? And how to pay for those concessions? Even President Donald Trump has dropped his stubborn resistance to a smaller cut in the corporate tax rate as Republican leaders consider it as a way to pay for the House GOP rebels' demands.

Smith awaits the president’s signature for confirmation

The Atlantic resident was nominated in September to the board of directors for the Farm Credit Administration and on Tuesday, Pat Roberts, chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Chairman Pat Roberts, and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, announced that Smith's nomination was confirmed by the Senate, and Smith ... (more)

The Latest: Dems pullout of WH meeting after Trump’s tweet

President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans are scrambling to change a Republic... . Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., a member of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee, leaves the Senate floor during votes on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday evening, Nov. 27, 2017.

North Topeka YMCA takes on new focus: To serve militaryveterans

Military images - including this picture of a fighter jet - now decorate the renovated North Topeka YMCA building at 1936 N.W. Tyler, which is being transformed into the "Veteran's YMCA" for this community. More than 150 people attended a ceremony held late Saturday morning just outside the branch building at 1936 N.W. Tyler to celebrate its transformation into the "Veteran's YMCA" for this community.

The Latest: Prosecutors say Manafort financial reports vary

In a court filing, the office of special counsel Robert Mueller says the precise value of Manafort's assets is hard to quantify. They say in November 2016 and January 2017, he noted assets to be worth approximately $25 million, but he has provided significantly higher amounts at other times.

The Latest: Senator calls to delay Trump nominee hearing

A leading Democrat on the Senate Agriculture Committee says a confirmation hearing for one of President Donald Trump's nominees should be delayed in light of new twists in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. Trump has nominated former campaign adviser Sam Clovis to serve as chief scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Senate Republicans don’t trust Trump’s health care statements anymore

President Donald Trump's credibility is so low within the Senate that, even when he issues a tweet that seems to undermine their attempt to pass a health care reform bill, it no longer fazes the senators themselves. "In this town, at this time, change seems to be the norm.

Republican leaders: Senate wona t vote on Obamacare repeal

Facing assured defeat, Republican leaders decided Tuesday not to even hold a vote on the GOP's latest attempt to repeal the Obama health care law, surrendering on their last-gasp effort to deliver on the party's banner campaign promise. Leaving a lunch of Republican senators who'd gathered to discuss their next steps on the issue, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other leaders decided that "the votes are not there, not to have the vote."

Boeing takes on a competitor

In the most recent quarter, Boeing reported profits well-ahead of analysts' expectations and increased its earnings projections for the full year. A large part of the profit was generated by record-high production rates on the 737 aircraft, and about a $530 million cash injection from 787 orders.

Words matter when coupled with thoughtful deliberation

Words, the stock in trade of politics and public policy, express value with as much volatility and meaning as any commodity, stock or bond. Words can be used subtly in ways that let us find meanings in the deeds and thoughts of people across time from many cultures and environments.

Massachusetts jogger slaying suspect indicted for murder

A suspect has been indicted for murder in the death of a 27-year-old woman who was killed last summer while jogging in broad daylight in Massachusetts.An... -- When Barack Obama was president, his tight relationship with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was dubbed a political "bromance." Now, there appears to be a new... WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Pat Roberts has joined Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Jon Tester to introduce the bipartisan Agriculture Equipment and M... OMAHA, Neb.

Trump’s food stamp cuts face hard sell in Congress

President Donald Trump's proposal to slash food stamps by a third will be a hard sell in Congress, even as Republicans have tried repeatedly to scale back the program's $70 billion annual cost. Democrats will oppose any changes to the program, which is designed as a temporary safety net for Americans who find themselves unable to adequately feed themselves or their families.