Watchdog: EPA spending on water pollution campaign was legal

The Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General says the agency didn't violate the law when it gave an outside group money for a campaign to fight water pollution from farming. It was dubbed "What's Upstream?" and urged people - through billboards, a website and other media - to push for new restrictions on pollution from farmers.

San Bernardino school had no knowledge of teacher’s troubled relationship with shooter, police say

California school officials at the site of Monday's killing and suicide that left three people dead had no prior knowledge of the ongoing con... -- In the wake of the U.S. airstrikes in Syria last week in response to a chemical attack that killed dozens of people, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said it... WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, today welcomed an announcement from the U.S. D... Kearney, Neb.

Vilsack leaving USDA early, no Trump replacement named

Secretary Tom Vilsack left the Agriculture Department a week before his tenure ends and before President-elect Donald Trump has chosen his replacement. Vilsack, who has led USDA for eight years and was President Barack Obama's longest-serving Cabinet secretary, told employees in an email that Friday is his final day.

Canada-U.S. trade not broken so no need for Trump to fix it: Freeland

But Canada's trade minister says the world-leading trade relationship between Canada and the United States need not be on the president-elect's to-do list. "I think the reality is the trading relationship with Canada is the farthest possible thing from being broken.

Kris Kobach, Immigration Hard-Liner, Could Be Trump’s Attorney General

Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state whose hard-line immigration stance has caught the attention of President-elect Donald Trump, could be a candidate for attorney general. Kobach, already a member of Trump's transition team, advised Trump on immigration policy, one of the Republican's top priorities, throughout the campaign and added Trump's promise to build a wall along the southern border to the Republican Party's national platform.

‘Ike’ Eisenhower will get his own memorial in D.C.

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower visits paratroopers in England on June 5, 1944, moments before the troops boarded transport planes bound for Normandy and the June 6 D-Day invasion. WASHINGTON - The grandchildren of Dwight D. Eisenhower have reached an agreement with the architect of a long-planned memorial to the former president and supreme allied commander in Washington, ending an impasse over the project's design.

The truth about the Huelskamps and the ‘Kathy Hanks incident’

Actually, there have been two incidents that the Huelskamp team has looked to and used as evidence that The News is out to get them - not just politically, but personally - with the implication that we mean them actual, physical harm.

U.S. Chamber spends big to defeat Kansas Rep. Huelskamp

Less than a week before the Republican primary in Kansas' 1st Congressional District, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has thrown its support behind physician Roger Marshall in his bid to defeat Rep. Tim Huelskamp. The chamber's political arm is spending $200,000 on ads to support Marshall and another $200,000 on ads to oppose Huelskamp.

Democrats working to expand Senate map into red states

Following a recruiting success in Indiana, Democrats are eyeing Kansas as they try to expand their playing field into red states and take back the Senate. GOP Sen. Jerry Moran is up for re-election in Kansas, Republican-friendly territory that's on few lists of competitive races this year.

It’s time to stand up for consumers’ right to know what’s in their food

Congress has only a few days left to pass a GMO labeling bill through the Senate and House before Vermont's mandatory labeling law takes effect July 1. And while Maine, Vermont and Connecticut have clearly spoken on the issue, there is still discussion in Washington around developing a "compromise" piece of legislation that would pre-empt existing bills in those states. Throughout households in Maine and across the country, this is a nonpartisan issue, with more than 90 percent of people polled reporting they believe they have the right to know whether their food contains GMOs.

Topeka Memorial Day events include grave marker dedication for Lincoln bodyguard

A historical group dedicated a new Topeka Cemetery grave marker Monday for John Holmes, a bodyguard for President Abraham Lincoln. The ceremony was one of several held Monday in Topeka to honor veterans, with one featuring Sen. Pat Roberts as guest speaker.