Throwback Thursday: Sarah Palin resigns as Alaska governor

It's been nine years to the day since former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin officially stepped down from office, shocking political analysts and the Republican establishment. At the press conference announcing her decision, Palin said that she had been thinking about resigning for a while, and that "I'm not wired to operate under the same old politics as usual."

Bipartisan bill would prevent Trump from exiting NATO without Senate approval

A bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation Thursday that would prevent President Donald Trump from leaving North Atlantic Treaty Organization without the Senate's consent. Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Jack Reed of Rhode Island as well as Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Cory Gardner of Colorado announced the bill that "formalizes the Senate's opposition to withdrawing from the treaty" on Thursday, according to a statement.

Hickenlooper says moderation is best path for Democrats

Gov. John Hickenlooper at a July 6 press conference on the Lake Christine fire in El Jebel with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, back left and Sen. Cory Gardner, right. Gov. John Hickenlooper at a July 6 press conference on the Lake Christine fire in El Jebel with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, back left and Sen. Cory Gardner, right.

After millions in ad spending, poll shows Rick Scott-Bill Nelson Senate race hasn’t budged

Despite millions of dollars in television ad spending, Florida's U.S. Senate race between Bill Nelson and Rick Scott hasn't budged. The new results, from a poll conducted Friday and Saturday, are exactly the same as the percentages from an FAU poll released May 8 .

What Gov. Browna s emergency declaration means for Cranston fire victims

A CalFire fighter hosed down hot spots on one of the homes on Deer Foot Lane burned in the fast moving Cranston fire in the San Bernardino National Forest in Idyllwild on Wednesday, July 25, 2018. Gov. Jerry Brown's declaration of a state of emergency Thursday, July 26, for Riverside County as the Cranston fire burns in the San Jacinto Mountains brings state resources into play for both fighting the fire and helping during the recovery once it's brought under control.

Arrested Hooksett mom was on ICE list to be deported

Federal immigration officials will review the status of a Hooksett woman who police arrested on Monday night after her two children, 4 and 6, were found walking along a busy stretch of Hooksett Road,... For better or worse, summer basketball for high school players isn't what it used to be.

Sacha Baron Cohen

Georgia state lawmaker Jason Spencer has announced his resignation from public office, after repeatedly shouting the n-word, dropping his trousers and putting on an offensive Asian accent on Sacha Baron Cohen 's new show Who is America? . In the scene, which you can watch below, Baron Cohen poses as an Israeli anti-terrorism expert named Captain Erran Morad, leading Spencer to believe he was shooting a martial arts lesson.

Tweet using image of slain journalist has burger chain, media firm apologizing

Federal immigration officials will review the status of a Hooksett woman who police arrested on Monday night after her two children, 4 and 6, were found walking along a busy stretch of Hooksett Road,... For better or worse, summer basketball for high school players isn't what it used to be.

A religious freedom summit cana t undo Trumpa s record on Islam

This week's State Department ministerial on international religious freedom has been a well-orchestrated, if hastily organized, event with a sense of common purpose rarely seen in the current administration. It prominently features the work of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, as bipartisan a body as you'll find in Washington these days.

Corn growers give President’s Award to N.D. senatorSen. Hoeven serves …

National Corn Growers Association President Kevin Skunes presented NCGA's 2018 President's Award to North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven. The President's Award is given annually at NCGA's Corn Congress meeting in Washington to a leader who has worked to advance issues important to corn growers and agriculture.

Trump looms over Republican nominating contest for Georgia governor

FILE PHOTO: Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp speaks with visitors to the state capitol about the "SEC primary" involving a group of sou - Republican voters in Georgia on Tuesday will choose their party's nominee for governor in a two-man faceoff that has become a proxy battle between U.S. President Donald Trump and the state's popular Republican governor, Nathan Deal. In May, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle, who has Deal's endorsement, finished ahead of Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

Californiaa s November elections a clear referendum on Trump

California's top-two primary carried the risk of producing only candidates of one party on the November ballot. This actually happened in a number of legislative and congressional districts, but they were not any of the contested ones.