ROBERTS: The deadly liberal delusion

Does anybody here remember Blanche Lincoln? She was a two-term senator from Arkansas, a moderate Democrat who prospered in a red state by defying liberal power brokers like big labor. The unions and ultra-left pressure groups went after her big-time in 2010, backing a primary challenge by Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter.

Washington news in brief

Until last week, Womack and U.S. Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., were the only four-term congressmen with perfect records. The Michigander was busy denouncing health care legislation supported by the White House, Politico reported, and didn't realize that the clock was running out.

Arkansas delegation makes excuses for skipping town hall

Indivisible Central Arkansas drew several hundred people to a "Missing Persons" town hall Sunday afternoon at St. Michael's Episcopal Church attended only by photographs of Sens. John Boozman and Tom Cotton and U.S. Rep. French Hill. Here's a link to video of the event.

Keep Guantanamo and grow it, GOP senators say in letter to Trump

A group of Republican senators has written President Donald Trump to not only keep the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but to suspend the parole-style review board and grow the prison population. Four of the 11 senators who wrote Trump represent Colorado, Kansas and South Carolina - states the Obama administration had considered as possible sites for relocation of the last 41 Guantanamo detainees.

This Day in Trump, Day 14: Troubles down under

On Thursday, President Donald Trump and his administration - and various members of Congress - dealt with fallout after a standard congratulatory call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Wednesday went south. Trump also attended the National Prayer Breakfast, where he pledged to "totally destroy" an IRS rule that prevents churches from engaging in explicitly political activity.

Senate confirms Mattis, Kelly

The Senate voted 98-1 for Mattis and 88-11 for Kelly while Trump's inaugural parade was proceeding from the Capitol to the White House on a damp evening in Washington. Sens. John Boozman and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., voted in support of both nominations.

Conway vows to go after political consultants

Kellyanne Conway, senior advisor to President-elect Trump's transition team, vowed Tuesday to rein in the power of political consultants, in addition to that of lobbyists. "Draining the swamp is not just about lobbying and politicians, it's also about consultants," Conway said during an interview on "The Laura Ingraham Show" radio program on Tuesday.

Trump’s threat to end Cuba detente may rouse GOP opposition

President-elect Donald Trump's threat Monday to "terminate" the U.S. detente with Cuba could trigger opposition from some Republican lawmakers and corporate leaders who favor continued engagement with Havana. Since 2014, when President Barack Obama began to normalize relations with the island, the United States has taken numerous steps to increase commercial travel, commerce and the flow of information to Cuba.

Arkansas election could underscore Republican gains in state

It's hard to escape Hillary Clinton's legacy in Arkansas, where she was first lady for 12 years and where her name adorns the state's biggest airport and children's library. On Tuesday, though, the state that the Democratic presidential candidate called home for many years will almost surely give its six electoral votes to her Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

A look at where Boozman, Eldridge stand on issues

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A look at where Republican U.S. Sen. John Boozman and Democratic challenger Conner Eldridge stand on several issues in Arkansas' U.S. Senate race: Boozman opposed the Affordable Care Act and has repeatedly voted for its repeal.

Eldridge, Arkansas Democrats back medical marijuana

Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Conner Eldridge endorsed legalizing medical marijuana on Monday, a move that comes days after Arkansas Democrats voted to support making the drug available to some patients. But both Eldridge and state Democrats stopped short of endorsing either one of two competing ballot measures on medical marijuana.

Eldridge: Trump remark about Clinton, 2nd Amendment ‘no laughing matter’

Democratic senatorial candidate Conner Eldridge has issued a statement blasting Donald Trump' s comment yesterday suggesting a "Second Amendment " solution to avoiding Hillary Clinton appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court. "Donald Trump's reference yesterday to individuals taking violent action against Hillary Clinton is astounding.

Eldridge criticizes Boozman’s votes on gun control bills

Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Conner Eldridge criticized Republican Sen. John Boozman Wednesday for opposing an effort to prevent terrorists from buying guns, saying an alternative measure backed by the Arkansas lawmaker doesn't go far enough. Speaking to the Political Animals Club, Eldridge said he supports a proposal by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein that would let the federal government block many gun sales to known or suspected terrorists.

Obama is off to Asia to boost trade, cooperation

In this Friday May 20, 2016 photo released by the Catholic Archdiocese of Hue, Catholic priest Nguyen Van Ly, right, prays as he is welcomed back by Archbishop Tadeo to his parish in Hue, Ha Nam province, Vietnam. Vietnam granted early release from prison to Ly who is one of its most prominent dissidents, a move widely seen as a goodwill gesture before U.S. President Barack Obama arrives on an official visit late Sunday night.

Obama leaves for Asia to boost trade, cooperation

President Barack Obama is leaving on a weeklong, 16,000-mile trip to Asia as part of his effort to pay more attention to the region and boost economic and security cooperation. He'll spend three days in Vietnam, with stops in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, for meetings with top leaders, a speech on US-Vietnam relations, visits to cultural treasures and sessions with civic leaders and entrepreneurs.